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vanity fair(名利场)-第246章

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then; when the boy said a few words to his timid
companion; indicative of sympathy and protection。
〃I hope he won't cross in such weather;〃 Emmy said。
〃I bet ten to one he does;〃 the boy answered。  〃Look;
Mother; there's the smoke of the steamer。〃 It was that
signal; sure enough。
But though the steamer was under way; he might not
be on board; he might not have got the letter; he might
not choose to come。  A hundred fears poured one over the
other into the little heart; as fast as the waves on to the
The boat followed the smoke into sight。  Georgy had a
dandy telescope and got the vessel under view in the most
skilful manner。  And he made appropriate nautical
comments upon the manner of the approach of the steamer
as she came nearer and nearer; dipping and rising in the
water。  The signal of an English steamer in sight went
fluttering up to the mast on the pier。  I daresay Mrs。
Amelia's heart was in a similar flutter。
Emmy tried to look through the telescope over
George's shoulder; but she could make nothing of it。
She only saw a black eclipse bobbing up and down
before her eyes。
George took the glass again and raked the vessel。
〃How she does pitch!〃 he said。  〃There goes a wave slap
over her bows。  There's only two people on deck besides
the steersman。  There's a man lying down; and achap
in acloak with aHooray!it's Dob; by Jingo!〃
He clapped to the telescope and flung his arms round
his mother。  As for that lady; let us say what she did in
the words of a favourite poet〃Dakruoen gelasasa。〃 She
was sure it was William。  It could be no other。  What she
had said about hoping that he would not come was all
hypocrisy。  Of course he would come; what could he do
else but come? She knew he would come。
The ship came swiftly nearer and nearer。  As they went
in to meet her at the landing…place at the quay; Emmy's
knees trembled so that she scarcely could run。  She would
have liked to kneel down and say her prayers of thanks
there。  Oh; she thought; she would be all her life saying
It was such a bad day that as the vessel came alongside
of the quay there were no idlers abroad; scarcely
even a commissioner on the look out for the few
passengers in the steamer。  That young scapegrace George
had fled too; and as the gentleman in the old cloak lined
with red stuff stepped on to the shore; there was scarcely
any one present to see what took place; which was briefly
A lady in a dripping white bonnet and shawl; with her
two little hands out before her; went up to him; and in
the next minute she had altogether disappeared under the
folds of the old cloak; and was kissing one of his hands
with all her might; whilst the other; I suppose; was
engaged in holding her to his heart (which her head just
about reached) and in preventing her from tumbling
down。  She was murmuring something aboutforgive
dear Williamdear; dear; dearest friendkiss; kiss; kiss;
and so forthand in fact went on under the cloak in an
absurd manner。
When Emmy emerged from it; she still kept tight hold
of one of William's hands; and looked up in his face。  It
was full of sadness and tender love and pity。  She
understood its reproach and hung down her head。
〃It was time you sent for me; dear Amelia;〃 he said。
〃You will never go again; William?〃
〃No; never;〃 he answered; and pressed the dear little
soul once more to his heart。
As they issued out of the custom…house precincts;
Georgy broke out on them; with his telescope up to his
eye; and a loud laugh of welcome; he danced round the
couple and performed many facetious antics as he led
them up to the house。  Jos wasn't up yet; Becky not
visible (though she looked at them through the blinds)。
Georgy ran off to see about breakfast。  Emmy; whose
shawl and bonnet were off in the passage in the hands of
Mrs。 Payne; now went to undo the clasp of William's
cloak; andwe will; if you please; go with George; and
look after breakfast for the Colonel。  The vessel is in port。
He has got the prize he has been trying for all his life。
The bird has come in at last。  There it is with its head on
his shoulder; billing and cooing close up to his heart;
with soft outstretched fluttering wings。  This is what he
has asked for every day and hour for eighteen years。  This
is what he pined after。  Here it isthe summit; the end
the last page of the third volume。  Good…bye; Colonel
God bless you; honest William!Farewell; dear Amelia
Grow green again; tender little parasite; round the
rugged old oak to which you cling!
Perhaps it was compunction towards the kind and
simple creature; who had been the first in life to defend
her; perhaps it was a dislike to all such sentimental scenes
but Rebecca; satisfied with her part in the transaction;
never presented herself before Colonel Dobbin and the
lady whom he married。  〃Particular business;〃 she said;
took her to Bruges; whither she went; and only Georgy
and his uncle were present at the marriage ceremony。
When it was over; and Georgy had rejoined his parents;
Mrs。 Becky returned (just for a few days) to comfort the
solitary bachelor; Joseph Sedley。  He preferred a
continental life; he said; and declined to join in housekeeping
with his sister and her husband。
Emmy was very glad in her heart to think that she
had written to her husband before she read or knew of
that letter of George's。  〃I knew it all along;〃 William
said; 〃but could I use that weapon against the poor
fellow's memory? It was that which made me suffer so
when you〃
〃Never speak of that day again;〃 Emmy cried out; so
contrite and humble that William turned off the
conversation by his account of Glorvina and dear old Peggy
O'Dowd; with whom he was sitting when the letter of
recall reached him。  〃If you hadn't sent for me;〃 he added
with a laugh; 〃who knows what Glorvina's name might
be now?〃
At present it is Glorvina Posky (now Mrs。 Major
Posky); she took him on the death of his first wife;
having resolved never to marry out of the regiment。  Lady
O'Dowd is also so attached to it that; she says; if anything
were to happen to Mick; bedad she'd come back
and marry some of 'em。  But the Major…General is quite
well and lives in great splendour at O'Dowdstown; with
a pack of beagles; and (with the exception of perhaps
their neighbour; Hoggarty of Castle Hoggarty) he is the
first man of his county。  Her Ladyship still dances jigs; and
insisted on standing up with the Master of the Horse at
the Lord Lieutenant's last ball。  Both she and Glorvina
declared that Dobbin had used the latter SHEAMFULLY; but
Posky falling in; Glorvina was consoled; and a beautiful
turban from Paris appeased the wrath of Lady O'Dowd。
When Colonel Dobbin quitted the service; which he did
immediately after his marriage; he rented a pretty little
country place in Hampshire; not far from Queen's Crawley;
where; after the passing of the Reform Bill; Sir Pitt
and his family constantly resided now。  All idea of a
Peerage was out of the question; the Baronet's two seats
in Parliament being lost。  He was both out of pocket and
out of spirits by that catastrophe; failed in his health;
and prophesied the speedy ruin of the Empire。
Lady Jane and 
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