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vanity fair(名利场)-第20章

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low enough already; without HER。  A governess is all very
well; but I'd rather have a lady for my sister…in…law。  I'm
a liberal man; but I've proper pride; and know my own
station: let her know hers。  And I'll take down that great
hectoring Nabob; and prevent him from being made a
greater fool than he is。  That's why I told him to look out;
lest she brought an action against him。〃
〃I suppose you know best;〃 Dobbin said; though rather
dubiously。  〃You always were a Tory; and your family's
one of the oldest in England。  But 〃
〃Come and see the girls; and make love to Miss Sharp
yourself;〃 the lieutenant here interrupted his friend; but
Captain Dobbin declined to join Osborne in his daily visit
to the young ladies in Russell Square。
As George walked down Southampton Row; from
Holborn; he laughed as he saw; at the Sedley Mansion;
in two different stories two heads on the look…out。
The fact is; Miss Amelia; in the drawing…room balcony;
was looking very eagerly towards the opposite side of the
Square; where Mr。 Osborne dwelt; on the watch for the
lieutenant himself; and Miss Sharp; from her little bed…
room on the second floor; was in observation until Mr。
Joseph's great form should heave in sight。
〃Sister Anne is on the watch…tower;〃 said he to Amelia;
〃but there's nobody coming〃; and laughing and enjoying
the joke hugely; he described in the most ludicrous terms
to Miss Sedley; the dismal condition of her brother。
〃I think it's very cruel of you to laugh; George;〃 she
said; looking particularly unhappy; but George only
laughed the more at her piteous and discomfited mien;
persisted in thinking the joke a most diverting one; and
when Miss Sharp came downstairs; bantered her with a
great deal of liveliness upon the effect of her charms on
the fat civilian。
〃O Miss Sharp! if you could but see him this morning;〃
he said〃moaning in his flowered dressing…gown
writhing on his sofa; if you could but have seen him
lolling out his tongue to Gollop the apothecary。〃
〃See whom?〃 said Miss Sharp。
〃Whom? O whom?  Captain Dobbin; of course; to whom
we were all so attentive; by the way; last night。〃
〃We were very unkind to him;〃 Emmy said; blushing
very much。  〃II quite forgot him。〃
〃Of course you did;〃 cried Osborne; still on the laugh。
〃One can't be ALWAYS thinking about Dobbin; you know;
Amelia。  Can one; Miss Sharp?〃
〃Except when he overset the glass of wine at dinner;〃
Miss Sharp said; with a haughty air and a toss of the
head; 〃I never gave the existence of Captain Dobbin one
single moment's consideration。〃
〃Very good; Miss Sharp; I'll tell him;〃 Osborne said;
and as he spoke Miss Sharp began to have a feeling of
distrust and hatred towards this young officer; which he
was quite unconscious of having inspired。  〃He is to make
fun of me; is he?〃 thought Rebecca。  〃Has he been
laughing about me to Joseph?  Has he frightened him?
Perhaps he won't come。〃A film passed over her eyes;
and her heart beat quite quick。
〃You're always joking;〃 said she; smiling as innocently
as she could。  〃Joke away; Mr。 George; there's nobody
to defend ME。〃 And George Osborne; as she walked away
and Amelia looked reprovingly at himfelt some little
manly compunction for having inflicted any unnecessary
unkindness upon this helpless creature。  〃My dearest
Amelia;〃 said he; 〃you are too goodtoo kind。  You
don't know the world。  I do。  And your little friend Miss
Sharp must learn her station。〃
〃Don't you think Jos will〃
〃Upon my word; my dear; I don't know。  He may; or
may not。  I'm not his master。  I only know he is a very
foolish vain fellow; and put my dear little girl into a very
painful and awkward position last night。  My dearest
diddle…diddle…darling!〃 He was off laughing again; and he
did it so drolly that Emmy laughed too。
All that day Jos never came。  But Amelia had no fear
about this; for the little schemer had actually sent away
the page; Mr。 Sambo's aide…de…camp; to Mr。 Joseph's
lodgings; to ask for some book he had promised; and how
he was; and the reply through Jos's man; Mr。 Brush; was;
that his master was ill in bed; and had just had the doctor
with him。  He must come to…morrow; she thought; but she
never had the courage to speak a word on the subject
to Rebecca; nor did that young woman herself allude
to it in any way during the whole evening after the night
at Vauxhall。
The next day; however; as the two young ladies sate on
the sofa; pretending to work; or to write letters; or to
read novels; Sambo came into the room with his usual
engaging grin; with a packet under his arm; and a note
on a tray。  〃Note from Mr。 Jos; Miss;〃 says Sambo。
How Amelia trembled as she opened it!
So it ran:
Dear Amelia;I send you the 〃Orphan of the Forest。〃
I was too ill to come yesterday。  I leave town to…day
for Cheltenham。  Pray excuse me; if you can; to the
amiable Miss Sharp; for my conduct at Vauxhall; and
entreat her to pardon and forget every word I may have
uttered when excited by that fatal supper。  As soon as
I have recovered; for my health is very much shaken; I
shall go to Scotland for some months; and am
Truly yours;
Jos Sedley

It was the death…warrant。  All was over。  Amelia did
not dare to look at Rebecca's pale face and burning eyes;
but she dropt the letter into her friend's lap; and got up;
and went upstairs to her room; and cried her little heart
Blenkinsop; the housekeeper; there sought her presently
with consolation; on whose shoulder Amelia wept
confidentially; and relieved herself a good deal。  〃Don't take
on; Miss。  I didn't like to tell you。  But none of us in the
house have liked her except at fust。  I sor her with my
own eyes reading your Ma's letters。  Pinner says she's
always about your trinket…box and drawers; and
everybody's drawers; and she's sure she's put your white
ribbing into her box。〃
〃I gave it her; I gave it her;〃 Amelia said。
But this did not alter Mrs。 Blenkinsop's opinion of Miss
Sharp。  〃I don't trust them governesses; Pinner;〃 she
remarked to the maid。  〃They give themselves the hairs and
hupstarts of ladies; and their wages is no better than
you nor me。〃
It now became clear to every soul in the house; except
poor Amelia; that Rebecca should take her departure;
and high and low (always with the one exception) agreed
that that event should take place as speedily as possible。
Our good child ransacked all her drawers; cupboards;
reticules; and gimcrack boxespassed in review all her
gowns; fichus; tags; bobbins; laces; silk stockings; and
fallalsselecting this thing and that and the other; to
make a little heap for Rebecca。  And going to her Papa;
that generous British merchant; who had promised to
give her as many guineas as she was years oldshe
begged the old gentleman to give the money to dear
Rebecca; who must want it; while she lacked for nothing。
She even made George Osborne contribute; and
nothing loth (for he was as free…handed a young fellow
as any in the army); he went to Bond Street; and bought
the best hat and spenser that money could buy。
〃That's George's present to you; Rebecca; dear;〃 said
Amelia; quite proud of the bandbox conveying these
gifts。  〃What a taste he has! There's n
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