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vanity fair(名利场)-第214章

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but which she loved for reasons of her own。  She was a
child when first she played on it; and her parents gave it
her。  It had been given to her again since; as the reader
may remember; when her father's house was gone to ruin
and the instrument was recovered out of the wreck。
Major Dobbin was exceedingly pleased when; as he
was superintending the arrangements of Jos's new house
which the Major insisted should be very handsome and
comfortablethe cart arrived from Brompton; bringing
the trunks and bandboxes of the emigrants from that
village; and with them the old piano。  Amelia would have it
up in her sitting…room; a neat little apartment on the
second floor; adjoining her father's chamber; and where
the old gentleman sat commonly of evenings。
When the men appeared then bearing this old music…
box; and Amelia gave orders that it should be placed
in the chamber aforesaid; Dobbin was quite elated。  〃I'm
glad you've kept it;〃 he said in a very sentimental
manner。  〃I was afraid you didn't care about it。〃
〃I value it more than anything I have in the world;〃
said Amelia。
〃Do you; Amelia?〃 cried the Major。  The fact was;
as he had bought it himself; though he never said
anything about it; it never entered into his head to suppose
that Emmy should think anybody else was the purchaser;
and as a matter of course he fancied that she knew the
gift came from him。  〃Do you; Amelia?〃 he said; and
the question; the great question of all; was trembling
on his lips; when Emmy replied
〃Can I do otherwise?did not he give it me?〃
〃I did not know;〃 said poor old Dob; and his
countenance fell。
Emmy did not note the circumstance at the time; nor
take immediate heed of the very dismal expression which
honest Dobbin's countenance assumed; but she thought
of it afterwards。  And then it struck her; with inexpressible
pain and mortification too; that it was William who
was the giver of the piano; and not George; as she had
fancied。  It was not George's gift; the only one which she
had received from her lover; as she thoughtthe thing
she had cherished beyond all othersher dearest relic
and prize。  She had spoken to it about George; played
his favourite airs upon it; sat for long evening hours;
touching; to the best of her simple art; melancholy
harmonies on the keys; and weeping over them in silence。
It was not George's relic。  It was valueless now。  The next
time that old Sedley asked her to play; she said it was
shockingly out of tune; that she had a headache; that
she couldn't play。
Then; according to her custom; she rebuked herself
for her pettishness and ingratitude and determined to
make a reparation to honest William for the slight she
had not expressed to him; but had felt for his piano。
A few days afterwards; as they were seated in the
drawing…room; where Jos had fallen asleep with great comfort
after dinner; Amelia said with rather a faltering voice
to Major Dobbin
〃I have to beg your pardon for something。〃
〃About what?〃 said he。
〃Aboutabout that little square piano。  I never thanked
you for it when you gave it me; many; many years ago;
before I was married。  I thought somebody else had given
it。  Thank you; William。〃 She held out her hand; but the
poor little woman's heart was bleeding; and as for her
eyes; of course they were at their work。
But William could hold no more。  〃Amelia; Amelia;〃
he said; 〃I did buy it for you。  I loved you then as I
do now。  I must tell you。  I think I loved you from the
first minute that I saw you; when George brought me to
your house; to show me the Amelia whom he was
engaged to。  You were but a girl; in white; with large
ringlets; you came down singingdo you remember?
and we went to Vauxhall。  Since then I have thought of
but one woman in the world; and that was you。  I
think there is no hour in the day has passed for twelve
years that I haven't thought of you。  I came to tell you
this before I went to India; but you did not care; and
I hadn't the heart to speak。  You did not care whether
I stayed or went。〃
〃I was very ungrateful;〃 Amelia said。
〃No; only indifferent;〃 Dobbin continued desperately。
〃I have nothing to make a woman to be otherwise。  I
know what you are feeling now。  You are hurt in your
heart at the discovery about the piano; and that it came
from me and not from George。  I forgot; or I should
never have spoken of it so。  It is for me to ask your
pardon for being a fool for a moment; and thinking
that years of constancy and devotion might have pleaded
with you。〃
〃It is you who are cruel now;〃 Amelia said with some
spirit。  〃George is my husband; here and in heaven。  How
could I love any other but him? I am his now as when
you first saw me; dear William。  It was he who told me
how good and generous you were; and who taught me
to love you as a brother。  Have you not been everything
to me and my boy? Our dearest; truest; kindest friend
and protector? Had you come a few months sooner
perhaps you might have spared me thatthat dreadful
parting。  Oh; it nearly killed me; Williambut you didn't
come; though I wished and prayed for you to come;
and they took him too away from me。  Isn't he a noble
boy; William? Be his friend still and mine〃and here her
voice broke; and she hid her face on his shoulder。
The Major folded his arms round her; holding her to
him as if she was a child; and kissed her head。  〃I will
not change; dear Amelia;〃 he said。  〃I ask for no more
than your love。  I think I would not have it otherwise。
Only let me stay near you and see you often。〃
〃Yes; often;〃 Amelia said。  And so William was at
liberty to look and longas the poor boy at school
who has no money may sigh after the contents of the
tart…woman's tray。

Returns to the Genteel World
Good fortune now begins to smile upon Amelia。  We are
glad to get her out of that low sphere in which she has
been creeping hitherto and introduce her into a polite
circlenot so grand and refined as that in which our
other female friend; Mrs。 Becky; has appeared; but still
having no small pretensions to gentility and fashion。  Jos's
friends were all from the three presidencies; and his new
house was in the comfortable Anglo…Indian district of
which Moira Place is the centre。  Minto Square; Great
Clive Street; Warren Street; Hastings Street; Ochterlony
Place; Plassy Square; Assaye Terrace (〃gardens〃 was
a felicitous word not applied to stucco houses with
asphalt terraces in front; so early as 1827)who does not
know these respectable abodes of the retired Indian
aristocracy; and the quarter which Mr。 Wenham calls the
Black Hole; in a word? Jos's position in life was not grand
enough to entitle him to a house in Moira Place; where
none can live but retired Members of Council; and
partners of Indian firms (who break; after having settled a
hundred thousand pounds on their wives; and retire into
comparative penury to a country place and four thousand
a year); he engaged a comfortable house of a
second… or third…rate order in Gillespie Street; purchasing the
carpets; costly mirrors; and handsome and appropriate
planned furniture by Seddons from the assignees of Mr。
Scape; lately admitted partner into the great Cal
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