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the golden bough-第313章

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has been slowly altering the complexion of thought be continued in the near future? or will a reaction set in which may arrest progress and even undo much that has been done? To keep up our parable; what will be the colour of the web which the Fates are now weaving on the humming loom of time? will it be white or red? We cannot tell。 A faint glimmering light illumines the backward portion of the web。 Clouds and thick darkness hide the other end。

Our long voyage of discovery is over and our bark has drooped her weary sails in port at last。 Once more we take the road to Nemi。 It is evening; and as we climb the long slope of the Appian Way up to the Alban Hills; we look back and see the sky aflame with sunset; its golden glory resting like the aureole of a dying saint over Rome and touching with a crest of fire the dome of St。 Peter's。 The sight once seen can never be forgotten; but we turn from it and pursue our way darkling along the mountain side; till we come to Nemi and look down on the lake in its deep hollow; now fast disappearing in the evening shadows。 The place has changed but little since Diana received the homage of her worshippers in the sacred grove。 The temple of the sylvan goddess; indeed; has vanished and the King of the Wood no longer stands sentinel over the Golden Bough。 But Nemi's woods are still green; and as the sunset fades above them in the west; there comes to us; borne on the swell of the wind; the sound of the church bells of Aricia ringing the Angelus。 Ave Maria! Sweet and solemn they chime out from the distant town and die lingeringly away across the wide Campagnan marshes。 Le roi est mort; vive le roi! Ave Maria!

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