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It happened one harvest (A。D。 962) that Earl Hakon; on a journey in the Uplands; came to Hedemark; and King Trygve Olafson and King Gudrod Bjornson met him there; and Dale…Gudbrand also came to the meeting。  They had agreed to meet; and they talked together long by themselves; but so much only was known of their business; that they were to be friends of each other。  They parted; and each went home to his own kingdom。  Gunhild and her sons came to hear of this meeting; and they suspected it must have been to lay a treasonable plot against the kings; and they often talked of this among themselves。  When spring (A。D。 963) began to set in; King Harald and his brother King Gudrod proclaimed that they were to make a viking cruise; as usual; either in the West sea; or the Baltic。  The people accordingly assembled; launched the ships into the sea; and made themselves ready to sail。  When they were drinking the farewell ale;  and they drank bravely;  much and many things were talked over at the drink…table; and; among other things; were comparisons between different men; and at last between the kings themselves。  One said that King Harald excelled his brothers by far; and in every way。  On this King Gudrod was very angry; and said that he was in no respect behind Harald; and was ready to prove it。  Instantly both parties were so inflamed that they challenged each other to battle; and ran to their arms。  But some of the guests who were less drunk; and had more understanding; came between them; and quieted them; and each went to his ship; but nobody expected that they would all sail together。  Gudrod sailed east ward along the land; and Harald went out to sea; saying he would go to the westward; but when he came outside of the islands he steered east along the coast; outside of the rocks and isles。 Gudrod; again; sailed inside; through the usual channel; to Viken; and eastwards to Folden。  He then sent a message to King Trygve to meet him; that they might make a cruise together in summer in the Baltic to plunder。  Trygve accepted willingly; and as a friend; the invitation; and as heard King Gudrod had but few people with him; he came to meet him with a single boat。  They met at Veggen; to the east of Sotanes; but just as they were come to the meeting place; Gudrod's men ran up and killed King Trygve and twelve men。  He lies buried at a place called Trygve's Cairn (A。D。 963)。


King Harald sailed far outside of the rocks and isles; but set his course to Viken; and came in the night…time to Tunsberg; and heard that Gudrod Bjornson was at a feast a little way up the country。  Then King Harald set out immediately with his followers; came in the night; and surrounded the house。  King Gudrod Bjornson went out with his people; but after a short resistance he fell; and many men with him。  Then King Harald joined his brother King Gudrod; and they subdued all Viken。


King Gudrod Bjornson had made a good and suitable marriage; and had by his wife a son called Harald; who had been sent to be fostered to Grenland to a lenderman called Hroe the White。  Hroe's son; called Hrane Vidforle (the Far…travelled); was Harald's foster…brother; and about the same age。  After his father Gudrod's fall; Harald; who was called Grenske; fled to the Uplands; and with him his foster…brother Hrane; and a few people。 Harald staid a while there among his relations; but as Eirik's sons sought after every man who interfered with them; and especially those who might oppose them; Harald Grenske's friends and relations advised him to leave the country。  Harald therefore went eastward into Svithjod; and sought shipmates; that he might enter into company with those who went out a cruising to gather property。  Harald became in this way a remarkably able man。  There was a man in Svithjod at that time called Toste; one of the most powerful and clever in the land among those who had no high name or dignity; and he was a great warrior; who had been often in battle; and was therefore called Skoglar…Toste。  Harald Grenske came into his company; and cruised with Toste in summer; and wherever Harald came he was well thought of by every one。  In the winter Harald; after passing two years in the Uplands; took up his abode with Toste; and lived five years with him。  Toste had a daughter; who was both young and handsome; but she was proud and high…minded。  She was called Sigrid; and was afterwards married to the Swedish king; Eirik the Victorious; and had a son by him; called Olaf the Swede; who was afterwards king of Svithjod。  King Eirik died in a sick…bed at Upsala ten years after the death of Styrbjorn。


Gunhild's sons levied a great army in Viken (A。D。 963); and sailed along the land northwards; collecting people and ships on the way out of every district。  They then made known their intent; to proceed northwards with their army against Earl Hakon in Throndhjem。  When Earl Hakon heard this news; he also collected men; and fitted out ships; and when he heard what an overwhelming force Gunhild's sons had with them; he steered south with his fleet to More; pillaging wherever he came; and killing many people。  He then sent the whole of the bonde army back to Throndhjem; but he himself; with his men…at…arms; proceeded by both the districts of More and Raumsdal; and had his spies out to the south of Stad to spy the army of Gunhild's sons; and when he heard they were come into the Fjords; and were waiting for a fair wind to sail northwards round Stad; Earl Hakon set out to sea from the north side of Stad; so far that his sails could not be seen from the land; and then sailed eastward on a line with the coast; and came to Denmark; from whence he sailed into the Baltic; and pillaged there during the summer。  Gunhild's sons conducted their army north to Throndhjem; and remained there the whole summer collecting the scat and duties。  But when summer was advanced they left Sigurd Slefa and Gudron behind; and the other brothers returned eastward with the levied army they had taken up in summer。


Earl Hakon; towards harvest (A。D。 963); sailed into the Bothnian Gulf to Helsingjaland; drew his ships up there on the beach; and took the land…ways through Helsingjaland and Jamtaland; and so eastwards round the dividing ridge (the Kjol; or keel of the country); and down into the Throndhjem district。  Many people streamed towards him; and he fitted out ships。  When the sons of Gunhild heard of this they got on board their ships; and sailed out of the Fjord; and Earl Hakon came to his seat at Hlader; and remained there all winter。  The sons of Gunhild; on the other hand; occupied More; and they and the earl attacked each other in turns; killing each other's people。 Earl Hakon kept his dominions of Throndhjem; and was there generally in the winter; but in summer he sometimes went to Helsingjaland; where he went on board of his ships and sailed with them down into the Baltic; and plundered there; and sometimes he remained in Throndhjem; and kept an army on foot; so that Gunhild's sons could get no hold northwards of Stad。

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