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vanity fair(名利场)-第188章

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got a second supply out of me the other day; with her
coaxing ways。  She beats all the women I have ever seen
in the course of all my well…spent life。  They are babies
compared to her。  I am a greenhorn myself; and a fool in
her handsan old fool。  She is unsurpassable in lies。〃
His lordship's admiration for Becky rose immeasurably
at this proof of her cleverness。  Getting the money was
nothingbut getting double the sum she wanted; and
paying nobodyit was a magnificent stroke。  And Crawley;
my lord thoughtCrawley is not such a fool as he
looks and seems。  He has managed the matter cleverly
enough on his side。  Nobody would ever have supposed
from his face and demeanour that he knew anything
about this money business; and yet he put her up to it;
and has spent the money; no doubt。  In this opinion my
lord; we know; was mistaken; but it influenced a good
deal his behaviour towards Colonel Crawley; whom he
began to treat with even less than that semblance of
respect which he had formerly shown towards that
gentleman。  It never entered into the head of Mrs。
Crawley's patron that the little lady might be making a
purse for herself; and; perhaps; if the truth must be told;
he judged of Colonel Crawley by his experience of other
husbands; whom he had known in the course of the long
and well…spent life which had made him acquainted with
a great deal of the weakness of mankind。  My lord had
bought so many men during his life that he was surely
to be pardoned for supposing that he had found the price
of this one。
He taxed Becky upon the point on the very first occasion
when he met her alone; and he complimented her;
good…humouredly; on her cleverness in getting more than
the money which she required。  Becky was only a little
taken aback。  It was not the habit of this dear creature
to tell falsehoods; except when necessity compelled; but
in these great emergencies it was her practice to lie very
freely; and in an instant she was ready with another neat
plausible circumstantial story which she administered to
her patron。  The previous statement which she had made
to him was a falsehooda wicked falsehoodshe
owned it。  But who had made her tell it? 〃Ah; my Lord;〃
she said; 〃you don't know all I have to suffer and bear
in silence; you see me gay and happy before youyou
little know what I have to endure when there is no
protector near me。  It was my husband; by threats and
the most savage treatment; forced me to ask for that
sum about which I deceived you。  It was he who;
foreseeing that questions might be asked regarding the
disposal of the money; forced me to account for it as I
did。  He took the money。  He told me he had paid Miss
Briggs; I did not want; I did not dare to doubt him。
Pardon the wrong which a desperate man is forced to
commit; and pity a miserable; miserable woman。〃 She
burst into tears as she spoke。  Persecuted virtue never
looked more bewitchingly wretched。
They had a long conversation; driving round and round
the Regent's Park in Mrs。 Crawley's carriage together;
a conversation of which it is not necessary to repeat
the details; but the upshot of it was that; when Becky
came home; she flew to her dear Briggs with a smiling
face and announced that she had some very good news
for her。  Lord Steyne had acted in the noblest and most
generous manner。  He was always thinking how and when
he could do good。  Now that little Rawdon was gone to
school; a dear companion and friend was no longer
necessary to her。  She was grieved beyond measure to part
with Briggs; but her means required that she should
practise every retrenchment; and her sorrow was
mitigated by the idea that her dear Briggs would be far
better provided for by her generous patron than in her
humble home。  Mrs。 Pilkington; the housekeeper at Gauntly
Hall; was growing exceedingly old; feeble; and rheumatic:
she was not equal to the work of superintending
that vast mansion; and must be on the look out for a
successor。  It was a splendid position。  The family did not
go to Gauntly once in two years。  At other times the
housekeeper was the mistress of the magnificent
mansionhad four covers daily for her table; was visited by
the clergy and the most respectable people of the county
was the lady of Gauntly; in fact; and the two last
housekeepers before Mrs。 Pilkington had married rectors
of Gauntlybut Mrs。 P。  could not; being the aunt of
the present Rector。  The place was not to be hers yet;
but she might go down on a visit to Mrs。 Pilkington and
see whether she would like to succeed her。
What words can paint the ecstatic gratitude of Briggs!
All she stipulated for was that little Rawdon should be
allowed to come down and see her at the Hall。  Becky
promised thisanything。  She ran up to her husband when
he came home and told him the joyful news。  Rawdon
was glad; deuced glad; the weight was off his conscience
about poor Briggs's money。  She was provided for; at any
rate; butbut his mind was disquiet。  He did not seem
to be all right; somehow。  He told little Southdown what
Lord Steyne had done; and the young man eyed Crawley
with an air which surprised the latter。
He told Lady Jane of this second proof of Steyne's
bounty; and she; too; looked odd and alarmed; so did
Sir Pitt。  〃She is too clever andand gay to be allowed
to go from party to party without a companion;〃 both
said。  〃You must go with her; Rawdon; wherever she
goes; and you must have somebody with herone of the
girls from Queen's Crawley; perhaps; though they were
rather giddy guardians for her。〃
Somebody Becky should have。  But in the meantime
it was clear that honest Briggs must not lose her chance
of settlement for life; and so she and her bags were
packed; and she set off on her journey。  And so two of
Rawdon's out…sentinels were in the hands of the enemy。
Sir Pitt went and expostulated with his sister…in…law
upon the subject of the dismissal of Briggs and other
matters of delicate family interest。  In vain she pointed
out to him how necessary was the protection of Lord
Steyne for her poor husband; how cruel it would be on
their part to deprive Briggs of the position offered to her。
Cajolements; coaxings; smiles; tears could not satisfy Sir
Pitt; and he had something very like a quarrel with his
once admired Becky。  He spoke of the honour of the
family; the unsullied reputation of the Crawleys;
expressed himself in indignant tones about her receiving
those young Frenchmenthose wild young men of fashion;
my Lord Steyne himself; whose carriage was always
at her door; who passed hours daily in her company;
and whose constant presence made the world talk about
her。  As the head of the house he implored her to be
more prudent。  Society was already speaking lightly of
her。  Lord Steyne; though a nobleman of the greatest
station and talents; was a man whose attentions would
compromise any woman; he besought; he implored; he
commanded his sister…in…law to be watchful in her
intercourse with that nobleman。
Becky promised anything and everything Pitt wanted;
but Lord Steyne came to her house as often as ever;
and Sir Pitt's anger increased。  I wonder was Lady Jane
angry or pleased that her
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