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ed; that he was waiting for king Olaf; as he feared there were enemies in the water。  They lay upon their oars until Thorkel Nefia came up with the Short Serpent and the three ships which followed him。 When they told them the same they too struck sail; and let the ships drive; waiting for king Olaf。  But when the king sailed in towards the isle; the whole enemies' fleet came rowing within them out to the Sound。  When they saw this they begged the king to hold on his way; and not risk battle with so great a force。 The king replied; high on the quarter…deck where he stood; 〃Strike the sails; never shall men of mine think of flight。  I never fled from battle。  Let God dispose of my life; but flight I shall never take。〃  It was done as the king commanded。  Halfred tells of it thus: 

     〃And far and wide the saying bold      Of the brave warrior shall be told。      The king; in many a fray well tried;      To his brave champions round him cried;      ‘My men shall never learn from me      From the dark weapon…cloud to flee。'      Nor were the brave words spoken then      Forgotten by his faithful men。〃


King Olaf ordered the war…horns to sound for all his ships to close up to each other。  The king's ship lay in the middle of the line; and on one side lay the Little Serpent; and on the other the Crane; and as they made fast the stems together (1); the Long Serpent's stem and the short Serpent's were made fast together; but when the king saw it he called out to his men; and ordered them to lay the larger ship more in advance; so that its stern should not lie so far behind in the fleet。

Then says Ulf the Red; 〃If the Long Serpent is to lie as much more ahead of the other ships as she is longer than them; we shall have hard work of it here on the forecastle。〃

The king replies; 〃I did not think I had a forecastle man afraid as well as red。〃

Says Ulf; 〃Defend thou the quarterdeck as I shall the forecastle。〃

The king had a bow in his hands; and laid an arrow on the string; and aimed at Ulf。

Ulf said; 〃Shoot another way; king; where it is more needful: my work is thy gain。〃

ENDNOTES: (1)  The mode of fighting in sea battles appears; from this and      many other descriptions; to have been for each party to bind      together the stems and sterns of their own ships; forming      them thus into a compact body as soon aa the fleets came      within fighting distance; or within spears' throw。  They      appear to have fought principally from the forecastles; and      to have used grappling irons for dragging a vessel out of      the line; or within boarding distance。  L。


King Olaf stood on the Serpent's quarterdeck; high over the others。  He had a gilt shield; and a helmet inlaid with gold; over his armour he had a short red coat; and was easy to be distinguished from other men。  When King Olaf saw that the scattered forces of the enemy gathered themselves together under the banners of their ships; he asked; 〃Who is the chief of the force right opposite to us?〃

He was answered; that it was King Svein with the Danish army。

The king replies; 〃We are not afraid of these soft Danes; for there is no bravery in them; but who are the troops on the right of the Danes?〃

He was answered; that it was King Olaf with the Swedish forces。

〃Better it were;〃 says King Olaf; 〃for these Swedes to be sitting at home killing their sacrifices; than to be venturing under our weapons from the Long Serpent。  But who owns the large ships on the larboard side of the Danes?〃

〃That is Earl Eirik Hakonson;〃 say they。

The king replies; 〃He; methinks; has good reason for meeting us; and we may expect the sharpest conflict with these men; for they are Norsemen like ourselves。〃


The kings now laid out their oars; and prepared to attack (A。D。 1000)。  King Svein laid his ship against the Long Serpent。  Outside of him Olaf the Swede laid himself; and set his ship's stern against the outermost ship of King Olaf's line; and on the other side lay Earl Eirik。  Then a hard combat began。  Earl Sigvalde held back with the oars on his ships; and did not join the fray。  So says Skule Thorsteinson; who at that time was with Earl Eirik: 

     〃I followed Sigvalde in my youth;      And gallant Eirik; and in truth      The' now I am grown stiff and old;      In the spear…song I once was bold。      Where arrows whistled on the shore      Of Svold fjord my shield I bore;      And stood amidst the loudest clash      When swords on shields made fearful crash。〃

And Halfred also sings thus: 

     〃In truth I think the gallant king;      Midst such a foemen's gathering;      Would be the better of some score      Of his tight Throndhjem lads; or more;      For many a chief has run away;      And left our brave king in the fray;      Two great kings' power to withstand;      And one great earl's; with his small band;      The king who dares such mighty deed      A hero for his skald would need。〃


This battle was one of the severest told of; and many were the people slain。  The forecastle men of the Long Serpent; the Little Serpent; and the Crane; threw grapplings and stem chains into King Svein's ship; and used their weapons well against the people standing below them; for they cleared the decks of all the ships they could lay fast hold of; and King Svein; and all the men who escaped; fled to other vessels; and laid themselves out of bow…shot。  It went with this force just as King Olaf Trygvason had foreseen。  Then King Olaf the Swede laid himself in their place; but when he came near the great ships it went with him as with them; for he lost many men and some ships; and was obliged to get away。  But Earl Eirik laid his ship side by side with the outermost of King Olaf's ships; thinned it of men; cut the cables; and let it drive。  Then he laid alongside of the next; and fought until he had cleared it of men also。  Now all the people who were in the smaller ships began to run into the larger; and the earl cut them loose as fast as he cleared them of men。  The Danes and Swedes laid themselves now out of shooting distance all around Olaf's ship; but Earl Eirik lay always close alongside of the ships; and used hid swords and battle…axes; and as fast as people fell in his vessel others; Danes and Swedes; came in their place。  So says Haldor; the Unchristian: 

     〃Sharp was the clang of shield and sword;      And shrill the song of spears on board;      And whistling arrows thickly flew      Against the Serpent's gallant crew。      And still fresh foemen; it is said;      Earl Eirik to her long side led;      Whole armies of his Danes and Swedes;      Wielding on high their blue sword…blades。〃

Then the fight became most severe; and many people fell。  But at last it came to this; that all King Olaf Trygvason's ships were cleared of men except the Long Serpent; on board of which all who could still carry their arms were gathered。  Then Earl Eirik lay with his ship by the side of the Serpent; and the fight went on with battle…axe and sword。  So says Haldor: 

     〃Hard pressed on every side by 
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