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vanity fair(名利场)-第222章

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which the gentlemen speculated。
〃A qui cette voiture la?〃 said one gentleman…courier
with a large morocco money…bag and ear…rings to another
with ear…rings and a large morocco money…bag。
〃C'est a Kirsch je benseje l'ai vu toute a l'heure
qui brenoit des sangviches dans la voiture;〃 said the
courier in a fine German French。
Kirsch emerging presently from the neighbourhood of
the hold; where he had been bellowing instructions
intermingled with polyglot oaths to the ship's men engaged
in secreting the passengers' luggage; came to give an
account of himself to his brother interpreters。  He
informed them that the carriage belonged to a Nabob from
Calcutta and Jamaica enormously rich; and with whom
he was engaged to travel; and at this moment a young
gentleman who had been warned off the bridge between
the paddle…boxes; and who had dropped thence on to the
roof of Lord Methuselah's carriage; from which he made
his way over other carriages and imperials until he had
clambered on to his own; descended thence and through
the window into the body of the carriage; to the applause
of the couriers looking on。
〃Nous allons avoir une belle traversee; Monsieur
George;〃 said the courier with a grin; as he lifted his
gold…laced cap。
〃D your French;〃 said the young gentleman; 〃where's
the biscuits; ay?〃 Whereupon Kirsch answered him in the
English language or in such an imitation of it as he could
commandfor though he was familiar with all languages;
Mr。 Kirsch was not acquainted with a single one; and
spoke all with indifferent volubility and incorrectness。
The imperious young gentleman who gobbled the
biscuits (and indeed it was time to refresh himself; for he
had breakfasted at Richmond full three hours before)
was our young friend George Osborne。  Uncle Jos and his
mamma were on the quarter…deck with a gentleman of
whom they used to see a good deal; and the four were
about to make a summer tour。
Jos was seated at that moment on deck under the
awning; and pretty nearly opposite to the Earl of
Bareacres and his family; whose proceedings absorbed
the Bengalee almost entirely。  Both the noble couple
looked rather younger than in the eventful year '15; when
Jos remembered to have seen them at Brussels (indeed;
he always gave out in India that he was intimately
acquainted with them)。  Lady Bareacres' hair; which was
then dark; was now a beautiful golden auburn; whereas
Lord Bareacres' whiskers; formerly red; were at present
of a rich black with purple and green reflections in the
light。  But changed as they were; the movements of the
noble pair occupied Jos's mind entirely。  The presence of
a Lord fascinated him; and he could look at nothing else。
〃Those people seem to interest you a good deal;〃 said
Dobbin; laughing and watching him。  Amelia too laughed。
She was in a straw bonnet with black ribbons; and
otherwise dressed in mourning; but the little bustle and
holiday of the journey pleased and excited her; and she
looked particularly happy。
〃What a heavenly day!〃 Emmy said and added; with
great originality; 〃I hope we shall have a calm passage。〃
Jos waved his hand; scornfully glancing at the same
time under his eyelids at the great folks opposite。  〃If you
had made the voyages we have;〃 he said; 〃you wouldn't
much care about the weather。〃 But nevertheless; traveller
as he was; he passed the night direfully sick in his
carriage; where his courier tended him with brandy…and…
water and every luxury。
In due time this happy party landed at the quays of
Rotterdam; whence they were transported by another
steamer to the city of Cologne。  Here the carriage and
the family took to the shore; and Jos was not a little
gratified to see his arrival announced in the Cologne
newspapers as 〃Herr Graf Lord von Sedley nebst
Begleitung aus London。〃 He had his court dress with him;
he had insisted that Dobbin should bring his regimental
paraphernalia; he announced that it was his intention to
be presented at some foreign courts; and pay his respects
to the Sovereigns of the countries which he honoured
with a visit。
Wherever the party stopped; and an opportunity was
offered; Mr。 Jos left his own card and the Major's upon
〃Our Minister。〃 It was with great difficulty that he could
be restrained from putting on his cocked hat and tights
to wait upon the English consul at the Free City of
Judenstadt; when that hospitable functionary asked our
travellers to dinner。  He kept a journal of his voyage and
noted elaborately the defects or excellences of the various
inns at which he put up; and of the wines and dishes of
which he partook。
As for Emmy; she was very happy and pleased。  Dobbin
used to carry about for her her stool and sketch…book;
and admired the drawings of the good…natured little artist
as they never had been admired before。  She sat upon
steamers' decks and drew crags and castles; or she
mounted upon donkeys and ascended to ancient robber…
towers; attended by her two aides…de…camp; Georgy and
Dobbin。  She laughed; and the Major did too; at his droll
figure on donkey…back; with his long legs touching the
ground。  He was the interpreter for the party; having a
good military knowledge of the German language; and
he and the delighted George fought the campaigns of the
Rhine and the Palatinate。  In the course of a few weeks;
and by assiduously conversing with Herr Kirsch on the
box of the carriage; Georgy made prodigious advance in
the knowledge of High Dutch; and could talk to hotel
waiters and postilions in a way that charmed his mother
and amused his guardian。
Mr。 Jos did not much engage in the afternoon
excursions of his fellow…travellers。  He slept a good deal
after dinner; or basked in the arbours of the pleasant
inn…gardens。  Pleasant Rhine gardens!  Fair scenes of peace
and sunshinenoble purple mountains; whose crests are
reflected in the magnificent streamwho has ever seen
you that has not a grateful memory of those scenes of
friendly repose and beauty? To lay down the pen and
even to think of that beautiful Rhineland makes one
happy。  At this time of summer evening; the cows are
trooping down from the hills; lowing and with their bells
tinkling; to the old town; with its old moats; and gates;
and spires; and chestnut…trees; with long blue shadows
stretching over the grass; the sky and the river below
flame in…crimson and gold; and the moon is already out;
looking pale towards the sunset。  The sun sinks behind
the great castle…crested mountains; the night falls suddenly;
the river grows darker and darker; lights quiver in it
from the windows in the old ramparts; and twinkle
peacefully in the villages under the hills on the opposite shore。
So Jos used to go to sleep a good deal with his bandanna
over his face and be very comfortable; and read all
the English news; and every word of Galignani's admirable 
newspaper (may the blessings of all Englishmen who
have ever been abroad rest on the founders and proprietors
of that piratical print!  ) and whether he woke or
slept; his friends did not very much miss him。  Yes; they
were very happy。  They went to the opera often of
eveningsto those snug; unassuming; dear old operas in the
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