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These songs were immediately got by heart by the army。


Thereafter the king made himself ready; and marched down through the valley。  His whole forces took up their night…quarter in one place; and lay down all night under their shields; but as soon as day broke the king again put his army in order; and that being done they proceeded down through the valley。  Many bondes then came to the king; of whom the most joined his army; and all; as one man; told the same tale;  that the lendermen had collected an enormous army; with which they intended to give battle to the king。

The king took many marks of silver; and delivered them into the hands of a bonde; and said; 〃This money thou shalt conceal; and afterwards lay out; some to churches; some to priests; some to alms…men;  as gifts for the life and souls of those who fight against us; and may fall in battle。〃

The bonde replies; 〃Should you not rather give this money for the soul…mulct of your own men?〃

The king says; 〃This money shall be given for the souls of those who stand against us in the ranks of the bondes' army; and fall by the weapons of our own men。  The men who follow us to battle; and fall therein; will all be saved together with ourself。〃


This night the king lay with his army around him on the field; as before related; and lay long awake in prayer to God; and slept but little。  Towards morning a slumber fell on him; and when he awoke daylight was shooting up。  The king thought it too early to awaken the army; and asked where Thormod the skald was。  Thormod was at hand; and asked what was the king's pleasure。 〃Sing us a song;〃 said the king。  Thormod raised himself up; and sang so loud that the whole army could hear him。  He began to sing the old 〃Bjarkamal〃; of which these are the first verses: 

     〃The day is breaking;       The house cock; shaking      His rustling wings;      While priest…bell rings;      Crows up the morn;      And touting horn      Wakes thralls to work and weep;      Ye sons of Adil; cast off sleep;      Wake up!  wake up!      Nor wassail cup;      Nor maiden's jeer;      Awaits you here。      Hrolf of the bow!      Har of the blow!      Up in your might!  the day is breaking;      'Tis Hild's game (1) that bides your waking。〃

Then the troops awoke; and when the song was ended the people thanked him for it; and it pleased many; as it was suitable to the time and occasion; and they called it the house…carle's whet。 The king thanked him for the pleasure; and took a gold ring that weighed half a mark and gave it him。  Thormod thanked the king for the gift; and said; 〃We have a good king; but it is not easy to say how long the king's life may be。  It is my prayer; sire; that thou shouldst never part from me either in life or death。〃 The king replies; 〃We shall all go together so long as I rule; and as ye will follow me。〃

Thormod says; 〃I hope; sire; that whether in safety or danger I may stand near you as long as I can stand; whatever we may hear of Sigvat travelling with his gold…hilted sword。〃  Then Thormod made these lines: 

     〃To thee; my king; I'll still be true;      Until another skald I view;      Here in the field with golden sword;      As in thy hall; with flattering word。      Thy skald shall never be a craven;      Though he may feast the croaking raven;      The warrior's fate unmoved I view;       To thee; my king; I'll still be true。〃

ENDNOTES: (1)  Hild's game is the battle; from the name of the war…goddess      Hild。  L。


King O1af led his army farther down through the valley; and Dag and his men went another way; and the king did not halt until he came to Stiklestad。  There he saw the bonde army spread out all around; and there were so great numbers that people were going on every footpath; and great crowds were collected far and near。  They also saw there a troop which came down from Veradal; and had been out to spy。  They came so close to the king's people that they knew each other。  It was Hrut of Viggia; with thirty men。 The king ordered his pursuivants to go out against Hrut; and make an end of him; to which his men were instantly ready。  The king said to the Icelanders; 〃It is told me that in Iceland it is the custom that the bondes give their house…servants a sheep to slaughter; now I give you a ram to slaughter (1)。  The Icelanders were easily invited to this; and went out immediately with a few men against Hrut; and killed him and the troop that followed him。 When the king came to Stiklestad he made a halt; and made the army stop; and told his people to alight from their horses and get ready for battle; and the people did as the king ordered。  Then he placed his army in battle array; and raised his banner。 Dag was not yet arrived with his men; so that his wing of the battle array was wanting。  Then the king said the Upland men should go forward in their place; and raise their banner there。 〃It appears to me advisable;〃 says the king; 〃that Harald my brother should not be in the battle; for he is still in the years of childhood only。〃  Harald replies; 〃Certainly I shall be in the battle; for I am not so weak that I cannot handle the sword; and as to that; I have a notion of tying the sword…handle to my hand。 None is more willing than I am to give the bondes a blow; so I shall go with my comrades。〃  It is said that Harald made these lines: 

     〃Our army's wing; where I shall stand;      I will hold good with heart and hand;      My mother's eye shall joy to see      A battered; blood…stained shield from me。      The brisk young skald should gaily go      Into the fray; give blow for blow;      Cheer on his men; gain inch by inch;      And from the spear…point never flinch。〃

Harald got his will; and was allowed to be in the battle。

ENDNOTES: (1)  Hrut means a young ram。  L。


A bonde; by name Thorgils Halmason; father to Grim the Good; dwelt in Stiklestad farm。  Thorgils offered the king his assistance; and was ready to go into battle with him。  The king thanked him for the offer。  〃I would rather;〃 says the king; 〃thou shouldst not be in the fight。  Do us rather the service to take care of the people who are wounded; and to bury those who may fall; when the battle is over。  Should it happen; bonde; that I fall in this battle; bestow the care on my body that may be necessary; if that be not forbidden thee。〃  Thorgils promised the king what he desired。


Now when King Olaf had drawn up his army in battle array he made a speech; in which he told the people to raise their spirit; and go boldly forward; if it came to a battle。  〃We have;〃 says he; 〃many men; and good; and although the bondes may have a somewhat larger force than we; it is fate that rules over victory。  This I will make known to you solemnly; that I shall not fly from this battle; but shall either be victorious over the bondes; or fall in the fight。  I will pray to God that the lot of the two may befall me which will be most to my advantage。  With this we may encourage ourselves; that we have 
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