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vanity fair(名利场)-第206章

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spread her canvas and stood out of the roads towards
home; our friend began to amend; and he was quite
well (though as gaunt as a greyhound) before they
reached the Cape。  〃Kirk will be disappointed of his
majority this time;〃 he said with a smile; 〃he will
expect to find himself gazetted by the time the regiment
reaches home。〃 For it must be premised that while the
Major was lying ill at Madras; having made such
prodigious haste to go thither; the gallant th; which had
passed many years abroad; which after its return from
the West Indies had been baulked of its stay at home by
the Waterloo campaign; and had been ordered from
Flanders to India; had received orders home; and the Major
might have accompanied his comrades; had he chosen to
wait for their arrival at Madras。
Perhaps he was not inclined to put himself in his
exhausted state again under the guardianship of Glorvina。
〃I think Miss O'Dowd would have done for me;〃 he said
laughingly to a fellow…passenger; 〃if we had had her on
board; and when she had sunk me; she would have fallen
upon you; depend upon it; and carried you in as a prize
to Southampton; Jos; my boy。〃
For indeed it was no other than our stout friend
who was also a passenger on board the Ramchunder。  He
had passed ten years in Bengal。  Constant dinners; tiffins;
pale ale and claret; the prodigious labour of cutcherry;
and the refreshment of brandy…pawnee which he was
forced to take there; had their effect upon Waterloo Sedley。
A voyage to Europe was pronounced necessary for him
and having served his full time in India and had fine
appointments which had enabled him to lay by a considerable
sum of money; he was free to come home and stay
with a good pension; or to return and resume that rank
in the service to which his seniority and his vast talents
entitled him。
He was rather thinner than when we last saw him;
but had gained in majesty and solemnity of demeanour。
He had resumed the mustachios to which his services at
Waterloo entitled him; and swaggered about on deck in a
magnificent velvet cap with a gold band and a profuse
ornamentation of pins and jewellery about his person。
He took breakfast in his cabin and dressed as solemnly to
appear on the quarter…deck as if he were going to turn out
for Bond Street; or the Course at Calcutta。  He brought a
native servant with him; who was his valet and pipe…
bearer and who wore the Sedley crest in silver on his
turban。  That oriental menial had a wretched life under
the tyranny of Jos Sedley。  Jos was as vain of his person
as a woman; and took as long a time at his toilette as
any fading beauty。  The youngsters among the
passengers; Young Chaffers of the 150th; and poor little
Ricketts; coming home after his third fever; used to draw
out Sedley at the cuddy…table and make him tell
prodigious stories about himself and his exploits against tigers
and Napoleon。  He was great when he visited the
Emperor's tomb at Longwood; when to these gentlemen and
the young officers of the ship; Major Dobbin not being by;
he described the whole battle of Waterloo and all but
announced that Napoleon never would have gone to Saint
Helena at all but for him; Jos Sedley。
After leaving St。  Helena he became very generous;
disposing of a great quantity of ship stores; claret;
preserved meats; and great casks packed with soda…water;
brought out for his private delectation。  There were no
ladies on board; the Major gave the pas of precedency
to the civilian; so that he was the first dignitary at
table; and treated by Captain Bragg and the officers of
the Ramchunder with the respect which his rank
warranted。  He disappeared rather in a panic during a two…
days' gale; in which he had the portholes of his cabin
battened down; and remained in his cot reading the
Washerwoman of Finchley Common; left on board the
Ramchunder by the Right Honourable the Lady Emily
Hornblower; wife of the Rev。  Silas Hornblower; when on
their passage out to the Cape; where the Reverend gentleman
was a missionary; but; for common reading; he had
brought a stock of novels and plays which he lent to the
rest of the ship; and rendered himself agreeable to all by
his kindness and condescension。
Many and many a night as the ship was cutting through
the roaring dark sea; the moon and stars shining
overhead and the bell singing out the watch; Mr。 Sedley and
the Major would sit on the quarter…deck of the vessel
talking about home; as the Major smoked his cheroot and
the civilian puffed at the hookah which his servant
prepared for him。
In these conversations it was wonderful with what
perseverance and ingenuity Major Dobbin would manage
to bring the talk round to the subject of Amelia and her
little boy。  Jos; a little testy about his father's misfortunes
and unceremonious applications to him; was soothed
down by the Major; who pointed out the elder's ill
fortunes and old age。  He would not perhaps like to live with
the old couple; whose ways and hours might not agree
with those of a younger man; accustomed to different
society (Jos bowed at this compliment); but; the Major
pointed out; how advantageous it would be for Jos Sedley
to have a house of his own in London; and not a
mere bachelor's establishment as before; how his sister
Amelia would be the very person to preside over it; how
elegant; how gentle she was; and of what refined good
manners。  He recounted stories of the success which Mrs。
George Osborne had had in former days at Brussels; and
in London; where she was much admired by people of
very great fashion; and he then hinted how becoming it
would be for Jos to send Georgy to a good school and
make a man of him; for his mother and her parents
would be sure to spoil him。  In a word; this artful Major
made the civilian promise to take charge of Amelia and
her unprotected child。  He did not know as yet what
events had happened in the little Sedley family; and how
death had removed the mother; and riches had carried
off George from Amelia。  But the fact is that every day
and always; this love…smitten and middle…aged gentleman
was thinking about Mrs。 Osborne; and his whole heart
was bent upon doing her good。  He coaxed; wheedled;
cajoled; and complimented Jos Sedley with a perseverance
and cordiality of which he was not aware himself;
very likely; but some men who have unmarried sisters
or daughters even; may remember how uncommonly
agreeable gentlemen are to the male relations when they
are courting the females; and perhaps this rogue of a
Dobbin was urged by a similar hypocrisy。
The truth is; when Major Dobbin came on board the
Ramchumder; very sick; and for the three days she lay
in the Madras Roads; he did not begin to rally; nor did
even the appearance and recognition of his old acquaintance;
Mr。 Sedley; on board much cheer him; until after a
conversation which they had one day; as the Major was
laid languidly on the deck。  He said then he thought he
was doomed; he had left a little something to his godson
in his will; and he trusted Mrs。 Osborne would remember
him kindly and be happy in the marriage she was
about to make。  〃Married? not the least;〃 Jos answered;
〃he had heard from her
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