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most able and best beloved by the king of all the lendermen; and to whom the king had promised his daughter Maria。  The weather was uncommonly fine; and it was hot sunshine。  The men therefore laid aside their armour; and went on the land only with their shields; helmets and spears; and girt with swords; and many had also arrows and bows; and all were very merry。  Now as they came near the castle a great army seemed coming against them; and they saw a cloud of dust as from horses' feet; and under it shining shields and bright armour。  The king halted his people; and called to him Earl Toste; and asked him what army this could be。  The earl replied that he thought it most likely to be a hostle army; but possibly it might be some of his relations who were seeking for mercy and friendship; in order to obtain certain peace and safety from the king。  Then the king said; 〃We must all halt; to discover what kind of a force this is。〃  They did so; and the nearer this force came the greater it appeared; and their shining arms were to the sight like glancing ice。


Then said King Harald; 〃Let us now fall upon some good sensible counsel; for it is not to be concealed that this is an hostile army and the king himself without doubt is here。〃

Then said the earl; 〃The first counsel is to turn about as fast as we can to our ships to get our men and our weapons; and then we will make a defence according to our ability; or otherwise let our ships defend us; for there these horsemen have no power over us。〃

Then King Harald said; 〃I have another counsel。  Put three of our best horses under three of our briskest lads and let them ride with all speed to tell our people to come  quickly to our relief。 The Englishmen shall have a hard fray of it before we give ourselves up for lost。〃

The earl said the king must order in this; as in all things; as he thought best; adding; at the same time; it was by no means his wish to fly。  Then King Harald ordered his banner Land…ravager to be set up; and Frirek was the name of him who bore the banner。


Then King Harald arranged his army; and made the line of battle long; but not deep。  He bent both wings of it back; so that they met together; and formed a wide ring equally thick all round; shield to shield; both in the front and rear ranks。  The king himself and his retinue were within the circle; and there was the banner; and a body of chosen men。  Earl Toste; with his retinue; was at another place; and had a different banner。  The army was arranged in this way; because the king knew that horsemen were accustomed to ride forwards with great vigour; but to turn back immediately。  Now the king ordered that his own and the earl's attendants should ride forwards where it was most required。  〃And our bowmen;〃 said he; 〃shall be near to us; and they who stand in the first rank shall set the spear…shaft on the ground; and the spear…point against the horseman's breast; if he rides at them; and those who stand in the second rank shall set the spear…point against the horse's breast。〃


King Harald Godwinson had come with an immense army; both of cavalry and infantry。  Now King Harald Sigurdson rode around his array; to see how every part was drawn up。  He was upon a black horse; and the horse stumbled under him; so that the king fell off。  He got up in haste and said; 〃A fall is lucky for a traveller。〃

The English king Harald said to the Northmen who were with him; 〃Do ye know the stout man who fell from his horse; with the blue kirtle and the beautiful helmet?〃

〃That is the king himself。〃 said they。

The English king said; 〃A great man; and of stately appearance is he; but I think his luck has left him。〃


Twenty horsemen rode forward from the Thing…men's troops against the Northmen's array; and all of them; and likewise their horses; were clothed in armour。

One of the horsemen said; 〃Is Earl Toste in this army?〃

The earl answered; 〃It is not to be denied that ye will find him here。〃

The horseman says; 〃Thy brother; King Harald; sends thee salutation; with the message that thou shalt have the whole of Northumberland; and rather than thou shouldst not submit to him; he will give thee the third part of his kingdom to rule over along with himself。〃

The earl replies; 〃This is something different from the enmity and scorn he offered last winter; and if this had been offered then it would have saved many a man's life who now is dead; and it would have been better for the kingdom of England。  But if I accept of this offer; what will he give King Harald Sigurdson for his trouble?〃

The horseman replied; 〃He has also spoken of this; and will give him seven feet of English ground; or as much more as he may be taller than other men。〃

〃Then;〃 said the earl; 〃go now and tell King Harald to get ready for battle; for never shall the Northmen say with truth that Earl Toste left King Harald Sigurdson to join his enemy's troops; when he came to fight west here in England。  We shall rather all take the resolution to die with honour; or to gain England by a victory。〃

Then the horseman rode back。

King Harald Sigurdson said to the earl; 〃Who was the man who spoke so well?〃

The earl replied; 〃That was King Harald Godwinson。〃

Then; said King Harald Sigurdson; 〃That was by far too long concealed from me; for they had come so near to our army; that this Harald should never have carried back the tidings of our men's slaughter。〃

Then said the earl; 〃It was certainly imprudent for such chiefs; and it may be as you say; but I saw he was going to offer me peace and a great dominion; and that; on the other hand; I would be his murderer if I betrayed him; and I would rather he should be my murderer than I his; if one of two be to die。〃

King Harald Sigurdson observed to his men; 〃That was but a little man; yet he sat firmly in his stirrups。〃

It is said that Harald made these verses at this time: 

     〃Advance!  advance!      No helmets glance;      But blue swords play      In our array。      Advance!  advance!      No mail…coats glance;      But hearts are here      That ne'er knew fear。〃

His coat of mail was called Emma; and it was so long that it reached almost to the middle of his leg; and so strong that no weapon ever pierced it。  Then said King Harald Sigurdson; 〃These verses are but ill composed; I must try to make better;〃 and he composed the following: 

     〃In battle storm we seek no lee;      With skulking head; and bending knee;      Behind the hollow shield。      With eye and hand we fend the head;      Courage and skill stand in the stead      Of panzer; helm; and shield;      In hild's bloody field。〃

Thereupon Thiodolf sang: 

     〃And should our king in battle fall;       A fate that God may give to all;       His sons will vengeance take;      And never shone the sun upon      Two nobler eaglet; in his run;      And them we'll never forsake。〃


Now the battle began。  The Englishmen made a hot assault upon the Northmen; who sustained it bravely。  It was no easy matter for the Eng
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