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by both without disorder。      The eastern Vindland men they drove      Into a corner; and they move      The Lesians; although ill at ease;      To take the laws their conquerors please。〃

Harald remained several years in Russia; and travelled far and wide in the Eastern land。  Then he began his expedition out to Greece; and had a great suite of men with him; and on he went to Constantinople。  So says Bolverk: 

     〃Before the cold sea…curling blast      The cutter from the land flew past;      Her black yards swinging to and fro;      Her shield…hung gunwale dipping low。      The king saw glancing o'er the bow      Constantinople's metal glow      From tower and roof; and painted sails      Gliding past towns and wooded vales。〃


At that time the Greek empire was ruled by the Empress Zoe the Great; and with her Michael Catalactus。  Now when Harald came to Constantinople he presented himself to the empress; and went into her pay; and immediately; in autumn; went on board the galleys manned with troops which went out to the Greek sea。  Harald had his own men along with him。  Now Harald had been but a short time in the army before all the Varings flocked to him; and they all joined together when there was a battle。  It thus came to pass that Harald was made chief of the Varings。  There was a chief over all the troops who was called Gyrger; and who was a relation of the empress。  Gyrger and Harald went round among all the Greek islands; and fought much against the corsairs。


It happened once that Gyrger and the Varings were going through the country; and they resolved to take their night quarters in a wood; and as the Varings came first to the ground; they chose the place which was best for pitching their tents upon; which was the highest ground; for it is the nature of the land there to be soft when rain falls; and therefore it is bad to choose a low situation for your tents。  Now when Gyrger; the chief of the army; came up; and saw where the Varings had set up their tents; he told them to remove; and pitch their tents elsewhere; saying he would himself pitch his tents on their ground。  Harald replies; 〃If ye come first to the night quarter; ye take up your ground; and we must go pitch our tents at some other place where we best can。  Now do ye so; in the same way; and find a place where ye will。  It is; I think; the privilege of us Varings here in the dominions of the Greek emperor to be free; and independent of all but their own commanders; and bound only to serve the emperor and empress。〃  They disputed long and hotly about this; and both sides armed themselves; and were on the way to fight for it; but men of understanding came between and separated them。 They said it would be better to come to an agreement about such questions; so that in future no dispute could arise。  It came thus to an arbitration between them; at which the best and most sagacious men should give their judgment in the case。  At this arbitration it was determined; with the consent of all parties; that lots should be thrown into a box; and the Greeks and Varings should draw which was first to ride; or to row; or to take place in a harbour; or to choose tent ground; and each side should be satisfied with what the drawing of the lots gave them。  Accordingly the lots were made and marked。  Harald said to Gyrger; 〃Let me see what mark thou hast put upon thy lot; that we may not both mark our lots in the same way。〃  He did so。  Then Harald marked his lot; and put it into the box along with the other。  The man who was to draw out the lots then took up one of the lots between his fingers; held it up in the air; and said; 〃This lot shall be the first to ride; and to row; and to take place in harbour and on the tent field。〃  Harald seized his band; snatched the die; and threw it into the sea; and called out; 〃That was our lot!〃  Gyrger said; 〃Why did you not let other people see it?〃  Harald replies; 〃Look at the one remaining in the box;  there you see your own mark upon it。〃  Accordingly the lot which was left behind was examined; and all men saw that Gyrger's mark was upon it; and accordingly the judgment was given that the Varings had gained the first choice in all they had been quarrelling about。  There were many things they quarrelled about; but the end always was that Harald got his own way。


They went out all on a campaign in summer。  When the whole army was thus assembled Harald kept his men out of the battle; or wherever he saw the least danger; under pretext of saving his men; but where he was alone with his own men only; he fought so desperately that they must either come off victorious or die。  It thus happened often that when he commanded the army he gained victories; while Gyrger could do nothing。  The troops observed this; and insisted they would be more successful if Harald alone was chief of the whole army; and upbraided the general with never effecting anything; neither himself; nor his people。  Gyrger again said that the Varings would give him no assistance; and ordered Harald to go with his men somewhere else; and he; with the rest of his army; would win what they could。  Harald accordingly left the army with the Varings and the Latin men; and Gyrger on his side went off with the Greek troops。  Then it was seen what each could do。  Harald always gained victories and booty; but the Greeks went home to Constantinople with their army; all except a few brave men; who; to gain booty and money; joined themselves to Harald; and took him for their leader。  He then went with his troops westward to Africa; which the Varings call Serkland; where he was strengthened with many men。  In Serkland he took eighty castles; some of which surrendered; and others were stormed。  He then went to Sicily。  So says Thiodolf: 

     〃The serpent's bed of glowing gold      He hates  the generous king; the bold!      He who four score towers laid low;      Ta'en from the Saracenic foe。      Before upon Sicilian plains;      Shield joined to shield; the fight he gains;      The victory at Hild's war game;      And now the heathens dread his name。〃

So says also Illuge Bryndala…skald: 

     〃For Michael's empire Harald fought;      And southern lands to Michael brought;      So Budle's son his friendship showed      When he brought friends to his abode。〃

Here it is said that Michael was king of the Greeks at that time。 Harald remained many years in Africa; where he gathered great wealth in gold; jewels; and all sorts of precious things; and all the wealth he gathered there which he did not need for his expenses; he sent with trusty men of his own north to Novgorod to King Jarisleif's care and keeping。  He gathered together there extraordinary treasure; as is reasonable to suppose; for he had the plundering of the part of the world richest in gold and valuable things; and he had done such great deeds as with truth are related; such as taking eighty strongholds by his valour。


Now when Harald came to Sicily he plundered there also; and sat down with his army before a strong and populous castle。  H
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