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The ship was remarkably well equipt; and fully manned。  So says Thiodolf: 

     〃The king had got a chosen crew       He told his brave lads to stand true。      The ring of shields seemed to enclose      The ship's deck from the boarding foes。      The dragon; on the Nis…river flood;      Beset with men; who thickly stood;      Shield touching shield; was something rare;      That seemed all force of man to dare。〃

Ulf; the marshal; laid his ship by the side of the king's and ordered his men to bring her well forward。  Stein Herdison; who was himself in Ulf's ship; sings of it thus: 

     〃Our oars were stowed; our lances high;      As the ship moved swung in the sky。      The marshal Ulf went through our ranks;      Drawn up beside the rowers' banks:      The brave friend of our gallant king      Told us our ship well on to bring;      And fight like Norsemen in the cause       Our Norsemen answered with huzzas。〃

Hakon Ivarson lay outside on the other wing; and had many ships with him; all well equipt。  At the extremity of the other side lay the Throndhjem chiefs; who had also a great and strong force。


Svein; the Danish king; also drew up his fleet; and laid his ship forward in the center against King Harald's ship; and Fin Arnason laid his ship next; and then the Danes laid their ships; according as they were bold or well…equipt。  Then; on both sides; they bound the ships together all through the middle of the fleets; but as the fleets were so large; very many ships remained loose; and each laid his ship forward according to his courage; and that was very unequal。  Although the difference among the men was great; altogether there was a very great force on both sides。 King Svein had six earls among the people following him。  So says Stein Herdison: 

     〃Danger our chief would never shun;      With eight score ships he would not run:      The Danish fleet he would abide;      And give close battle side by side。      From Leire's coast the Danish king      Three hundred ocean steeds could bring;      And o'er the sea…weed plain in haste      Thought Harald's vessels would be chased。〃


As soon as King Harald was ready with his fleet; he orders the war…blast to sound; and the men to row forward to the attack。  So says Stein Herdison: 

     〃Harald and Svein first met as foes;      Where the Nis in the ocean flows;      For Svein would not for peace entreat;      But; strong in ships; would Harald meet。      The Norsemen prove; with sword in hand;      That numbers cannot skill withstand。      Off Halland's coast the blood of Danes      The blue sea's calm smooth surface stains。〃

Soon the battle began; and became very sharp; both kings urging on their men。  So says Stein Herdison: 

     〃Our king; his broad shield disregarding;      More keen for striking than for warding;      Now tells his lads their spears to throw;       Now shows them where to strike a blow。      From fleet to fleet so short the way;      That stones and arrows have full play;      And from the keen sword dropped the blood      Of short…lived seamen in the flood。〃

It was late in the day when the battle began; and it continued the whole night。  King Harald shot for a long time with his bow。 So says Thiodolf: 

     〃The Upland king was all the night      Speeding the arrows' deadly flight。      All in the dark his bow…string's twang      Was answered; for some white shield rang;      Or yelling shriek gave certain note      The shaft had pierced some ring…mail coat;      The foemen's shields and bulwarks bore      A Lapland arrow…scat(1) or more。〃

Earl Hakon; and the people who followed him; did not make fast their ships in the fleet; but rowed against the Danish ships that were loose; and slew the men of all the ships they came up with。 When the Danes observed this each drew his ship out of the way of the earl; but he set upon those who were trying to escape; and they were nearly driven to flight。  Then a boat came rowing to the earl's ship and hailed him and said that the other wing of King Harald's fleet was giving way and many of their people had fallen。  Then the earl rowed thither and gave so severe an assault that the Danes had to retreat before him。  The earl went on in this way all the night; coming forward where he was most wanted; and wheresoever he came none could stand against him。 Hakon rowed outside around the battle。  Towards the end of the night the greatest part of the Danish fleet broke into flight; for then King Harald with his men boarded the vessel of King Svein; and it was so completely cleared that all the crew fell in the ship; except those who sprang overboard。  So says Arnor; the earls' skald: 

     〃Brave Svein did not his vessel leave      Without good cause; as I believe:      Oft on his casque the sword…blade rang;      Before into the sea he sprang。      Upon the wave his vessel drives;      All his brave crew had lost their lives。      O'er dead courtmen into the sea      The Jutland king had now to flee。〃

And when King Svein's banner was cut down; and his ship cleared of its crew; all his forces took to flight; and some were killed。 The ships which were bound together could not be cast loose; so the people who were in them sprang overboard; and some got to the other ships that were loose; and all King Svein's men who could get off rowed away; but a great many of them were slain。  Where the king himself fought the ships were mostly bound together; and there were more than seventy left behind of King Svein's vessels。 So says Thiodolf: 

     〃Svein's ships rode proudly o'er the deep;      When; by a single sudden sweep;      Full seventy sail; as we are told;      Were seized by Norway's monarch bold。〃

King Harald rowed after the Danes and pursued them; but that was not easy; for the ships lay so thick together that they scarcely could move。  Earl Fin Arnason would not flee; and being also shortsighted; was taken prisoner。  So says Thiodolf: 

     〃To the six Danish earls who came      To aid his force; and raise his name;      No mighty thanks King Svein is owing      For mighty actions of their doing。      Fin Arnason; in battle known;      With a stout Norse heart of his own;      Would not take flight his life to gain;      And in the foremost ranks was ta'en。〃

ENDNOTES: (1)  The Laplanders paid their seat; or yearly tax; in bows and      arrows; and the meaning of the skald appears to be; that as      many as were paid in a year were shot at the foe。  L。


Earl Hakon lay behind with his ships; while the king and the rest of the forces were pursuing the fugitives; for the earls' ships could not get forward on account of the ships which lay in the way before him。  Then a man came rowing in a boat to the earl's ship and lay at the bulwarks。  The man was stout and had on a white hat。  He hailed the ship; 〃Where is the earl?〃 said he。

The earl was in the fore…hold; stopping a man's blood。  The earl cast a look at the man in the hat and asked what his name was。  He answered; 〃Here is Vandrad: speak to me; earl。〃

The earl leant over the ship's side to hi
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