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in numbers; know not what to do when they have experienced a check; have lost their chief; and are without leaders。  None of Erling's sons were there; and the bondes therefore made no attack; and the king sailed on his way northwards。  But the bondes took Erling's corpse; adorned it; and carried it with them home to Sole; and also the bodies of all who had fallen。  There was great lamentation over Erling; and it has been a common observation among people; that Erling Skjalgson was the greatest and worthiest man in Norway of those who had no high title。  Sigvat made these verses upon the occasion: 

     〃Thus Erling fell  and such a gain      To buy with such a loss was vain;      For better man than he ne'er died;      And the king's gain was small beside。      In truth no man I ever knew      Was; in all ways; so firm and true;      Free from servility and pride;      Honoured by all; yet thus he died。〃

Sigvat also says that Aslak had very unthinkingly committed this murder of his own kinsman: 

     〃Norway's brave defender's dead!      Aslak has heaped on his own head      The guilt of murdering his own kin:      May few be guilty of such sin!      His kinsman's murder on him lies       Our forefathers; in sayings wise;      Have said; what is unknown to few;      ‘Kinsmen to kinsmen should be true。'〃


Of Erling's sons some at that time were north in Throndhjem; some in Hordaland; and some in the Fjord district; for the purpose of collecting men。  When Erling's death was reported; the news came also that there was a levy raising in Agder; Hordaland; and Rogaland。  Forces were raised and a great army assembled; under Erling's sons; to pursue King Olaf。

When King Olaf retired from the battle with Erling he went northward through the sounds; and it was late in the day。  It is related that the king then made the following verses: 

     〃This night; with battle sounds wild ringing;      Small joy to the fair youth is bringing      Who sits in Jadar; little dreaming      O'er what this night the raven's screaming。      The far…descended Erling's life      Too soon has fallen; but; in the strife      He met the luck they well deserve      Who from their faith and fealty swerve。〃

Afterwards the king sailed with his fleet along the land northwards; and got certain tidings of the bondes assembling an army。  There were many chiefs and lendermen at this time with King Olaf; and all the sons of Arne。  Of this Bjarne Gullbrarskald speaks in the poem he composed about Kalf Arnason: 

     〃Kalf!  thou hast fought at Bokn well;      Of thy brave doings all men tell:      When Harald's son his men urged on      To the hard strife; thy courage shone。      Thou soon hadst made a good Yule feast      For greedy wolf there in the East:      Where stone and spear were flying round;      There thou wast still the foremost found。      The people suffered in the strife      When noble Erling lost his life;      And north of Utstein many a speck      Of blood lay black upon the deck。      The king; 'tis clear; has been deceived;      By treason of his land bereaved;      And Agder now; whose force is great。      Will rule o'er all parts of the state。〃

King O1af continued his voyage until he came north of Stad; and brought up at the Herey Isles。  Here he heard the news that Earl Hakon had a great war…force in Throndhjem; and thereupon the king held a council with his people。  Kalf Arnason urged much to advance to Throndhjem; and fight Earl Hakon; notwithstanding the difference of numbers。  Many others supported this advice; but others dissuaded from it; and the matter was left to the king's judgment。


Afterwards the king went into Steinavag; and remained there all night; but Aslak Fitiaskalle ran into Borgund; where he remained the night; and where Vigleik Arnason was before him。  In the morning; when Aslak was about returning on board; Vigleik assaulted him; and sought to avenge Erling's murder。  Aslak fell there。  Some of the king's court…men; who had been home all summer; joined the king here。  They came from Frekeysund; and brought the king tidings that Earl Hakon; and many lendermen with him; had come in the morning to Frekeysund with a large force; 〃and they will end thy days; sire; if they have strength enough。〃 Now the king sent his men up to a hill that was near; and when they came to the top; and looked northwards to Bjarney Island; they perceived that a great armament of many ships was coming from the north; and they hastened back to the king with this intelligence。  The king; who was lying there with only twelve ships; ordered the war…horn to sound; the tents to be taken down on his ships; and they took to their oars。  When they were quite ready; and were leaving the harbour; the bonde army sailed north around Thiotande with twenty…five ships。  The king then steered inside of Nyrfe Island; and inside of Hundsver。  Now when King Olaf came right abreast of Borgund; the ship which Aslak had steered came out to meet him; and when they found the king they told him the tidings;  that Vigleik Arnason had killed Aslak Fitiaskalle; because he had killed Erling Skjalgson。  The king took this news very angrily; but could not delay his voyage on account of the enemy and he sailed in by Vegsund and Skor。  There some of his people left him; among others; Kalf Arnason; with many other lendermen and ship commanders; who all went to meet Earl Hakon。  King Olaf; however; proceeded on his way without stopping until he came to Todar fjord; where he brought up at Valdal; and landed from his ship。  He had then five ships with him; which he drew up upon the shore; and took care of their sails and materials。  Then he set up his land…tent upon a point of land called Sult; where there are pretty flat fields; and set up a cross near to the point of land。  A bonde; by name Bruse; who dwelt there in More; and was chief over the valley; came down to King Olaf; together with many other bondes; and received him well; and according to his dignity; and he was friendly; and pleased with their reception of him。  Then the king asked if there was a passable road up in the country from the valley to Lesjar; and Bruse replied; that there was an urd in the valley called Skerfsurd not passable for man or beast。  King Olaf answers; 〃That we must try; bonde; and it will go as God pleases。 Come here in the morning with your yoke; and come yourself with it; and let us then see。  When we come to the sloping precipice; what chance there may be; and if we cannot devise some means of coming over it with horses and people。〃


Now when day broke the bondes drove down with their yokes; as the king had told them。  The clothes and weapons were packed upon horses; but the king and all the people went on foot。  He went thus until he came to a place called Krosbrekka; and when he came up upon the hill he rested himself; sat down there a while; looked down over the fjord; and said; 〃A difficult expedition ye have thrown upon my hands; ye lendermen; who have now changed your fealty; although but a little while ago ye were my friends and faithful to me
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