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Aslak: 〃I think it is flesh…meat; and I would it were not so。〃

The king: 〃But if it be so; Aslak?〃

He replied; 〃It would be vexatious to know that a gallant king; who has gained so much honour in the world; should so forget himself。  When you rose up out of Jordan; after bathing in the same waters as God himself; with palm…leaves in your hands; and the cross upon your breast; it was something else you promised; sire; than to eat flesh…meat on a Friday。  If a meaner man were to do so; he would merit a heavy punishment。  This royal hall is not so beset as it should be; when it falls upon me; a mean man; to challenge such an act。〃

The king sat silent; and did not partake of the meat; and when the time for eating was drawing to an end; the king ordered the flesh dishes to be removed and other food was brought in; such as it is permitted to use。  When the meal…time was almost past; the king began to be cheerful; and to drink。  People advised Aslak to fly; but he said he would not do so。  〃I do not see how it could help me; and to tell the truth; it is as good to die now that I have got my will; and have prevented the king from committing a sin。  It is for him to kill me if he likes。〃

Towards evening the king called him; and said; 〃Who set thee on; Aslak Hane; to speak such free words to me in the hearing of so many people?〃

〃No one; sire; but myself。〃

The king: 〃Thou wouldst like; no doubt; to know what thou art to have for such boldness; what thinkest thou it deserves。〃

He replies; 〃If it be well rewarded; sire; I shall be glad; but should it be otherwise; then it is your concern。〃

Then the king said; 〃Smaller is thy reward than thou hast deserved。  I give thee three farms。  It has turned out; what could not have been expected; that thou hast prevented me from a great crime;  thou; and not the lendermen; who are indebted to me for so much good。〃  And so it ended。


One Yule eve the king sat in the hall; and the tables were laid out; and the king said; 〃Get me flesh…meat。〃

They answered; 〃Sire; it is not the custom to eat flesh…meat on Yule eve。〃

The king said; 〃If it be not the custom I will make it the custom。〃

They went out; and brought him a dolphin。  The king stuck his knife into it; but did not eat of it。  Then the king said; 〃Bring me a girl here into the hall。〃  They brought him a woman whose head…dress went far down her brows。  The king took her hand in his hands; looked at her; and said; 〃An ill looking girl!〃

((LACUNA  The rest of this story is missing))


Halkel Huk; a son of Jon Smiorbalte; who was lenderman in More; made a voyage in the West sea; all the way to the South Hebudes。 A man came to him out of Ireland called Gillikrist; and gave himself out for a son of King Magnus Barefoot。  His mother came with him; and said his other name was Harald。  Halkel received the man; brought him to Norway with him; and went immediately to King Sigurd with Harald and his mother。  When they had told their story to the king; he talked over the matter with his principal men; and bade them give their opinions upon it。  They were of different opinions; and all left it to the king himself; although there were several who opposed this; and the king followed his own counsel。  King Sigurd ordered Harald to be called before him; and told him that he would not deny him the proof; by ordeal; of who his father was; but on condition that if he should prove his descent according to his claim; he should not desire the kingdom in the lifetime of King Sigurd; or of King Magnus: and to this he bound himself by oath。  King Sigurd said he must tread over hot iron to prove his birth; but this ordeal was thought by many too severe; as he was to undergo it merely to prove his father; and without getting the kingdom; but Harald agreed to it; and fixed on the trial by iron: and this ordeal was the greatest ever made in Norway; for nine glowing plowshares were laid down; and Harald went over them with bare feet; attended by two bishops。

Three days after the iron trial the ordeal was taken to proof; and the feet were found unburnt。  Thereafter King Sigurd acknowledged Harald's relationship; but his son Magnus conceived a great hatred of him; and in this many chiefs followed Magnus。 King Sigurd trusted so much to his favour with the whole people of the country; that he desired all men; under oath; to promise to accept Magnus after him as their king; and all the people took this oath。


Harald Gille was a tall; slender…grown man; of a long neck and face; black eyes; and dark hair; brisk and quick; and wore generally the Irish dress of short light clothes。  The Norse language was difficult for Harald; and he brought out words which many laughed at。  Harald sat late drinking one evening。  He spoke with another man about different things in the west in Ireland; and among other things; said that there were men in Ireland so swift of foot that no horse could overtake them in running。 Magnus; the king's son; heard this; and said; 〃Now he is lying; as he usually does。〃

Harald replies; 〃It is true that there are men in Ireland whom no horse in Norway could overtake。〃  They exchanged some words about this; and both were drunk。  Then said Magnus; 〃Thou shalt make a wager with me; and stake thy head if thou canst not run so fast as I ride upon my horse; and I shall stake my gold ring。〃

Harald replies; 〃I did not say that I could run so swiftly; but I said that men are to be found in Ireland who will run as fast; and on that I would wager。〃

The king's son Magnus replies; 〃I will not go to Ireland about it; we are wagering here; and not there。〃

Harald on this went to bed; and would not speak to him more about it。  This was in Oslo。  The following morning; when the early mass was over; Magnus rode up the street; and sent a message to Harald to come to him。  When Harald came he was dressed thus。  He had on a shirt and trousers which were bound with ribands under his foot…soles; a short cloak; an Irish hat on his head; and a spear…shaft in his hand。  Magnus set up a mark for the race。 Harald said; 〃Thou hast made the course too long;〃 but Magnus made it at once even much longer; and said it was still too short。  There were many spectators。  They began the race; and Harald followed always the horse's pace; and when they came to the end of the race course; Magnus said; 〃Thou hadst hold of the saddle…girth; and the horse dragged thee along。〃  Magnus had his swift runner; the Gautland horse。  They began the race again; and Harald ran the whole race…course before the horse。  When came to the end Harald asked; 〃Had I hold of the saddle…girths now?〃

Magnus replied; 〃Thou hadst the start at first。〃

Then Magnus let his horse breathe a while; and when he was ready he put the spurs to him; and set off in full gallop。  Harald stood still; and Magnus looked back; and called; 〃Set off now。〃

Then Harald ran quickly past the horse; and came to the end of the course so long before him that he lay down; and got up and saluted Magnus as he came in。〃

Then they went home to the town。  In the meantime K
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