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King Harald was buried in the old Christ church。



Sigurd died A。D。 1155; Eystein 1157; and Inge 1161。

Other literature is 〃Morkinskinna〃 and 〃Fagrskinna。〃

Sigurd Slembe is the subject of a drama by Bjornstjerne Bjornson; translated into English by William Morton Payne; and published by Houghton; Mifflin & Co。; Boston; 1888。

Skalds quoted are: Kolle; Einar Skulason; and Thorbjorn Skakkaskald。


Queen Ingerid; and with her the lendermen and the court which had been with King Harald; resolved to send a fast…sailing vessel to Throndhjem to make known King Harald's death; and also to desire the Throndhjem people to take King Harald's son Sigurd for king。 He was then in the north; and was fostered by Sadagyrd Bardson。 Queen Ingerid herself proceeded eastward immediately to Viken。 Inge was the name of her son by King Harald; and he was then fostered by Amunde Gyrdson; a grandson of Logberse。  When they came to Viken a Borgar…thing was immediately called together; at which Inge; who was in the second year of his age; was chosen king。  This resolution was supported by Amunde and Thjostolf Alason; together with many other great chiefs。  Now when the tidings came north to Throndhjem that King Harald was murdered; the Throndhjem people took Sigurd; King Harald's son; to be the king; and this resolution was supported by Ottar Birting; Peter Saudaulfson; the brothers Guthorm of Reine; and Ottar Balle; sons of Asolf and many other great chiefs。  Afterwards the whole nation almost submitted to the brothers; and principally because their father was considered holy; and the country took the oath to them; that the kingly power should not go to any other man as long as any of King Harald's sons were alive。


Sigurd Slembe sailed north around Stad; and when he came to North More; he found that letters and full powers had arrived before him from the leaders who had given in their allegiance to Harald's sons; so that there he got no welcome or help。  As Sigurd himself had but few people with him; he resolved to go with them to Throndhjem; and seek out Magnus the Blind; for he had already sent a message before him to Magnus's friends。  Now when they came to the town; they rowed up the river Nid to meet King Magnus; and fastened their land…ropes on the shore at the king's house; but were obliged to set off immediately; for all the people rose against them。  They then landed at Monkholm; and took Magnus the Blind out of the cloister against the will of the monks; for he had been consecrated a monk。  It is said by some that Magnus willingly went with them; although it was differently reported; in order to make his cause appear better。  Sigurd; immediately after Yule (January; A。D。 1137); went forth with his suite; expecting aid from his relations and Magnus's friends; and which they also got。  Sigurd sailed with his men out of the fjord; and was joined afterwards by Bjorn Egilson; Gunnar of Gimsar; Haldor Sigurdson; Aslak Hakonson; the brothers Bendikt and Eirik; and also the court which had before been with King Magnus; and many others。  With this troop they went south to More; and down to the mouth of Raumsdal fjord。  Here Sigurd and Magnus divided their forces; and Sigurd went immediately westwards across the sea。  King Magnus again proceeded to the Uplands; where he expected much help and strength; and which he obtained。  He remained there the winter and all the summer (A。D。 1137); and had many people with him; but King Inge proceeded against him with all his forces; and they met at a place called Mynne。  There was a great battle; at which King Magnus had the most people。  It is related that Thjostolf Alason carried King Inge in his belt as long as the battle lasted; and stood under the banner; but Thjostolf was hard pressed by fatigue and fighting; and it is commonly said that King Inge got his ill health there; and which he retained as long as he lived; so that his back was knotted into a hump; and the one foot was shorter than the other; and he was besides so infirm that he could scarcely walk as long as he lived。  The defeat began to turn upon Magnus and his men; and in the front rank of his array fell Haldor Sigurdson; Bjorn Egilson; Gunnar of Gimsar; and a great number of his men; before he himself would take to his horse and fly。 So says Kolle: 

     〃Thy arrow…storm on Mynne's banks      Fast thinn'd the foemen's strongest ranks;      Thy good sword hewed the raven's feast      On Mynne's banks up in the East。      Shield clashed on shield; and bucklers broke      Under thy battle…axe's stroke;      While thou; uncovered; urged the fray;      Thy shield and mail…coat thrown away。〃

And also this: 

     〃The king to heaven belonging fled;      When thou; in war's quick death…game bred;      Unpanzered; shieldless on the plain      His heavy steel…clad guards hadst slain。      The painted shield; and steel…plate mail;      Before thy fierce attack soon fail;      To Magnus who belongs to heaven;

     Was no such fame in battle given。〃

Magnus fled eastward to Gautland; and then to Denmark。  At that time there was in Gautland an earl; Karl Sonason; who was a great and ambitious man。  Magnus the Blind and his men said; wherever they happened to meet with chiefs; that Norway lay quite open to any great chieftain who would attack it; for it might well be said there was no king in the country; and the kingdom was only ruled by lendermen; and; among those who had most sway; there was; from mutual jealousy; most discord。  Now Karl; being ambitious of power; listens willingly to such speeches; collects men; and rides west to Viken; where many people; out of fear; submit to him。  When Thjostolf Alason and Amunde heard of this; they went with the men they could get together; and took King Inge with them。  They met Earl Karl and the Gautland army eastward in Krokaskog; where there was a great battle and a great defeat; King Inge gaining the victory。  Munan Ogmundson; Earl Karl's mother's brother; fell there。  Ogmund; the father of Munan; was a son of Earl Orm Eilifson; and Sigrid; a daughter of Earl Fin Arnason。  Astrid; Ogrnund's daughter; was the mother of Earl Karl。  Many others of the Gautland people fell at Krokaskog; and the earl fled eastward through the forest。  King Inge pursued them all the way out of the kingdom; and this expedition turned out a great disgrace to them。  So says Kolle: 

     〃I must proclaim how our great lord      Coloured deep red his ice…cold sword;      And ravens played with Gautland bones;      And wolves heard Gautlanders' last groans。      Their silly jests were well repaid;       In Krokaskog their laugh was laid:      Thy battle power was then well tried;      And they who won may now deride。〃


Magnus the Blind then went to Denmark to King Eirik Eimune; where he was well received。  He offered the king to follow him if he would invade Norway with a Danish army; and subdue the country; saying; that if he came to Norway with his army; no man in Norway would venture to throw a spear again
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