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vanity fair(名利场)-第224章

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and looked exceedingly pleased and shy as the dinner
went on; and at the various feats and instances of
espieglerie on the part of her son。  The Colonel
for so he became very soon afterwardsI remember
joked the boy with a great deal of grave fun; pointing
out dishes which he hadn't tried; and entreating him not
to baulk his appetite; but to have a second supply of
this or that。
It was what they call a gast…rolle night at the Royal
Grand Ducal Pumpernickelisch Hofor Court theatre
and Madame Schroeder Devrient; then in the bloom of
her beauty and genius; performed the part of the heroine
in the wonderful opera of Fidelio。  From our places in the
stalls we could see our four friends of the table d'hote
in the loge which Schwendler of the Erbprinz kept for his
best guests; and I could not help remarking the effect
which the magnificent actress and music produced upon
Mrs。 Osborne; for so we heard the stout gentleman in
the mustachios call her。  During the astonishing Chorus
of the Prisoners; over which the delightful voice of the
actress rose and soared in the most ravishing harmony;
the English lady's face wore such an expression of wonder
and delight that it struck even little Fipps; the blase
attache; who drawled out; as he fixed his glass upon her;
〃Gayd; it really does one good to see a woman caypable
of that stayt of excaytement。〃 And in the Prison Scene;
where Fidelio; rushing to her husband; cries; 〃Nichts;
nichts; mein Florestan;〃 she fairly lost herself and
covered her face with her handkerchief。  Every woman in the
house was snivelling at the time; but I suppose it was
because it was predestined that I was to write this
particular lady's memoirs that I remarked her。
The next day they gave another piece of Beethoven;
Die Schlacht bei Vittoria。  Malbrook is introduced at the
beginning of the performance; as indicative of the brisk
advance of the French army。  Then come drums; trumpets;
thunders of artillery; and groans of the dying; and at last;
in a grand triumphal swell; 〃God Save the King〃 is
There may have been a score of Englishmen in the
house; but at the burst of that beloved and well…known
music; every one of them; we young fellows in the stalls;
Sir John and Lady Bullminster (who had taken a house
at Pumpernickel for the education of their nine
children); the fat gentleman with the mustachios; the long
Major in white duck trousers; and the lady with the little
boy upon whom he was so sweet; even Kirsch; the courier
in the gallery; stood bolt upright in their places and
proclaimed themselves to be members of the dear old British
nation。  As for Tapeworm; the Charge d'Affaires; he rose
up in his box and bowed and simpered; as if he would
represent the whole empire。  Tapeworm was nephew and
heir of old Marshal Tiptoff; who has been introduced in
this story as General Tiptoff; just before Waterloo; who
was Colonel of the th regiment in which Major Dobbin
served; and who died in this year full of honours; and of
an aspic of plovers' eggs; when the regiment was graciously
given by his Majesty to Colonel Sir Michael O'Dowd;
K。C。B。  who had commanded it in many glorious fields。
Tapeworm must have met with Colonel Dobbin at the
house of the Colonel's Colonel; the Marshal; for he
recognized him on this night at the theatre; and with the
utmost condescension; his Majesty's minister came over
from his own box and publicly shook hands with his
new…found friend。
〃Look at that infernal sly…boots of a Tapeworm;〃
Fipps whispered; examining his chief from the stalls。
〃Wherever there's a pretty woman he always twists
himself in。〃 And I wonder what were diplomatists made for
but for that?
〃Have I the honour of addressing myself to Mrs。
Dobbin?〃 asked the Secretary with a most insinuating grin。
Georgy burst out laughing and said; 〃By Jove; that was
a good 'un。〃 Emmy and the Major blushed:  we saw them
from the stalls。
〃This lady is Mrs。 George Osborne;〃 said the Major;
〃and this is her brother; Mr。 Sedley; a distinguished
officer of the Bengal Civil Service:  permit me to introduce
him to your lordship。〃
My lord nearly sent Jos off his legs with the most
fascinating smile。  〃Are you going to stop in Pumpernickel?〃
he said。  〃It is a dull place; but we want some nice people;
and we would try and make it SO agreeable to you。  Mr。
AhumMrs。Oho。  I shall do myself the honour of calling
upon you to…morrow at your inn。〃 And he went away
with a Parthian grin and glance which he thought must
finish Mrs。 Osborne completely。
The performance over; the young fellows lounged about
the lobbies; and we saw the society take its departure。
The Duchess Dowager went off in her jingling old coach;
attended by two faithful and withered old maids of
honour; and a little snuffy spindle…shanked gentleman in
waiting; in a brown jasey and a green coat covered with
ordersof which the star and the grand yellow cordon of
the order of St。  Michael of Pumpernickel were most
conspicuous。  The drums rolled; the guards saluted; and the
old carriage drove away。
Then came his Transparency the Duke and Transparent
family; with his great officers of state and household。  He
bowed serenely to everybody。  And amid the saluting of
the guards and the flaring of the torches of the running
footmen; clad in scarlet; the Transparent carriages drove
away to the old Ducal schloss; with its towers and
pinacles standing on the schlossberg。  Everybody in
Pumpernickel knew everybody。  No sooner was a foreigner seen
there than the Minister of Foreign Affairs; or some other
great or small officer of state; went round to the Erbprinz
and found out the name of the new arrival。
We watched them; too; out of the theatre。  Tapeworm
had just walked off; enveloped in his cloak; with which
his gigantic chasseur was always in attendance; and
looking as much as possible like Don Juan。  The Prime
Minister's lady had just squeezed herself into her sedan;
and her daughter; the charming Ida; had put on her
calash and clogs; when the English party came out; the
boy yawning drearily; the Major taking great pains in
keeping the shawl over Mrs。 Osborne's head; and Mr。
Sedley looking grand; with a crush opera…hat on one side
of his head and his hand in the stomach of a voluminous
white waistcoat。  We took off our hats to our acquaintances
of the table d'hote; and the lady; in return; presented us
with a little smile and a curtsey; for which
everybody might be thankful。
The carriage from the inn; under the superintendence
of the bustling Mr。 Kirsch; was in waiting to convey the
party; but the fat man said he would walk and smoke his
cigar on his way homewards; so the other three; with
nods and smiles to us; went without Mr。 Sedley; Kirsch;
with the cigar case; following in his master's wake。
We all walked together and talked to the stout gentleman
about the agremens of the place。  It was very agreeable
for the English。  There were shooting…parties and
battues; there was a plenty of balls and entertainments at
the hospitable Court; the society was generally good; the
theatre excellent; and the living cheap。
〃And our Minister seems a most delightful and affable
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