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vanity fair(名利场)-第8章

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of a lady frightened him beyond measure; hence it was
but seldom that he joined the paternal circle in Russell
Square; where there was plenty of gaiety; and where the
jokes of his good…natured old father frightened his
amour…propre。  His bulk caused Joseph much anxious
thought and alarm; now and then he would make a
desperate attempt to get rid of his superabundant fat;
but his indolence and love of good living speedily got
the better of these endeavours at reform; and he found
himself again at his three meals a day。  He never was
well dressed; but he took the hugest pains to adorn his
big person; and passed many hours daily in that occupation。
His valet made a fortune out of his wardrobe: his
toilet…table was covered with as many pomatums and
essences as ever were employed by an old beauty: he had
tried; in order to give himself a waist; every girth; stay;
and waistband then invented。  Like most fat men; he
would have his clothes made too tight; and took care
they should be of the most brilliant colours and youthful
cut。  When dressed at length; in the afternoon; he would
issue forth to take a drive with nobody in the Park;
and then would come back in order to dress again and
go and dine with nobody at the Piazza Coffee…House。
He was as vain as a girl; and perhaps his extreme
shyness was one of the results of his extreme vanity。  If
Miss Rebecca can get the better of him; and at her first
entrance into life; she is a young person of no ordinary
The first move showed considerable skill。  When she
called Sedley a very handsome man; she knew that
Amelia would tell her mother; who would probably tell
Joseph; or who; at any rate; would be pleased by the
compliment paid to her son。  All mothers are。  If you
had told Sycorax that her son Caliban was as handsome
as Apollo; she would have been pleased; witch as she
was。  Perhaps; too; Joseph Sedley would overhear the
complimentRebecca spoke loud enoughand he did
hear; and (thinking in his heart that he was a very fine
man) the praise thrilled through every fibre of his big
body; and made it tingle with pleasure。  Then; however;
came a recoil。  〃Is the girl making fun of me?〃 he thought;
and straightway he bounced towards the bell; and was
for retreating; as we have seen; when his father's jokes
and his mother's entreaties caused him to pause and
stay where he was。  He conducted the young lady down
to dinner in a dubious and agitated frame of mind。
〃Does she really think I am handsome?〃 thought he;
〃or is she only making game of me?〃 We have talked
of Joseph Sedley being as vain as a girl。  Heaven help
us! the girls have only to turn the tables; and say
of one of their own sex; 〃She is as vain as a man;〃
and they will have perfect reason。  The bearded creatures
are quite as eager for praise; quite as finikin over their
toilettes; quite as proud of their personal advantages;
quite as conscious of their powers of fascination; as
any coquette in the world。
Downstairs; then; they went; Joseph very red and
blushing; Rebecca very modest; and holding her green
eyes downwards。  She was dressed in white; with bare
shoulders as white as snowthe picture of youth;
unprotected innocence; and humble virgin simplicity。
〃I must be very quiet;〃 thought Rebecca; 〃and very much
interested about India。〃
Now we have heard how Mrs。 Sedley had prepared a
fine curry for her son; just as he liked it; and in the
course of dinner a portion of this dish was offered to
Rebecca。  〃What is it?〃 said she; turning an appealing
look to Mr。 Joseph。
〃Capital;〃 said he。  His mouth was full of it: his face
quite red with the delightful exercise of gobbling。 
〃Mother; it's as good as my own curries in India。〃
〃Oh; I must try some; if it is an Indian dish;〃 said
Miss Rebecca。  〃I am sure everything must be good that
comes from there。〃
〃Give Miss Sharp some curry; my dear;〃 said Mr。
Sedley; laughing。
Rebecca had never tasted the dish before。
〃Do you find it as good as everything else from India?〃
said Mr。 Sedley。
〃Oh; excellent!〃 said Rebecca; who was suffering
tortures with the cayenne pepper。
〃Try a chili with it; Miss Sharp;〃 said Joseph; really
〃A chili;〃 said Rebecca; gasping。  〃Oh yes!〃  She thought
a chili was something cool; as its name imported;
and was served with some。  〃How fresh and green they
look;〃 she said; and put one into her mouth。  It was
hotter than the curry; flesh and blood could bear it no
longer。  She laid down her fork。  〃Water; for Heaven's
sake; water!〃 she cried。  Mr。 Sedley burst out laughing
(he was a coarse man; from the Stock Exchange; where
they love all sorts of practical jokes)。  〃They are real
Indian; I assure you;〃 said he。  〃Sambo; give Miss Sharp
some water。〃
The paternal laugh was echoed by Joseph; who thought
the joke capital。  The ladies only smiled a little。  They
thought poor Rebecca suffered too much。  She would have
liked to choke old Sedley; but she swallowed her
mortification as well as she had the abominable curry
before it; and as soon as she could speak; said; with a comical;
good…humoured air; 〃I ought to have remembered the
pepper which the Princess of Persia puts in the cream…
tarts in the Arabian Nights。  Do you put cayenne into
your cream…tarts in India; sir?〃
Old Sedley began to laugh; and thought Rebecca
was a good…humoured girl。  Joseph simply said; 〃Cream…
tarts; Miss? Our cream is very bad in Bengal。  We
generally use goats' milk; and; 'gad; do you know; I've got
to prefer it!〃
〃You won't like EVERYTHING from India now; Miss
Sharp;〃 said the old gentleman; but when the ladies had
retired after dinner; the wily old fellow said to his son;
〃Have a care; Joe; that girl is setting her cap at you。〃
〃Pooh! nonsense!〃 said Joe; highly flattered。  〃I recollect;
sir; there was a girl at Dumdum; a daughter of
Cutler of the Artillery; and afterwards married to Lance;
the surgeon; who made a dead set at me in the year
'4at me and Mulligatawney; whom I mentioned to you
before dinnera devilish good fellow Mulligatawney
he's a magistrate at Budgebudge; and sure to be in
council in five years。  Well; sir; the Artillery gave a ball;
and Quintin; of the King's 14th; said to me; 'Sedley;' said
he; 'I bet you thirteen to ten that Sophy Cutler hooks
either you or Mulligatawney before the rains。' 'Done;'
says I; and egad; sirthis claret's very good。  Adamson's
or Carbonell's?〃
A slight snore was the only reply: the honest stockbroker
was asleep; and so the rest of Joseph's story was lost
for that day。  But he was always exceedingly
communicative in a man's party; and has told this
delightful tale many scores of times to his apothecary;
Dr。 Gollop; when he came to inquire about the liver and
the blue…pill。
Being an invalid; Joseph Sedley contented himself with
a bottle of claret besides his Madeira at dinner; and
he managed a couple of plates full of strawberries and
cream; and twenty…four little rout cakes that were lying
neglected in a plate near him; and certainly (for
novelists have the privilege of knowing everything)
he thought a great deal about the girl upstairs。  〃A nice;
gay; merry young creature;〃 thought he to himself。
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