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vanity fair(名利场)-第33章

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My dear; Miss Crawley has arrived with her fat horses;
fat servants; fat spanielthe great rich Miss Crawley;
with seventy thousand pounds in the five per cents。;
whom; or I had better say WHICH; her two brothers
adore。  She looks very apoplectic; the dear soul; no
wonder her brothers are anxious about her。  You should see
them struggling to settle her cushions; or to hand her
coffee! 〃When I come into the country;〃 she says (for
she has a great deal of humour); 〃I leave my toady;
Miss Briggs; at home。  My brothers are my toadies here;
my dear; and a pretty pair they are!〃
When she comes into the country our hall is thrown
open; and for a month; at least; you would fancy old
Sir Walpole was come to life again。  We have dinner…
parties; and drive out in the coach…and…four the
footmen put on their newest canary…coloured liveries; we
drink claret and champagne as if we were accustomed
to it every day。  We have wax candles in the schoolroom;
and fires to warm ourselves with。  Lady Crawley is made
to put on the brightest pea…green in her wardrobe; and
my pupils leave off their thick shoes and tight old
tartan pelisses; and wear silk stockings and muslin frocks;
as fashionable baronets' daughters should。  Rose came in
yesterday in a sad plightthe Wiltshire sow (an
enormous pet of hers) ran her down; and destroyed a most
lovely flowered lilac silk dress by dancing over ithad
this happened a week ago; Sir Pitt would have sworn
frightfully; have boxed the poor wretch's ears; and put
her upon bread and water for a month。  All he said was;
〃I'll serve you out; Miss; when your aunt's gone;〃 and
laughed off the accident as quite trivial。  Let us hope his
wrath will have passed away before Miss Crawley's
departure。  I hope so; for Miss Rose's sake; I am sure。
What a charming reconciler and peacemaker money is!
Another admirable effect of Miss Crawley and her
seventy thousand pounds is to be seen in the conduct
of the two brothers Crawley。  I mean the baronet and
the rector; not OUR brothersbut the former; who hate
each other all the year round; become quite loving at
Christmas。  I wrote to you last year how the abominable
horse…racing rector was in the habit of preaching clumsy
sermons at us at church; and how Sir Pitt snored in
answer。  When Miss Crawley arrives there is no such thing
as quarrelling heard ofthe Hall visits the Rectory; and
vice versathe parson and the Baronet talk about the
pigs and the poachers; and the county business; in the
most affable manner; and without quarrelling in their
cups; I believeindeed Miss Crawley won't hear of their
quarrelling; and vows that she will leave her money to
the Shropshire Crawleys if they offend her。  If they were
clever people; those Shropshire Crawleys; they might
have it all; I think; but the Shropshire Crawley is a
clergyman like his Hampshire cousin; and mortally offended
Miss Crawley (who had fled thither in a fit of rage
against her impracticable brethren) by some strait…laced
notions of morality。  He would have prayers in the house;
I believe。
Our sermon books are shut up when Miss Crawley
arrives; and Mr。 Pitt; whom she abominates; finds it
convenient to go to town。  On the other hand; the young
dandy〃blood;〃 I believe; is the termCaptain Crawley
makes his appearance; and I suppose you will like to
know what sort of a person he is。
Well; he is a very large young dandy。  He is six feet
high; and speaks with a great voice; and swears a great
deal; and orders about the servants; who all adore him
nevertheless; for he is very generous of his money; and
the domestics will do anything for him。  Last week the
keepers almost killed a bailiff and his man who came
down from London to arrest the Captain; and who were
found lurking about the Park wallthey beat them;
ducked them; and were going to shoot them for
poachers; but the baronet interfered。
The Captain has a hearty contempt for his father; I
can see; and calls him an old PUT; an old SNOB; an old
CHAW…BACON; and numberless other pretty names。  He has
a DREADFUL REPUTATION among the ladies。  He brings his
hunters home with him; lives with the Squires of the
county; asks whom he pleases to dinner; and Sir Pitt
dares not say no; for fear of offending Miss Crawley;
and missing his legacy when she dies of her apoplexy。
Shall I tell you a compliment the Captain paid me?  I
must; it is so pretty。  One evening we actually had a
dance; there was Sir Huddleston Fuddleston and his
family; Sir Giles Wapshot and his young ladies; and I
don't know how many more。  Well; I heard him say
〃By Jove; she's a neat little filly!〃 meaning your humble
servant; and he did me the honour to dance two country…
dances with me。  He gets on pretty gaily with the young
Squires; with whom he drinks; bets; rides; and talks
about hunting and shooting; but he says the country
girls are BORES; indeed; I don't think he is far wrong。
You should see the contempt with which they look down
on poor me! When they dance I sit and play the piano
very demurely; but the other night; coming in rather
flushed from the dining…room; and seeing me employed
in this way; he swore out loud that I was the best dancer
in the room; and took a great oath that he would have
the fiddlers from Mudbury。
〃I'll go and play a country…dance;〃 said Mrs。 Bute
Crawley; very readily (she is a little; black…faced old
woman in a turban; rather crooked; and with very
twinkling eyes); and after the Captain and your poor little
Rebecca had performed a dance together; do you know
she actually did me the honour to compliment me upon
my steps! Such a thing was never heard of before; the
proud Mrs。 Bute Crawley; first cousin to the Earl of
Tiptoff; who won't condescend to visit Lady Crawley;
except when her sister is in the country。  Poor Lady
Crawley! during most part of these gaieties; she is
upstairs taking pills。
Mrs。 Bute has all of a sudden taken a great fancy to
me。  〃My dear Miss Sharp;〃 she says; 〃why not bring
over your girls to the Rectory?their cousins will be so
happy to see them。〃 I know what she means。  Signor
Clementi did not teach us the piano for nothing; at
which price Mrs。 Bute hopes to get a professor for her
children。  I can see through her schemes; as though she
told them to me; but I shall go; as I am determined to
make myself agreeableis it not a poor governess's
duty; who has not a friend or protector in the world?
The Rector's wife paid me a score of compliments about
the progress my pupils made; and thought; no doubt; to
touch my heartpoor; simple; country soul!as if I
cared a fig about my pupils!
Your India muslin and your pink silk; dearest Amelia;
are said to become me very well。  They are a good deal
worn now; but; you know; we poor girls can't afford des
fraiches toilettes。  Happy; happy you! who have but to
drive to St。 James's Street; and a dear mother who will
give you any thing you ask。  Farewell; dearest girl;
Your affectionate
P。S。I wish you could have seen the faces of the
Miss Blackbrooks (Admiral Blackbrook's daughters; my
dear); fine young ladies; with dresses from London;
when Captain Rawdon selected poor
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