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vanity fair(名利场)-第183章

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present day:  and their amusements pretty similar。  To us;
from the outside; gazing over the policeman's shoulders
at the bewildering beauties as they pass into Court or
ball; they may seem beings of unearthly splendour and in
the enjoyment of an exquisite happiness by us unattainable。
It is to console some of these dissatisfied beings
that we are narrating our dear Becky's struggles; and
triumphs; and disappointments; of all of which; indeed;
as is the case with all persons of merit; she had her share。
At this time the amiable amusement of acting charades
had come among us from France; and was considerably
in vogue in this country; enabling the many ladies
amongst us who had beauty to display their charms; and
the fewer number who had cleverness to exhibit their wit。
My Lord Steyne was incited by Becky; who perhaps
believed herself endowed with both the above qualifications;
to give an entertainment at Gaunt House; which should
include some of these little dramasand we must take
leave to introduce the reader to this brilliant reunion;
and; with a melancholy welcome too; for it will be among
the very last of the fashionable entertainments to which
it will be our fortune to conduct him。
A portion of that splendid room; the picture gallery of
Gaunt House; was arranged as the charade theatre。  It
had been so used when George III was king; and a
picture of the Marquis of Gaunt is still extant; with his hair
in powder and a pink ribbon; in a Roman shape; as it
was called; enacting the part of Cato in Mr。 Addison's
tragedy of that name; performed before their Royal
Highnesses the Prince of Wales; the Bishop of Osnaburgh;
and Prince William Henry; then children like the actor。
One or two of the old properties were drawn out of the
garrets; where they had lain ever since; and furbished up
anew for the present festivities。
Young Bedwin Sands; then an elegant dandy and Eastern
traveller; was manager of the revels。  An Eastern traveller
was somebody in those days; and the adventurous
Bedwin; who had published his quarto and passed some
months under the tents in the desert; was a personage of
no small importance。  In his volume there were several
pictures of Sands in various oriental costumes; and he
travelled about with a black attendant of most
unprepossessing appearance; just like another Brian de Bois
Guilbert。  Bedwin; his costumes; and black man; were
hailed at Gaunt House as very valuable acquisitions。
He led off the first charade。  A Turkish officer with an
immense plume of feathers (the Janizaries were
supposed to be still in existence; and the tarboosh had not
as yet displaced the ancient and majestic head…dress of
the true believers) was seen couched on a divan; and
making believe to puff at a narghile; in which; however;
for the sake of the ladies; only a fragrant pastille was
allowed to smoke。  The Turkish dignitary yawns and
expresses signs of weariness and idleness。  He claps his hands
and Mesrour the Nubian appears; with bare arms;
bangles; yataghans; and every Eastern ornamentgaunt;
tall; and hideous。  He makes a salaam before my lord the
A thrill of terror and delight runs through the assembly。
The ladies whisper to one another。  The black slave
was given to Bedwin Sands by an Egyptian pasha in
exchange for three dozen of Maraschino。  He has sewn up
ever so many odalisques in sacks and tilted them into
the Nile。
〃Bid the slave…merchant enter;〃 says the Turkish
voluptuary with a wave of his hand。  Mesrour conducts the
slave…merchant into my lord's presence; he brings a
veiled female with him。  He removes the veil。  A thrill of
applause bursts through the house。  It is Mrs。 Winkworth
(she was a Miss Absolom) with the beautiful eyes and
hair。  She is in a gorgeous oriental costume; the black
braided locks are twined with innumerable jewels; her
dress is covered over with gold piastres。  The odious
Mahometan expresses himself charmed by her beauty。  She
falls down on her knees and entreats him to restore her
to the mountains where she was born; and where her
Circassian lover is still deploring the absence of his Zuleikah。
No entreaties will move the obdurate Hassan。  He
laughs at the notion of the Circassian bridegroom。
Zuleikah covers her face with her hands and drops down in
an attitude of the most beautiful despair。  There seems to
be no hope for her; whenwhen the Kislar Aga appears。
The Kislar Aga brings a letter from the Sultan。  Hassan
receives and places on his head the dread firman。  A
ghastly terror seizes him; while on the Negro's face (it is
Mesrour again in another costume) appears a ghastly
joy。  〃Mercy!  mercy!〃 cries the Pasha:  while the Kislar
Aga; grinning horribly; pulls outa bow…string。
The curtain draws just as he is going to use that awful
weapon。  Hassan from within bawls out; 〃First two
syllables〃and Mrs。 Rawdon Crawley; who is going to act in
the charade; comes forward and compliments Mrs。
Winkworth on the admirable taste and beauty of her
The second part of the charade takes place。  It is still
an Eastern scene。  Hassan; in another dress; is in an
attitude by Zuleikah; who is perfectly reconciled to him。
The Kislar Aga has become a peaceful black slave。  It is
sunrise on the desert; and the Turks turn their heads
eastwards and bow to the sand。  As there are no dromedaries
at hand; the band facetiously plays 〃The Camels
are coming。〃 An enormous Egyptian head figures in the
scene。  It is a musical oneand; to the surprise of the
oriental travellers; sings a comic song; composed by Mr。
Wagg。  The Eastern voyagers go off dancing; like
Papageno and the Moorish King in The Magic Flute。  〃Last
two syllables;〃 roars the head。
The last act opens。  It is a Grecian tent this time。  A
tall and stalwart man reposes on a couch there。  Above
him hang his helmet and shield。  There is no need for
them now。  Ilium is down。  Iphigenia is slain。  Cassandra is
a prisoner in his outer halls。  The king of men (it is
Colonel Crawley; who; indeed; has no notion about the sack
of Ilium or the conquest of Cassandra); the anax andron
is asleep in his chamber at Argos。  A lamp casts the
broad shadow of the sleeping warrior flickering on the
wallthe sword and shield of Troy glitter in its light。
The band plays the awful music of Don Juan; before the
statue enters。
Aegisthus steals in pale and on tiptoe。  What is that
ghastly face looking out balefully after him from behind
the arras? He raises his dagger to strike the sleeper; who
turns in his bed; and opens his broad chest as if for the
blow。  He cannot strike the noble slumbering chieftain。
Clytemnestra glides swiftly into the room like an
apparitionher arms are bare and whiteher tawny hair
floats down her shouldersher face is deadly paleand
her eyes are lighted up with a smile so ghastly that
people quake as they look at her。
A tremor ran through the room。  〃Good God!〃 somebody
said; 〃it's Mrs。 Rawdon Crawley。〃
Scornfully she snatches the dagger out of Aegisthus's
hand and advances to the bed。  You see it shining over
her head in the glimmer of the lamp; andand the lamp
goes out; with a groan; and all is dark。
The darkness and the sce
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