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vanity fair(名利场)-第193章

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I don't mean to say that I won't assist you ultimately。
But as for paying your creditors in full; I might as well
hope to pay the National Debt。  It is madness; sheer
madness; to think of such a thing。  You must come to a
compromise。  It's a painful thing for the family; but everybody
does it。  There was George Kitely; Lord Ragland's son;
went through the Court last week; and was what they
call whitewashed; I believe。  Lord Ragland would not pay
a shilling for him; and〃
〃It's not money I want;〃 Rawdon broke in。  〃I'm not
come to you about myself。  Never mind what happens to
me 〃
〃What is the matter; then?〃 said Pitt; somewhat
〃It's the boy;〃 said Rawdon in a husky voice。  〃I want
you to promise me that you will take charge of him
when I'm gone。  That dear good wife of yours has always
been good to him; and he's fonder of her than he is of
his 。  。  。Damn it。  Look here; Pittyou know that I
was to have had Miss Crawley's money。  I wasn't brought
up like a younger brother; but was always encouraged to
be extravagant and kep idle。  But for this I might have
been quite a different man。  I didn't do my duty with the
regiment so bad。  You know how I was thrown over
about the money; and who got it。〃
〃After the sacrifices I have made; and the manner in
which I have stood by you; I think this sort of reproach
is useless;〃 Sir Pitt said。  〃Your marriage was your own
doing; not mine。〃
〃That's over now;〃 said Rawdon。  〃That's over now。〃
And the words were wrenched from him with a groan;
which made his brother start。
〃Good God!  is she dead?〃 Sir Pitt said with a voice
of genuine alarm and commiseration。
〃I wish I was;〃 Rawdon replied。  〃If it wasn't for little
Rawdon I'd have cut my throat this morningand that
damned villain's too。〃
Sir Pitt instantly guessed the truth and surmised that
Lord Steyne was the person whose life Rawdon wished to
take。  The Colonel told his senior briefly; and in broken
accents; the circumstances of the case。  〃It was a regular
plan between that scoundrel and her;〃 he said。  〃The
bailiffs were put upon me; I was taken as I was going
out of his house; when I wrote to her for money; she
said she was ill in bed and put me off to another day。
And when I got home I found her in diamonds and
sitting with that villain alone。〃 He then went on to describe
hurriedly the personal conflict with Lord Steyne。  To an
affair of that nature; of course; he said; there was but
one issue; and after his conference with his brother; he
was going away to make the necessary arrangements for
the meeting which must ensue。  〃And as it may end
fatally with me;〃 Rawdon said with a broken voice; 〃and
as the boy has no mother; I must leave him to you and
Jane; Pittonly it will be a comfort to me if you will
promise me to be his friend。〃
The elder brother was much affected; and shook
Rawdon's hand with a cordiality seldom exhibited by him。
Rawdon passed his hand over his shaggy eyebrows。
〃Thank you; brother;〃 said he。  〃I know I can trust your
〃I will; upon my honour;〃 the Baronet said。  And thus;
and almost mutely; this bargain was struck between
Then Rawdon took out of his pocket the little
pocket…book which he had discovered in Becky's desk; and from
which he drew a bundle of the notes which it contained。
〃Here's six hundred;〃 he said〃you didn't know I was
so rich。  I want you to give the money to Briggs; who lent
it to usand who was kind to the boyand I've always
felt ashamed of having taken the poor old woman's
money。  And here's some moreI've only kept back a
few poundswhich Becky may as well have; to get on
with。〃 As he spoke he took hold of the other notes to
give to his brother; but his hands shook; and he was so
agitated that the pocket…book fell from him; and out of
it the thousand…pound note which had been the last of
the unlucky Becky's winnings。
Pitt stooped and picked them up; amazed at so much
wealth。  〃Not that;〃 Rawdon said。  〃I hope to put a bullet
into the man whom that belongs to。〃 He had thought to
himself; it would be a fine revenge to wrap a ball in the
note and kill Steyne with it。
After this colloquy the brothers once more shook
hands and parted。  Lady Jane had heard of the Colonel's
arrival; and was waiting for her husband in the adjoining
dining…room; with female instinct; auguring evil。  The
door of the dining…room happened to be left open; and
the lady of course was issuing from it as the two brothers
passed out of the study。  She held out her hand to
Rawdon and said she was glad he was come to breakfast;
though she could perceive; by his haggard unshorn face
and the dark looks of her husband; that there was very
little question of breakfast between them。  Rawdon
muttered some excuses about an engagement; squeezing hard
the timid little hand which his sister…in…law reached out
to him。  Her imploring eyes could read nothing but
calamity in his face; but he went away without another
word。  Nor did Sir Pitt vouchsafe her any explanation。
The children came up to salute him; and he kissed them
in his usual frigid manner。  The mother took both of them
close to herself; and held a hand of each of them as they
knelt down to prayers; which Sir Pitt read to them; and
to the servants in their Sunday suits or liveries; ranged
upon chairs on the other side of the hissing tea…urn。
Breakfast was so late that day; in consequence of the
delays which had occurred; that the church…bells began
to ring whilst they were sitting over their meal; and
Lady Jane was too ill; she said; to go to church; though
her thoughts had been entirely astray during the period
of family devotion。
Rawdon Crawley meanwhile hurried on from Great
Gaunt Street; and knocking at the great bronze
Medusa's head which stands on the portal of Gaunt House;
brought out the purple Silenus in a red and silver
waistcoat who acts as porter of that palace。  The man was
scared also by the Colonel's dishevelled appearance; and
barred the way as if afraid that the other was going to
force it。  But Colonel Crawley only took out a card and
enjoined him particularly to send it in to Lord Steyne;
and to mark the address written on it; and say that
Colonel Crawley would be all day after one o'clock at the
Regent Club in St。  James's Streetnot at home。  The fat
red…faced man looked after him with astonishment as he
strode away; so did the people in their Sunday clothes
who were out so early; the charity…boys with shining
faces; the greengrocer lolling at his door; and the publican
shutting his shutters in the sunshine; against service
commenced。  The people joked at the cab…stand about
his appearance; as he took a carriage there; and told the
driver to drive him to Knightsbridge Barracks。
All the bells were jangling and tolling as he reached
that place。  He might have seen his old acquaintance
Amelia on her way from Brompton to Russell Square;
had he been looking out。  Troops of schools were on
their march to church; the shiny pavement and outsides
of coaches in the suburbs were thronged with people out
upon their Sunday pleasure; but the Colonel was much
too busy to take any heed of these phenomena; and;
arriving at Knight
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