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vanity fair(名利场)-第49章

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you a zettlement。  I'll do everything reglar。  Look year!〃
and the old man fell down on his knees and leered at
her like a satyr。
Rebecca started back a picture of consternation。  In
the course of this history we have never seen her lose her
presence of mind; but she did now; and wept some of the
most genuine tears that ever fell from her eyes。
〃Oh; Sir Pitt!〃 she said。  〃Oh; sirII'm married

In Which Rebecca's Husband Appears
for a Short Time
Every reader of a sentimental turn (and we desire
no other) must have been pleased with the
tableau with which the last act of our little
drama concluded; for what can be prettier than
an image of Love on his knees before Beauty?
But when Love heard that awful confession from
Beauty that she was married already; he
bounced up from his attitude of humility on the carpet;
uttering exclamations which caused poor little Beauty to
be more frightened than she was when she made her
avowal。  〃Married; you're joking;〃 the Baronet cried; after
the first explosion of rage and wonder。  〃You're
making vun of me; Becky。  Who'd ever go to marry you
without a shilling to your vortune?〃
〃Married! married!〃 Rebecca said; in an agony of tears
her voice choking with emotion; her handkerchief up
to her ready eyes; fainting against the mantelpiece a
figure of woe fit to melt the most obdurate heart。  〃0
Sir Pitt; dear Sir Pitt; do not think me ungrateful for all
your goodness to me。  It is only your generosity that has
extorted my secret。〃
〃Generosity be hanged!〃 Sir Pitt roared out。  〃Who is
it tu; then; you're married? Where was it?〃
〃Let me come back with you to the country; sir!  Let
me watch over you as faithfully as ever!  Don't; don't
separate me from dear Queen's Crawley!〃
〃The feller has left you; has he?〃 the Baronet said;
beginning; as he fancied; to comprehend。  〃Well; Becky
come back if you like。  You can't eat your cake and have
it。  Any ways I made you a vair offer。  Coom back as
governessyou shall have it all your own way。〃 She
held out one hand。  She cried fit to break her heart; her
ringlets fell over her face; and over the marble
mantelpiece where she laid it。
〃So the rascal ran off; eh?〃  Sir Pitt said; with a hideous
attempt at consolation。  〃Never mind; Becky; I'LL take
care of 'ee。〃
〃Oh; sir! it would be the pride of my life to go back
to Queen's Crawley; and take care of the children; and
of you as formerly; when you said you were pleased with
the services of your little Rebecca。  When I think of what
you have just offered me; my heart fills with gratitude
indeed it does。  I can't be your wife; sir; let melet me be
your daughter。〃
Saying which; Rebecca went down on HER knees in a
most tragical way; and; taking Sir Pitt's horny black
hand between her own two (which were very pretty and
white; and as soft as satin); looked up in his face with an
expression of exquisite pathos and confidence; when
when the door opened; and Miss Crawley sailed in。
Mrs。 Firkin and Miss Briggs; who happened by chance
to be at the parlour door soon after the Baronet and
Rebecca entered the apartment; had also seen accidentally;
through the keyhole; the old gentleman prostrate
before the governess; and had heard the generous proposal
which he made her。  It was scarcely out of his mouth
when Mrs。 Firkin and Miss Briggs had streamed up the
stairs; had rushed into the drawing…room where Miss
Crawley was reading the French novel; and had given
that old lady the astounding intelligence that Sir Pitt
was on his knees; proposing to Miss Sharp。  And if you
calculate the time for the above dialogue to take place
the time for Briggs and Firkin to fly to the drawing…
roomthe time for Miss Crawley to be astonished; and
to drop her volume of Pigault le Brunand the time for
her to come downstairsyou will see how exactly
accurate this history is; and how Miss Crawley must have
appeared at the very instant when Rebecca had assumed
the attitude of humility。
〃It is the lady on the ground; and not the gentleman;〃
Miss Crawley said; with a look and voice of great scorn。
〃They told me that YOU were on your knees; Sir Pitt: do
kneel once more; and let me see this pretty couple!〃
〃I have thanked Sir Pitt Crawley; Ma'am;〃 Rebecca
said; rising; 〃and have told him thatthat I never can
become Lady Crawley。〃
〃Refused him!〃  Miss Crawley said; more bewildered
than ever。  Briggs and Firkin at the door opened the eyes
of astonishment and the lips of wonder。
〃Yesrefused;〃 Rebecca continued; with a sad;
tearful voice。
〃And am I to credit my ears that you absolutely
proposed to her; Sir Pitt?〃 the old lady asked。
〃Ees;〃 said the Baronet; 〃I did。〃
〃And she refused you as she says?〃
〃Ees;〃 Sir Pitt said; his features on a broad grin。
〃It does not seem to break your heart at any rate;〃
Miss Crawley remarked。
〃Nawt a bit;〃 answered Sir Pitt; with a coolness and
good…humour which set Miss Crawley almost mad with
bewilderment。  That an old gentleman of station should
fall on his knees to a penniless governess; and burst out
laughing because she refused to marry himthat a
penniless governess should refuse a Baronet with four
thousand a yearthese were mysteries which Miss Crawley
could never comprehend。  It surpassed any complications
of intrigue in her favourite Pigault le Brun。
〃I'm glad you think it good sport; brother;〃 she
continued; groping wildly through this amazement。
〃Vamous;〃 said Sir Pitt。  〃Who'd ha' thought it! what a
sly little devil! what a little fox it waws!〃 he muttered
to himself; chuckling with pleasure。
〃Who'd have thought what?〃 cries Miss Crawley;
stamping with her foot。  〃Pray; Miss Sharp; are you
waiting for the Prince Regent's divorce; that you don't think
our family good enough for you?〃
〃My attitude;〃 Rebecca said; 〃when you came in;
ma'am; did not look as if I despised such an honour as
this goodthis noble man has deigned to offer me。  Do
you think I have no heart?  Have you all loved me; and
been so kind to the poor orphandesertedgirl; and
am I to feel nothing?  O my friends!  O my benefactors!
may not my love; my life; my duty; try to repay the
confidence you have shown me?  Do you grudge me even
gratitude; Miss Crawley?  It is too muchmy heart is
too full〃; and she sank down in a chair so pathetically;
that most of the audience present were perfectly melted
with her sadness。
〃Whether you marry me or not; you're a good little
girl; Becky; and I'm your vriend; mind;〃 said Sir Pitt; and
putting on his crape…bound hat; he walked awaygreatly
to Rebecca's relief; for it was evident that her secret
was unrevealed to Miss Crawley; and she had the
advantage of a brief reprieve。
Putting her handkerchief to her eyes; and nodding
away honest Briggs; who would have followed her
upstairs; she went up to her apartment; while Briggs and
Miss Crawley; in a high state of excitement; remained
to discuss the strange event; and Firkin; not less moved;
dived down into the kitchen regions; and talked of it
with all the male and female company there。  And so
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