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vanity fair(名利场)-第174章

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pounds in small notes and the remainder in one note〃:
and passing through St。  Paul's Churchyard stopped there
and bought the handsomest black silk gown for Briggs
which money could buy; and which; with a kiss and the
kindest speeches; she presented to the simple old
Then she walked to Mr。 Raggles; inquired about his
children affectionately; and gave him fifty pounds on
account。  Then she went to the livery…man from whom
she jobbed her carriages and gratified him with a similar
sum。  〃And I hope this will be a lesson to you; Spavin;〃
she said; 〃and that on the next drawing…room day my
brother; Sir Pitt; will not be inconvenienced by being
obliged to take four of us in his carriage to wait upon
His Majesty; because my own carriage is not forthcoming。〃
It appears there had been a difference on the last
drawing…room day。  Hence the degradation which the
Colonel had almost suffered; of being obliged to enter
the presence of his Sovereign in a hack cab。
These arrangements concluded; Becky paid a visit
upstairs to the before…mentioned desk; which Amelia
Sedley had given her years and years ago; and which
contained a number of useful and valuable little thingsin
which private museum she placed the one note which
Messrs。  Jones and Robinson's cashier had given her。

In Which We Enjoy Three Courses and a Dessert
When the ladies of Gaunt House were at breakfast that
morning; Lord Steyne (who took his chocolate in private
and seldom disturbed the females of his household;
or saw them except upon public days; or when they
crossed each other in the hall; or when from his
pit…box at the opera he surveyed them in their box on the
grand tier) his lordship; we say; appeared among the
ladies and the children who were assembled over the
tea and toast; and a battle royal ensued apropos of
〃My Lady Steyne;〃 he said; 〃I want to see the list
for your dinner on Friday; and I want you; if you please;
to write a card for Colonel and Mrs。 Crawley。〃
〃Blanche writes them;〃 Lady Steyne said in a flutter。
〃Lady Gaunt writes them。〃
〃I will not write to that person;〃 Lady Gaunt said;
a tall and stately lady; who looked up for an instant
and then down again after she had spoken。  It was not
good to meet Lord Steyne's eyes for those who had
offended him。
〃Send the children out of the room。  Go!〃 said he
pulling at the bell…rope。  The urchins; always frightened
before him; retired:  their mother would have followed
too。  〃Not you;〃 he said。  〃You stop。〃
〃My Lady Steyne;〃 he said; 〃once more will you have
the goodness to go to the desk and write that card for
your dinner on Friday?〃
〃My Lord; I will not be present at it;〃 Lady Gaunt
said; 〃I will go home。〃
〃I wish you would; and stay there。  You will find
the bailiffs at Bareacres very pleasant company; and I
shall be freed from lending money to your relations and
from your own damned tragedy airs。  Who are you to
give orders here? You have no money。  You've got no
brains。  You were here to have children; and you have
not had any。  Gaunt's tired of you; and George's wife
is the only person in the family who doesn't wish you
were dead。  Gaunt would marry again if you were。〃
〃I wish I were;〃 her Ladyship answered with tears
and rage in her eyes。
〃You; forsooth; must give yourself airs of virtue; while
my wife; who is an immaculate saint; as everybody knows;
and never did wrong in her life; has no objection to meet
my young friend Mrs。 Crawley。  My Lady Steyne knows
that appearances are sometimes against the best of
women; that lies are often told about the most innocent
of them。  Pray; madam; shall I tell you some little
anecdotes about my Lady Bareacres; your mamma?〃
〃You may strike me if you like; sir; or hit any cruel
blow;〃 Lady Gaunt said。  To see his wife and daughter
suffering always put his Lordship into a good humour。
〃My sweet Blanche;〃 he said; 〃I am a gentleman; and
never lay my hand upon a woman; save in the way of
kindness。  I only wish to correct little faults in your
character。  You women are too proud; and sadly lack
humility; as Father Mole; I'm sure; would tell my Lady
Steyne if he were here。  You mustn't give yourselves airs;
you must be meek and humble; my blessings。  For all
Lady Steyne knows; this calumniated; simple; good…
humoured Mrs。 Crawley is quite innocenteven more
innocent than herself。  Her husband's character is not
good; but it is as good as Bareacres'; who has played
a little and not paid a great deal; who cheated you out
of the only legacy you ever had and left you a pauper
on my hands。  And Mrs。 Crawley is not very well…born;
but she is not worse than Fanny's illustrious ancestor;
the first de la Jones。〃
〃The money which I brought into the family; sir;〃 Lady
George cried out
〃You purchased a contingent reversion with it;〃 the
Marquis said darkly。  〃If Gaunt dies; your husband may
come to his honours; your little boys may inherit them;
and who knows what besides? In the meanwhile; ladies;
be as proud and virtuous as you like abroad; but don't
give ME any airs。  As for Mrs。 Crawley's character; I
shan't demean myself or that most spotless and perfectly
irreproachable lady by even hinting that it requires a
defence。  You will be pleased to receive her with the
utmost cordiality; as you will receive all persons whom
I present in this house。  This house?〃 He broke out with
a laugh。  〃Who is the master of it? and what is it?
This Temple of Virtue belongs to me。  And if I invite all
Newgate or all Bedlam here; by  they shall be
After this vigorous allocution; to one of which sort
Lord Steyne treated his 〃Hareem〃 whenever symptoms
of insubordination appeared in his household; the
crestfallen women had nothing for it but to obey。  Lady Gaunt
wrote the invitation which his Lordship required; and
she and her mother…in…law drove in person; and with
bitter and humiliated hearts; to leave the cards on Mrs。
Rawdon; the reception of which caused that innocent
woman so much pleasure。
There were families in London who would have
sacrificed a year's income to receive such an honour at the
hands of those great ladies。  Mrs。 Frederick Bullock; for
instance; would have gone on her knees from May Fair
to Lombard Street; if Lady Steyne and Lady Gaunt had
been waiting in the City to raise her up and say; 〃Come
to us next Friday〃not to one of the great crushes and
grand balls of Gaunt House; whither everybody went; but
to the sacred; unapproachable; mysterious; delicious
entertainments; to be admitted to one of which was a
privilege; and an honour; and a blessing indeed。
Severe; spotless; and beautiful; Lady Gaunt held the
very highest rank in Vanity Fair。  The distinguished
courtesy with which Lord Steyne treated her charmed
everybody who witnessed his behaviour; caused the severest
critics to admit how perfect a gentleman he was; and to
own that his Lordship's heart at least was in the right
The ladies of Gaunt House called Lady Bareacres in to
their aid; in order to repulse the common enemy。  One
of Lady Gaunt's carriages went to Hill Street for her
Ladyship's mother; all whose equipages were in the hands
of the bail
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