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rothers' the outside vessel in the port。  When Thorer had set up his tents he went on shore; and many of his men with him。 They went to Karle's ship; which was well provided。  Thorer hailed the ship; and told the commanders to come on shore; on which the brothers; and some men with them; went on the land。  Now Thorer began the same discourse; and told them to bring the goods they got in booty to the land to have them divided。  The brothers thought that was not necessary; until they had arrived at their own neighbourhood。  Thorer said it was unusual not to divide booty but at their own home; and thus to be left to the honour of other people。  They spoke some words about it; but could not agree。  Then Thorer turned away; but had not gone far before he came back; and tells his comrades to wait there。  Thereupon he calls to Karle; and says he wants to speak with him alone。  Karle went to meet him; and when he came near; Thorer struck at him with a spear; so that it went through him。  〃There;〃 said Thorer; 〃now thou hast learnt to know a Bjarkey Island man。  I thought thou shouldst feel Asbjorn's spear。〃  Karle died instantly; and Thorer with his people went immediately on board their ship。  When Gunstein and his men saw Karle fall they ran instantly to him; took his body and carried it on board their ship; struck their tents; and cast off from the pier; and left the land。  When Thorer and his men saw this; they took down their tents and made preparations to follow。  But as they were hoisting the sail the fastenings to the mast broke in two; and the sail fell down across the ship; which caused a great delay before they could hoist the sail again。  Gunstein had already got a long way ahead before Thorer's ship fetched way; and now they used both sails and oars。  Gunstein did the same。  On both sides they made great way day and night; but so that they did not gain much on each other; although when they came to the small sounds among the islands Gunstein's vessel was lighter in turning。  But Thorer's ship made way upon them; so that when they came up to Lengjuvik; Gunstein turned towards the land; and with all his men ran up into the country; and left his ship。  A little after Thorer came there with his ship; sprang upon the land after them; and pursued them。  There was a woman who helped Gunstein to conceal himself; and it is told that she was much acquainted with witchcraft。  Thorer and his men returned to the vessels; and took all the goods out of Gunstein's vessel; and put on board stones in place of the cargo; and then hauled the ship out into the fjord; cut a hole in its bottom; and sank it to the bottom。 Thereafter Thorer; with his people; returned home to Bjarkey Isle。  Gunstein and his people proceeded in small boats at first; and lay concealed by day; until they had passed Bjarkey; and had got beyond Thorer's district。  Gunstein went home first to Langey Isle for a short time; and then proceeded south without any halt; until he came south to Throndhjem; and there found King Olaf; to whom he told all that had happened on this Bjarmaland expedition。 The king was ill…pleased with the voyage; but told Gunstein to remain with him; promising to assist him when opportunity offered。  Gunstein took the invitation with thanks; and stayed with King Olaf。

ENDNOTES: (1)  Ludr  the loor  is a long tube or roll of birch…bark      used as a horn by the herdboys in the mountains in Norway。       L。


King Olaf was; as before related; in Sarpsborg the winter (A。D。 1026) that King Canute was in Denmark。  The Swedish king Onund rode across West Gautland the same winter; and had thirty hundred (3600) men with him。  Men and messages passed between them; and they agreed to meet in spring at Konungahella。  The meeting had been postponed; because they wished to know before they met what King Canute intended doing。  As it was now approaching towards winter; King Canute made ready to go over to England with his forces; and left his son Hardaknut to rule in Denmark; and with him Earl Ulf; a son of Thorgils Sprakaleg。  Ulf was married to Astrid; King Svein's daughter; and sister of Canute the Great。 Their son Svein was afterwards king of Denmark。  Earl Ulf was a very distinguished man。  When the kings Olaf and Onund heard that Canute the Great had gone west to England; they hastened to hold their conference; and met at Konungahella; on the Gaut river。 They had a joyful meeting; and had many friendly conversations; of which something might become known to the public; but they also spake often a great deal between themselves; with none but themselves two present; of which only some things afterwards were carried into effect; and thus became known to every one。  At parting the kings presented each other with gifts; and parted the best of friends。  King Onund went up into Gautland; and Olaf northwards to Viken; and afterwards to Agder; and thence northwards along the coast; but lay a long time at Egersund waiting a wind。  Here he heard that Erling Skjalgson; and the inhabitants of Jadar with him; had assembled a large force。  One day the king's people were talking among themselves whether the wind was south or south…west; and whether with that wind they could sail past Jadar or not。  The most said it was impossible to fetch round。  Then answers Haldor Brynjolfson; 〃I am of opinion that we would go round Jadar with this wind fast enough if Erling Skjalgson had prepared a feast for us at Sole。〃  Then King Olaf ordered the tents to be struck; and the vessels to be hauled out; which was done。  They sailed the same day past Jadar with the best wind; and in the evening reached Hirtingsey; from whence the king proceeded to Hordaland; and was entertained there in guest… quarters。


The same summer (A。D。 1026) a ship sailed from Norway to the Farey Islands; with messengers carrying a verbal message from King Olaf; that one of his court…men; Leif Ossurson; or Lagman Gille; or Thoralf of Dimun; should come over to him from the Farey Islands。  Now when this message came to the Farey Islands; and was delivered to those whom it concerned; they held a meeting among themselves; to consider what might lie under this message; and they were all of opinion that the king wanted to inquire into the real state of the event which some said had taken place upon the islands; namely; the failure and disappearance of the former messengers of the king; and the loss of the two ships; of which not a man had been saved。  It was resolved that Thoralf should undertake the journey。  He got himself ready; and rigged out a merchant…vessel belonging to himself; manned with ten or twelve men。  When it was ready; waiting a wind; it happened; at Austrey; in the house of Thrand of Gata; that he went one fine day into the room where his brother's two sons; Sigurd and Thord; sons of Thorlak; were lying upon the benches in the room。  Gaut the Red was also there; who was one of their relations and a man of distinction。  Sigurd was the oldest; and their leader in all things。  Thord had a distinguished name; and was called Thord the Low; although in reality he was uncommonly tall; and yet in proportion more strong than larg
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