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s scat…lands; and driven the earl out of them; and therefore he threatened the king with his heaviest vengeance when opportunity offered。  He said that Olaf ought not to have had the presumption to take the dominions which the earl had held of him; and all the Swedish king's men agreed with him。 But the Throndhjem people; when they heard for certain that the earl was dead。 and could not be expected back to Norway; turned all to obedience to King Olaf。  Many came from the interior of the Throndhjem country; and became King Olaf's men; others sent word and tokens that they would service him。  Then; in autumn; he went into the interior of Throndhjem; and held Things with the bondes; and was received as king in each district。  He returned to Nidaros; and brought there all the king's scat and revenue; and had his winter…seat provided there (A。D。 1016)。


King Olaf built a king's house in Nidaros; and in it was a large room for his court; with doors at both ends。  The king's high… seat was in the middle of the room; and within sat his court… bishop; Grimkel; and next him his other priests; without them sat his counsellors; and in the other high…seat opposite to the king sat his marshal; Bjorn; and next to him his pursuivants。  When people of importance came to him; they also had a seat of honour。 The ale was drunk by the fire…light。  He divided the service among his men after the fashion of other kings。  He had in his house sixty court…men and thirty pursuivants; and to them he gave pay and certain regulations。  He had also thirty house…servants to do the needful work about the house; and procure what was required。  He had; besides; many slaves。  At the house were many outbuildings; in which the court…men slept。  There was also a large room; in which the king held his court…meetings。


It was King Olaf's custom to rise betimes in the morning; put on his clothes; wash his hands; and then go to the church and hear the matins and morning mass。  Thereafter he went to the Thing… meeting; to bring people to agreement with each other; or to talk of one or the other matter that appeared to him necessary。  He invited to him great and small who were known to be men of  understanding。  He often made them recite to him the laws which Hakon Athelstan's foster…son had made for Throndhjem; and after considering them with those men of understanding; he ordered laws adding to or taking from those established before。  But Christian privileges he settled according to the advice of Bishop Grimbel and other learned priests; and bent his whole mind to uprooting heathenism; and old customs which he thought contrary to Christianity。  And he succeeded so far that the bondes accepted of the laws which the king proposed。  So says Sigvat: 

     〃The king; who at the helm guides      His warlike ship through clashing tides;      Now gives one law for all the land       A heavenly law; which long will stand。〃

King Olaf was a good and very gentle man; of little speech; and open…handed although greedy of money。  Sigvat the skald; as before related; was in King Olaf's house; and several Iceland men。  The king asked particularly how Christianity was observed in Iceland; and it appeared to him to be very far from where it ought to be; for; as to observing Christian practices; it was told the king that it was permitted there to eat horse…flesh; to expose infants as heathens do; besides many other things contrary to Christianity。  They also told the king about many principal men who were then in Iceland。  Skapte Thorodson was then the lagman of the country。  He inquired also of those who were best acquainted with it about the state of people in other distant countries; and his inquiries turned principally on how Christianity was observed in the Orkney; Shetland; and Farey Islands: and; as far as he could learn; it was far from being as he could have wished。  Such conversation was usually carried on by him; or else he spoke about the laws and rights of the country。


The same winter (A。D。 1016) came messengers from the Swedish king; Olaf the Swede; out of Svithjod: and their leaders were two brothers; Thorgaut Skarde and Asgaut the bailiff; and they; had twenty…four men with them; when they came from the eastward; over the ridge of the country down into Veradal; they summoned a Thing of the bondes; talked to them; and demanded of them scat and duties upon account of the king of Sweden。  But the bondes; after consulting with each other; determined only to pay the scat which the Swedish king required in so far as King Olaf required none upon his account; but refused to pay scat to both。  The messengers proceeded farther down the valley; but received at every Thing they held the same answer; and no money。  They went forward to Skaun; held a Thing there; and demanded scat; but it went there as before。  Then they came to Stjoradal; and summoned a Thing; but the bondes would not come to it。  Now the messengers saw that their business was a failure; and Thorgaut proposed that they should turn about; and go eastward again。 〃I do not think;〃 says Asgaut; 〃that we have performed the king's errand unless we go to King Olaf the Thick; since the bondes refer the matter to him。〃  He was their commander; so they proceeded to the town (Nidaros); and took lodging there。  The day after they presented themselves to the king; just as he was seated at table; saluted him; and said they came with a message of the Swedish king。  The king told them to come to him next day。  Next day the king; having heard mass; went to his Thing…house; ordered the messengers of the Swedish king to be called; and told them to produce their message。  Then Thorgaut spoke; and told first what his errand was; and next how the Throndhjem people of the interior had replied to it; and asked the king's decision on the business; that they might know what result their errand there was to have。  The king answers; 〃While the earls ruled over the country; it was not to be wondered at if the country people thought themselves bound to obey them; as they were at least of the royal race of the kingdom。  But it would have been more just if those earls had given assistance and service to the kings who had a right to the country; rather than to foreign kings; or to stir up opposition to their lawful kings; depriving them of their land and kingdom。  With regard to Olaf the Swede; who calls himself entitled to the kingdom of Norway; I; who in fact am so entitled; can see no ground for his claim; but well remember the skaith and damage we have suffered from him and his relations。〃

Then says Asgaut。 〃It is not wonderful that thou art called Olaf the Thick; seeing thou answerest so haughtily to such a prince's message; and canst not see clearly how heavy the king's wrath will be for thee to support; as many have experienced who had greater strength than thou appearest to have。  But if thou wishest to keep hold of thy kingdom; it will be best for thee to come to the king; and be his man; and we shall beg him to give thee this kingdom in fief under him。〃

The king replies with all gentleness; 〃I will give thee an advice; Asg
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