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vanity fair(名利场)-第90章

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had put the old quiz to the blush; he stalked out of
the office with the paper in his pocket。
〃That chap will be in gaol in two years;〃 Mr。 Higgs said
to Mr。 Poe。
〃Won't O。 come round; sir; don't you think?〃
〃Won't the monument come round;〃 Mr。 Higgs replied。
〃He's going it pretty fast;〃 said the clerk。  〃He's only
married a week; and I saw him and some other military
chaps handing Mrs。 Highflyer to her carriage after the
play。〃 And then another case was called; and Mr。 George
Osborne thenceforth dismissed from these worthy
gentlemen's memory。
The draft was upon our friends Hulker and Bullock of
Lombard Street; to whose house; still thinking he was
doing business; George bent his way; and from whom he
received his money。  Frederick Bullock; Esq。; whose
yellow face was over a ledger; at which sate a demure clerk;
happened to be in the banking…room when George entered。
His yellow face turned to a more deadly colour
when he saw the Captain; and he slunk back guiltily into
the inmost parlour。  George was too busy gloating over
the money (for he had never had such a sum before); to
mark the countenance or flight of the cadaverous suitor
of his sister。
Fred Bullock told old Osborne of his son's appearance
and conduct。  〃He came in as bold as brass;〃 said
Frederick。  〃He has drawn out every shilling。  How long
will a few hundred pounds last such a chap as that?〃 
Osborne swore with a great oath that he little cared when or
how soon he spent it。  Fred dined every day in Russell
Square now。  But altogether; George was highly pleased
with his day's business。  All his own baggage and outfit
was put into a state of speedy preparation; and he paid
Amelia's purchases with cheques on his agents; and with
the splendour of a lord。

In Which Amelia Joins Her Regiment
When Jos's fine carriage drove up to the inn door at
Chatham; the first face which Amelia recognized was the
friendly countenance of Captain Dobbin; who had been
pacing the street for an hour past in expectation of his
friends' arrival。  The Captain; with shells on his frockcoat;
and a crimson sash and sabre; presented a military
appearance; which made Jos quite proud to be able to
claim such an acquaintance; and the stout civilian hailed
him with a cordiality very different from the reception
which Jos vouchsafed to his friend in Brighton and Bond
Along with the Captain was Ensign Stubble; who; as
the barouche neared the inn; burst out with an exclamation
of 〃By Jove! what a pretty girl〃; highly applauding
Osborne's choice。  Indeed; Amelia dressed in her wedding…
pelisse and pink ribbons; with a flush in her face;
occasioned by rapid travel through the open air; looked so
fresh and pretty; as fully to justify the Ensign's compliment。
Dobbin liked him for making it。  As he stepped forward
to help the lady out of the carriage; Stubble saw
what a pretty little hand she gave him; and what a sweet
pretty little foot came tripping down the step。  He blushed
profusely; and made the very best bow of which he was
capable; to which Amelia; seeing the number of the the
regiment embroidered on the Ensign's cap; replied with a
blushing smile; and a curtsey on her part; which finished
the young Ensign on the spot。  Dobbin took most kindly to
Mr。 Stubble from that day; and encouraged him to talk
about Amelia in their private walks; and at each other's
quarters。  It became the fashion; indeed; among all the
honest young fellows of the th to adore and admire
Mrs。 Osborne。  Her simple artless behaviour; and
modest kindness of demeanour; won all their unsophisticated
hearts; all which simplicity and sweetness are quite
impossible to describe in print。  But who has not beheld
these among women; and recognised the presence of all
sorts of qualities in them; even though they say no more
to you than that they are engaged to dance the next
quadrille; or that it is very hot weather?  George; always the
champion of his regiment; rose immensely in the opinion
of the youth of the corps; by his gallantry in marrying this
portionless young creature; and by his choice of such a
pretty kind partner。
In the sitting…room which was awaiting the travellers;
Amelia; to her surprise; found a letter addressed to Mrs。
Captain Osborne。  It was a triangular billet; on pink paper;
and sealed with a dove and an olive branch; and a
profusion of light blue sealing wax; and it was written in
a very large; though undecided female hand。
〃It's Peggy O'Dowd's fist;〃 said George; laughing。  〃I
know it by the kisses on the seal。〃 And in fact; it was a
note from Mrs。 Major O'Dowd; requesting the pleasure
of Mrs。 Osborne's company that very evening to a small
friendly party。  〃You must go;〃 George said。  〃You will
make acquaintance with the regiment there。  O'Dowd goes
in command of the regiment; and Peggy goes in command
But they had not been for many minutes in the enjoyment
of Mrs。 O'Dowd's letter; when the door was flung
open; and a stout jolly lady; in a riding…habit; followed by
a couple of officers of Ours; entered the room。
〃Sure; I couldn't stop till tay…time。  Present me; Garge;
my dear fellow; to your lady。  Madam; I'm deloighted to
see ye; and to present to you me husband; Meejor
O'Dowd〃; and with this; the jolly lady in the riding…habit
grasped Amelia's hand very warmly; and the latter knew
at once that the lady was before her whom her husband
had so often laughed at。  〃You've often heard of me from
that husband of yours;〃 said the lady; with great vivacity。
〃You've often heard of her;〃 echoed her husband; the
Amelia answered; smiling; 〃that she had。〃
〃And small good he's told you of me;〃 Mrs。 O'Dowd
replied; adding that 〃George was a wicked divvle。〃
〃That I'll go bail for;〃 said the Major; trying to look
knowing; at which George laughed; and Mrs。 O'Dowd;
with a tap of her whip; told the Major to be quiet; and
then requested to be presented in form to Mrs。 Captain
〃This; my dear;〃 said George with great gravity; 〃is my
very good; kind; and excellent friend; Auralia Margaretta;
otherwise called Peggy。〃
〃Faith; you're right;〃 interposed the Major。
〃Otherwise called Peggy; lady of Major Michael
O'Dowd; of our regiment; and daughter of Fitzjurld
Ber'sford de Burgo Malony of Glenmalony; County Kildare。〃
〃And Muryan Squeer; Doblin;〃 said the lady with calm
〃And Muryan Square; sure enough;〃 the Major
〃'Twas there ye coorted me; Meejor dear;〃 the lady
said; and the Major assented to this as to every other
proposition which was made generally in company。
Major O'Dowd; who had served his sovereign in every
quarter of the world; and had paid for every step in his
profession by some more than equivalent act of daring
and gallantry; was the most modest; silent; sheep…faced
and meek of little men; and as obedient to his wife as if
he had been her tay…boy。  At the mess…table he sat silently;
and drank a great deal。  When full of liquor; he
reeled silently home。  When he spoke; it was to agree with
everybody on every conceivable point; and he passed
through life in perfect ease and good…humour。  The
hottest suns of India never heated his tempe
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