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vanity fair(名利场)-第151章

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respectful terms that they also would be one day called
upon to pass that gloomy and mysterious portal which had
just closed upon the remains of their lamented brother。
Then the tenantry mounted on horseback again; or stayed
and refreshed themselves at the Crawley Arms。  Then;
after a lunch in the servants' hall at Queen's Crawley;
the gentry's carriages wheeled off to their different
destinations:  then the undertaker's men; taking the ropes;
palls; velvets; ostrich feathers; and other mortuary
properties; clambered up on the roof of the hearse and rode
off to Southampton。  Their faces relapsed into a natural
expression as the horses; clearing the lodge…gates; got into
a brisker trot on the open road; and squads of them
might have been seen; speckling with black the
public…house entrances; with pewter…pots flashing in the
sunshine。  Sir Pitt's invalid chair was wheeled away into a
tool…house in the garden; the old pointer used to howl
sometimes at first; but these were the only accents of
grief which were heard in the Hall of which Sir Pitt
Crawley; Baronet; had been master for some threescore years。
As the birds were pretty plentiful; and partridge shooting
is as it were the duty of an English gentleman of
statesmanlike propensities; Sir Pitt Crawley; the first shock of
grief over; went out a little and partook of that diversion
in a white hat with crape round it。  The sight of those fields
of stubble and turnips; now his own; gave him many secret
joys。  Sometimes; and with an exquisite humility; he
took no gun; but went out with a peaceful bamboo cane;
Rawdon; his big brother; and the keepers blazing away at
his side。  Pitt's money and acres had a great effect upon
his brother。  The penniless Colonel became quite obsequious
and respectful to the head of his house; and despised
the milksop Pitt no longer。  Rawdon listened with sympathy
to his senior's prospects of planting and draining; gave
his advice about the stables and cattle; rode
over to Mudbury to look at a mare; which he thought
would carry Lady Jane; and offered to break her;
&c。:  the rebellious dragoon was quite humbled and
subdued; and became a most creditable younger brother。  He
had constant bulletins from Miss Briggs in London
respecting little Rawdon; who was left behind there; who
sent messages of his own。  〃I am very well;〃 he wrote。  〃I
hope you are very well。  I hope Mamma is very well。  The
pony is very well。  Grey takes me to ride in the park。
I can canter。  I met the little boy who rode before。  He
cried when he cantered。  I do not cry。〃 Rawdon read these
letters to his brother and Lady Jane; who was delighted
with them。  The Baronet promised to take charge of the lad
at school; and his kind…hearted wife gave Rebecca a
bank…note; begging her to buy a present with it for her little
One day followed another; and the ladies of the house
passed their life in those calm pursuits and amusements
which satisfy country ladies。  Bells rang to meals and
to prayers。  The young ladies took exercise on the
pianoforte every morning after breakfast; Rebecca giving
them the benefit of her instruction。  Then they put on thick
shoes and walked in the park or shrubberies; or beyond
the palings into the village; descending upon the cottages;
with Lady Southdown's medicine and tracts for the
sick people there。  Lady Southdown drove out in a
pony…chaise; when Rebecca would take her place by the
Dowager's side and listen to her solemn talk with the utmost
interest。  She sang Handel and Haydn to the family of
evenings; and engaged in a large piece of worsted work; as if
she had been born to the business and as if this kind
of life was to continue with her until she should sink to
the grave in a polite old age; leaving regrets and a great
quantity of consols behind heras if there were not cares
and duns; schemes; shifts; and poverty waiting outside
the park gates; to pounce upon her when she issued into
the world again。
〃It isn't difficult to be a country gentleman's wife;〃
Rebecca thought。  〃I think I could be a good woman if
I had five thousand a year。  I could dawdle about in the
nursery and count the apricots on the wall。  I could water
plants in a green…house and pick off dead leaves from the
geraniums。  I could ask old women about their rheumatisms
and order half…a…crown's worth of soup for
the poor。  I shouldn't miss it much; out of five thousand
a year。  I could even drive out ten miles to dine at a
neighbour's; and dress in the fashions of the year before last。
I could go to church and keep awake in the great family
pew; or go to sleep behind the curtains; with my veil
down; if I only had practice。  I could pay everybody; if
I had but the money。  This is what the conjurors here
pride themselves upon doing。  They look down with pity
upon us miserable sinners who have none。  They think
themselves generous if they give our children a five…pound
note; and us contemptible if we are without one。〃 And
who knows but Rebecca was right in her speculations
and that it was only a question of money and fortune
which made the difference between her and an honest
woman? If you take temptations into account; who is to
say that he is better than his neighbour? A comfortable
career of prosperity; if it does not make people honest; at
least keeps them so。  An alderman coming from a turtle
feast will not step out of his carnage to steal a leg of
mutton; but put him to starve; and see if he will not
purloin a loaf。  Becky consoled herself by so balancing the
chances and equalizing the distribution of good and evil
in the world。
The old haunts; the old fields and woods; the copses;
ponds; and gardens; the rooms of the old house where
she had spent a couple of years seven years ago; were all
carefully revisited by her。  She had been young there; or
comparatively so; for she forgot the time when she ever
WAS youngbut she remembered her thoughts and
feelings seven years back and contrasted them with those
which she had at present; now that she had seen the
world; and lived with great people; and raised herself far
beyond her original humble station。
〃I have passed beyond it; because I have brains;〃 Becky
thought; 〃and almost all the rest of the world are fools。
I could not go back and consort with those people now;
whom I used to meet in my father's studio。  Lords come up
to my door with stars and garters; instead of poor
artists with screws of tobacco in their pockets。  I have a
gentleman for my husband; and an Earl's daughter for my
sister; in the very house where I was little better than a
servant a few years ago。  But am I much better to do now
in the world than I was when I was the poor painter's
daughter and wheedled the grocer round the corner for
sugar and tea? Suppose I had married Francis who was
so fond of meI couldn't have been much poorer than
I am now。  Heigho!  I wish I could exchange my position
in society; and all my relations for a snug sum in the
Three Per Cent。  Consols〃; for so it was that Becky felt
the Vanity of human affairs; and it was in those securities
that she would have liked to cast anchor。
It may; perhaps; have struck her that to
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