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vanity fair(名利场)-第209章

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with his grandfather Osborne; of the way in which
the widow took on at leaving him; and of other particulars
of her life。  Twice or thrice he was going to ask
about the marriage question; but his heart failed him。
He did not care to lay it bare to these people。  Finally;
he was informed that Mrs。 O。  was gone to walk with her
pa in Kensington Gardens; whither she always went with
the old gentleman (who was very weak and peevish now;
and led her a sad life; though she behaved to him like an
angel; to be sure); of a fine afternoon; after dinner。
〃I'm very much pressed for time;〃 the Major said;
〃and have business to…night of importance。  I should like
to see Mrs。 Osborne tho'。  Suppose Miss Polly would
come with me and show me the way?〃
Miss Polly was charmed and astonished at this
proposal。  She knew the way。  She would show Major
Dobbin。  She had often been with Mr。 Sedley when Mrs。 O。
was gonewas gone Russell Square wayand knew the
bench where he liked to sit。  She bounced away to her
apartment and appeared presently in her best bonnet
and her mamma's yellow shawl and large pebble brooch;
of which she assumed the loan in order to make herself
a worthy companion for the Major。
That officer; then; in his blue frock…coat and buckskin
gloves; gave the young lady his arm; and they walked
away very gaily。  He was glad to have a friend at hand
for the scene which he dreaded somehow。  He asked a
thousand more questions from his companion about
Amelia:  his kind heart grieved to think that she should
have had to part with her son。  How did she bear it? Did
she see him often? Was Mr。 Sedley pretty comfortable
now in a worldly point of view? Polly answered all these
questions of Major Sugarplums to the very best of her
And in the midst of their walk an incident occurred
which; though very simple in its nature; was productive
of the greatest delight to Major Dobbin。  A pale young
man with feeble whiskers and a stiff white neckcloth came
walking down the lane; en sandwichhaving a lady; that
is; on each arm。  One was a tall and commanding middle…
aged female; with features and a complexion similar to
those of the clergyman of the Church of England by
whose side she marched; and the other a stunted little
woman with a dark face; ornamented by a fine new bonnet
and white ribbons; and in a smart pelisse; with a rich
gold watch in the midst of her person。  The gentleman;
pinioned as he was by these two ladies; carried further a
parasol; shawl; and basket; so that his arms were entirely
engaged; and of course he was unable to touch his hat in
acknowledgement of the curtsey with which Miss Mary
Clapp greeted him。
He merely bowed his head in reply to her salutation;
which the two ladies returned with a patronizing air; and
at the same time looking severely at the individual in the
blue coat and bamboo cane who accompanied Miss Polly。
〃Who's that?〃 asked the Major; amused by the group;
and after he had made way for the three to pass up the
lane。  Mary looked at him rather roguishly。
〃That is our curate; the Reverend Mr。 Binny (a twitch
from Major Dobbin); and his sister Miss B。  Lord bless us;
how she did use to worret us at Sunday…school; and the
other lady; the little one with a cast in her eye and the
handsome watch; is Mrs。 BinnyMiss Grits that was;
her pa was a grocer; and kept the Little Original Gold
Tea Pot in Kensington Gravel Pits。  They were married last
month; and are just come back from Margate。  She's five
thousand pound to her fortune; but her and Miss B。; who
made the match; have quarrelled already。〃
If the Major had twitched before; he started now; and
slapped the bamboo on the ground with an emphasis
which made Miss Clapp cry; 〃Law;〃 and laugh too。  He
stood for a moment; silent; with open mouth; looking
after the retreating young couple; while Miss Mary told
their history; but he did not hear beyond the announcement
of the reverend gentleman's marriage; his head was
swimming with felicity。  After this rencontre he began to
walk double quick towards the place of his destination
and yet they were too soon (for he was in a great
tremor at the idea of a meeting for which he had been
longing any time these ten years)through the Brompton
lanes; and entering at the little old portal in Kensington
Garden wall。
〃There they are;〃 said Miss Polly; and she felt him
again start back on her arm。  She was a confidante at once
of the whole business。  She knew the story as well as if
she had read it in one of her favourite novel…books
Fatherless Fanny; or the Scottish Chiefs。
〃Suppose you were to run on and tell her;〃 the Major
said。  Polly ran forward; her yellow shawl streaming in the
Old Sedley was seated on a bench; his handkerchief
placed over his knees; prattling away; according to his
wont; with some old story about old times to which
Amelia had listened and awarded a patient smile many
a time before。  She could of late think of her own affairs;
and smile or make other marks of recognition of her
father's stories; scarcely hearing a word of the old man's
tales。  As Mary came bouncing along; and Amelia caught
sight of her; she started up from her bench。  Her first
thought was that something had happened to Georgy;
but the sight of the messenger's eager and happy face
dissipated that fear in the timorous mother's bosom。
〃News!  News!〃 cried the emissary of Major Dobbin。
〃He's come!  He's come!〃
〃Who is come?〃 said Emmy; still thinking of her son。
〃Look there;〃 answered Miss Clapp; turning round and
pointing; in which direction Amelia looking; saw
Dobbin's lean figure and long shadow stalking across the
grass。  Amelia started in her turn; blushed up; and; of
course; began to cry。  At all this simple little creature's
fetes; the grandes eaux were accustomed to play。
He looked at heroh; how fondlyas she came
running towards him; her hands before her; ready to give
them to him。  She wasn't changed。  She was a little pale;
a little stouter in figure。  Her eyes were the same; the
kind trustful eyes。  There were scarce three lines of silver
in her soft brown hair。  She gave him both her hands as
she looked up flushing and smiling through her tears into
his honest homely face。  He took the two little hands
between his two and held them there。  He was speechless
for a moment。  Why did he not take her in his arms and
swear that he would never leave her? She must have
yielded:  she could not but have obeyed him。
〃II've another arrival to announce;〃 he said after a
〃Mrs。 Dobbin?〃 Amelia said; making a movement
backwhy didn't he speak?
〃No;〃 he said; letting her hands go:  〃Who has told
you those lies? I mean; your brother Jos came in the
same ship with me; and is come home to make you all
〃Papa; Papa!〃 Emmy cried out; 〃here are news!  My
brother is in England。  He is come to take care of you。
Here is Major Dobbin。〃
Mr。 Sedley started up; shaking a great deal and gathering
up his thoughts。  Then he stepped forward and made an
old…fashioned bow to the Major; whom he called Mr。
Dobbin; and hoped his worthy father; Sir William; was
quite well。  He proposed to call upon Sir William; who had
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