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 king demands      His royal birthright; half the lands;      Magnus will not the kingdom break;       The whole or nothing he will take。〃


King Magnus proceeded north to the merchant town (Nidaros); and on his arrival went straight to the king's house; and there took up his abode。  He remained here the first part of the winter (A。D。 1094); and kept seven longships in the open water of the river Nid; abreast of the king's house。  Now when King Hakon heard that King Magnus was come to Throndhjem; he came from the East over the Dovrefield; and thence down from Throndhjem to the merchant town; where he took up his abode in the house of Skule; opposite to Clement's church; which had formerly been the king's house。  King Magnus was ill pleased with the great gifts which Hakon had given to the bondes to gain their favour; and thought it was so much given out of his own property。  This irritated his mind; and he thought he had suffered injustice from his relative in this respect; that he must now put up with less income than his father and his predecessors before him had enjoyed; and he gave Thorer the blame。  When King Hakon and Thorer observed this; they were alarmed for what Magnus might do; and they thought it suspicious that Magnus kept long…ships afloat rigged out; and with tents。  The following spring; after Candlemas; King Magnus left the town in the night with his ships; the tents up; and lights burning in the tents。  They brought up at Hefring; remained there all night; and kindled a fire on the land。  Then Hakon and the men in the town thought some treachery was on foot; and he let the trumpets call all the men together out on the Eyrar; where the whole people of the town came to him; and the people were gathering together the whole night。  When it was light in the morning; King Magnus saw the people from all districts gathered together on the Eyrar; and he sailed out of the fjord; and proceeded south to where the Gulathing is held。 Hakon thanked the people for their support which they had given him; and got ready to travel east to Viken。  But he first held a meeting in the town; where; in a speech; he asked the people for their friendship; promising them his; and added; that he had some suspicions of his relation; King Magnus's intentions。  Then King Hakon mounted his horse; and was ready to travel。  All men promised him their good…will and support whenever he required them; and the people followed him out to the foot of Steinbjorg。 From thence King Hakon proceeded up the Dovrefield; but as he was going over the mountains he rode all day after a ptarmigan; which flew up beside him; and in this chase a sickness overfell him; which ended in his death; and he died on the mountains。  His body was carried north; and came to the merchant town just half a month after he left it。  The whole townspeople went to meet the body; sorrowing; and the most of them weeping; for all people loved him with sincere affection。  King Hakon's body was interred in Christ church; and Hakon and Magnus had ruled the country for two years。  Hakon was a man full twenty…five years old; and was one of the chiefs the most beloved by all the people。  He had made a journey to Bjarmaland; where he had given battle and gained a victory。


King Magnus sailed in winter (A。D。 1095) eastward to Viken; but when spring approached he went southwards to Halland; and plundered far and wide。  He laid waste Viskardal and many other districts; and returned with a great booty back to his own kingdom。  So says Bjorn Krephende in his song on Magnus: 

     〃Through Halland wide around      The clang and shriek resound;           The houses burn;           The people mourn;      Through Halland wide around。      The Norse king strides in flame;      Through Viskardal he came;           The fire sweeps;           The widow weeps;      The Norse king strides in flame。〃

Here it is told that King Magnus made the greatest devastation through Halland。


〃There was a man called Svein; a son of Harald Fietter。  He was a Danish man by family; a great viking and champion; and a very clever man; and of high birth in his own country。  He had been some time with King Hakon Magnuson; and was very dear to him; but after King Hakon's decease Thorer of Steig; his foster…father; had no great confidence in any treaty or friendship with King Magnus; if the whole country came into his power; on account of the position in which Thorer had stood to King Magnus; and the opposition he had made to him。  Thereupon Thorer and Svein took counsel with each other; which they afterwards carried into effect;  to raise; with Thorer's assistance; and his men; a troop against Magnus。  But as Thorer was old and heavy; Svein took the command; and name of leader of the troop。  In this design several chiefs took part; among whom the principal was Egil Aslakson of Aurland。  Egil was a lenderman; and married to Ingebjorg; a daughter of Ogmund Thorbergson; a sister of Skopte of Giske。  The rich and powerful man; Skjalg Erlingson; also joined their party。  Thorkel Hamarskald speaks of this in his ballad of Magnus:

     〃Thorer and Egil were not wise;      They aimed too high to win a prize:      There was no reason in their plan;      And it hurt many a udalman。      The stone; too great for them to throw;      Fell back; and hurt them with the blow;      And now the udalmen must rue      That to their friends they were so true。〃

Thorer and Svein collected a troop in the Uplands; and went down through Raumsdal into Sunmore; and there collected vessels; with which they afterwards sailed north to Throndhjem。


The lenderman Sigurd Ulstreng; a son of Lodin Viggiarskalle; collected men by sending round the war…token; as soon as he heard of Thorer and the troop which followed him; and had a rendezvous with all the men he could raise at Viggia。  Svein and Thorer also met there with their people; fought with Sigurd; and gained the victory after giving him a great defeat; and Sigurd fled; and joined King Magnus。  Thorer and his followers proceeded to the town (Nidaros); and remained there some time in the fjord; where many people joined them。  King Magnus hearing this news immediately collected an army; and proceeded north to Throndhjem。 And when he came into the fjord Thorer and his party heard of it while they lay at Herring; and they were ready to leave the fjord; and they rowed their ships to the strand at Vagnvik; and left them; and came into Theksdal in Seliuhverfe; and Thorer was carried in a litter over the mountains。  Then they got hold of ships and sailed north to Halogaland。  As soon as King Magnus was ready for sea; he sailed from Throndhjem in pursuit of them。 Thorer and his party went north all the way to Bjarkey; and Jon; with his son Vidkun; fled from thence。  Thorer and his men robbed all the movable goods; and burnt the house; and a good long…ship that belonged to Vidkun。  While the hull was burning the vessel keeled to one side; and Thorer called out; 〃Hard to starboard; Vidkun!〃  Some verses were made about this burning in Bjarkey: 

     〃The sweetest farm that I have se
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