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 men went as could find room; and then the boats were lowered by the ropes down in front of the mouth of the cave; and the men in the boats shot with stones and missiles into the cave; and the heathens were thus driven from the stone wall。 Then Sigurd with his troops climbed up the precipice to the foot of the stone wall; which they succeeded in breaking down; so that they came into the cave。  Now the heathens fled within the stone wall that was built across the cave; on which the king ordered large trees to be brought to the cave; made a great pile in the mouth of it; and set fire to the wood。  When the fire and smoke got the upper hand; some of the heathens lost their lives in it; some fled; some fell by the hands of the Northmen; and part were killed; part burned; and the Northmen made the greatest booty they had got on all their expeditions。  So says Halder Skvaldre: 

     〃Forminterra lay      In the victor's way;      His ships' stems fly      To victory。      The bluemen there      Must fire bear;      And Norsemen's steel      At their hearts feel。〃

And also thus:

     〃'Twas a feat of renown;       The boat lowered down;      With a boat's crew brave;      In front of the cave;      While up the rock scaling;      And comrades up trailing;      The Norsemen gain;      And the bluemen are slain。〃

And also Thorarin Stutfeld says:

     〃The king's men up the mountain's side      Drag two boats from the ocean's tide;           The two boats lay;           Like hill…wolves grey。      Now o'er the rock in ropes they're swinging      Well manned; and death to bluemen bringing;           They hang before           The robber's door。〃


Thereafter King Sigurd proceeded on his expedition; and came to an island called Iviza (Ivica); and had there his seventh battle; and gained a victory。  So says Haldor Skvaldre: 

     〃His ships at Ivica now ride;      The king's; whose fame spreads far and wide;      And hear the bearers of the shield      Their arms again in battle wield。〃

Thereafter King Sigurd came to an island called Manork (Minorca); and held there his eighth battle with heathen men; and gained the victory。  So says Haldor Skvaldre: 

     〃On green Minorca's plains      The eighth battle now he gains:      Again the heathen foe      Falls at the Norse king's blow。〃


In spring King Sigurd came to Sicily (A。D。 1109); and remained a long time there。  There was then a Duke Roger in Sicily; who received the king kindly; and invited him to a feast。  King Sigurd came to it with a great retinue; and was splendidly entertained。  Every day Duke Roger stood at the company's table; doing service to the king; but the seventh day of the feast; when the people had come to table; and had wiped their hands; King Sigurd took the duke by the hand; led him up to the high…seat; and saluted him with the title of king; and gave the right that there should be always a king over the dominion of Sicily; although before there had only been earls or dukes over that country。


King Roger of Sicily was a very great king。  He won and subdued all Apulia; and many large islands besides in the Greek sea; and therefore he was called Roger the Great。  His son was William; king of Sicily; who for a long time had great hostility with the emperor of Constantinople。  King William had three daughters; but no son。  One of his daughters he married to the Emperor Henry; a son of the Emperor Frederik; and their son was Frederik; who for a short time after was emperor of Rome。  His second daughter was married to the Duke of Kipr。  The third daughter; Margaret; was married to the chief of the corsairs; but the Emperor Henry killed both these brothers…in…law。  The daughter of Roger the Great; king of Sicily; was married to the Emperor Manuel of Constantinople; and their son was the Emperor Kirjalax。


In the summer (A。D。 1110) King Sigurd sailed across the Greek sea to Palestine; and thereupon went up to Jerusalem; where he met Baldwin; king of Palestine。  King Baldwin received him particularly well; and rode with him all the way to the river Jordan; and then back to the city of Jerusalem。  Einar Skulason speaks thus of it: 

     〃Good reason has the skald to sing      The generous temper of the king;      Whose sea…cold keel from northern waves      Ploughs the blue sea that green isles laves。      At Acre scarce were we made fast;      In holy ground our anchors cast;      When the king made a joyful morn      To all who toil with him had borne。〃

And again he made these lines: 

     〃To Jerusalem he came;      He who loves war's noble game;      (The skald no greater monarch finds      Beneath the heaven's wide hall of winds)      All sin and evil from him flings      In Jordan's wave: for all his sins      (Which all must praise) he pardon wins。〃

King Sigurd stayed a long time in the land of Jerusalem (Jorsalaland) in autumn; and in the beginning of winter。


King Baldwin made a magnificent feast for King Sigurd and many of his people; and gave him many holy relics。  By the orders of King Baldwin and the patriarch; there was taken a splinter off the holy cross; and on this holy relic both made oath; that this wood was of the holy cross upon which God Himself had been tortured。 Then this holy relic was given to King Sigurd; with the condition that he; and twelve other men with him; should swear to promote Christianity with all his power; and erect an archbishop's seat in Norway if he could; and also that the cross should be kept where the holy King Olaf reposed; and that he should introduce tithes; and also pay them himself。  After this King Sigurd returned to his ships at Acre; and then King Baldwin prepared to go to Syria; to a heathen town called Saet。  On this expedition King Sigurd accompanied him; and after the kings had besieged the town some time it surrendered; and they took possession of it; and of a great treasure of money; and their men found other booty。  King Sigurd made a present of his share to King Baldwin。 So say Haldor Skvaldre: 

     〃He who for wolves provides the feast      Seized on the city in the East;      The heathen nest; and honour drew;      And gold to give; from those he slew。〃

Einar Skulason also tells of it: 

     〃The Norsemen's king; the skalds relate;      Has ta'en the heathen town of Saet:      The slinging engine with dread noise      Gables and roofs with stones destroys。      The town wall totters too;  it falls;      The Norsemen mount the blackened walls。      He who stains red the raven's bill      Has won;  the town lies at his will。〃

Thereafter King Sigurd went to his ships and made ready to leave Palestine。  They sailed north to the island Cyprus; and King Sigurd stayed there a while; and then went to the Greek country; and came to the land with all his fleet at Engilsnes。  Here he lay still for a fortnight; although every day it blew a breeze for going before the wind to the north; but Sigurd would wait a side wind; so that the sails might stretch fore and aft in the ship; for in all his sails
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