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don quixote(堂·吉珂德)-第174章

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asked he of the Grove。
  〃Fifteen; a couple of years more or less;〃 answered Sancho; 〃but she
is as tall as a lance; and as fresh as an April morning; and as strong
as a porter。〃
  〃Those are gifts to fit her to be not only a countess but a nymph of
the greenwood;〃 said he of the Grove; 〃whoreson strumpet! what pith
the rogue must have!〃
  To which Sancho made answer; somewhat sulkily; 〃She's no strumpet;
nor was her mother; nor will either of them be; please God; while I
live; speak more civilly; for one bred up among knights…errant; who
are courtesy itself; your words don't seem to me to be very becoming。〃
  〃O how little you know about compliments; sir squire;〃 returned he
of the Grove。 〃What! don't you know that when a horseman delivers a
good lance thrust at the bull in the plaza; or when anyone does
anything very well; the people are wont to say; 'Ha; whoreson rip! how
well he has done it!' and that what seems to be abuse in the
expression is high praise? Disown sons and daughters; senor; who don't
do what deserves that compliments of this sort should be paid to their
  〃I do disown them;〃 replied Sancho; 〃and in this way; and by the
same reasoning; you might call me and my children and my wife all
the strumpets in the world; for all they do and say is of a kind
that in the highest degree deserves the same praise; and to see them
again I pray God to deliver me from mortal sin; or; what comes to
the same thing; to deliver me from this perilous calling of squire
into which I have fallen a second time; decayed and beguiled by a
purse with a hundred ducats that I found one day in the heart of the
Sierra Morena; and the devil is always putting a bag full of doubloons
before my eyes; here; there; everywhere; until I fancy at every stop I
am putting my hand on it; and hugging it; and carrying it home with
me; and making investments; and getting interest; and living like a
prince; and so long as I think of this I make light of all the
hardships I endure with this simpleton of a master of mine; who; I
well know; is more of a madman than a knight。〃
  〃There's why they say that 'covetousness bursts the bag;'〃 said he
of the Grove; 〃but if you come to talk of that sort; there is not a
greater one in the world than my master; for he is one of those of
whom they say; 'the cares of others kill the ass;' for; in order
that another knight may recover the senses he has lost; he makes a
madman of himself and goes looking for what; when found; may; for
all I know; fly in his own face。〃
 〃And is he in love perchance?〃 asked Sancho。
  〃He is;〃 said of the Grove; 〃with one Casildea de Vandalia; the
rawest and best roasted lady the whole world could produce; but that
rawness is not the only foot he limps on; for he has greater schemes
rumbling in his bowels; as will be seen before many hours are over。〃
  〃There's no road so smooth but it has some hole or hindrance in it;〃
said Sancho; 〃in other houses they cook beans; but in mine it's by the
potful; madness will have more followers and hangers…on than sound
sense; but if there be any truth in the common saying; that to have
companions in trouble gives some relief; I may take consolation from
you; inasmuch as you serve a master as crazy as my own。〃
  〃Crazy but valiant;〃 replied he of the Grove; 〃and more roguish than
crazy or valiant。〃
  〃Mine is not that;〃 said Sancho; 〃I mean he has nothing of the rogue
in him; on the contrary; he has the soul of a pitcher; he has no
thought of doing harm to anyone; only good to all; nor has he any
malice whatever in him; a child might persuade him that it is night at
noonday; and for this simplicity I love him as the core of my heart;
and I can't bring myself to leave him; let him do ever such foolish
  〃For all that; brother and senor;〃 said he of the Grove; 〃if the
blind lead the blind; both are in danger of falling into the pit。 It
is better for us to beat a quiet retreat and get back to our own
quarters; for those who seek adventures don't always find good ones。〃
  Sancho kept spitting from time to time; and his spittle seemed
somewhat ropy and dry; observing which the compassionate squire of the
Grove said; 〃It seems to me that with all this talk of ours our
tongues are sticking to the roofs of our mouths; but I have a pretty
good loosener hanging from the saddle…bow of my horse;〃 and getting up
he came back the next minute with a large bota of wine and a pasty
half a yard across; and this is no exaggeration; for it was made of
a house rabbit so big that Sancho; as he handled it; took it to be
made of a goat; not to say a kid; and looking at it he said; 〃And do
you carry this with you; senor?〃
  〃Why; what are you thinking about?〃 said the other; 〃do you take
me for some paltry squire? I carry a better larder on my horse's croup
than a general takes with him when he goes on a march。〃
  Sancho ate without requiring to be pressed; and in the dark bolted
mouthfuls like the knots on a tether; and said he; 〃You are a proper
trusty squire; one of the right sort; sumptuous and grand; as this
banquet shows; which; if it has not come here by magic art; at any
rate has the look of it; not like me; unlucky beggar; that have
nothing more in my alforjas than a scrap of cheese; so hard that one
might brain a giant with it; and; to keep it company; a few dozen
carobs and as many more filberts and walnuts; thanks to the
austerity of my master; and the idea he has and the rule he follows;
that knights…errant must not live or sustain themselves on anything
except dried fruits and the herbs of the field。〃
  〃By my faith; brother;〃 said he of the Grove; 〃my stomach is not
made for thistles; or wild pears; or roots of the woods; let our
masters do as they like; with their chivalry notions and laws; and eat
what those enjoin; I carry my prog…basket and this bota hanging to the
saddle…bow; whatever they may say; and it is such an object of worship
with me; and I love it so; that there is hardly a moment but I am
kissing and embracing it over and over again;〃 and so saying he thrust
it into Sancho's hands; who raising it aloft pointed to his mouth;
gazed at the stars for a quarter of an hour; and when he had done
drinking let his head fall on one side; and giving a deep sigh;
exclaimed; 〃Ah; whoreson rogue; how catholic it is!〃
  〃There; you see;〃 said he of the Grove; hearing Sancho's
exclamation; 〃how you have called this wine whoreson by way of
  〃Well;〃 said Sancho; 〃I own it; and I grant it is no dishonour to
call anyone whoreson when it is to be understood as praise。 But tell
me; senor; by what you love best; is this Ciudad Real wine?〃
  〃O rare wine…taster!〃 said he of the Grove; 〃nowhere else indeed
does it come from; and it has some years' age too。〃
  〃Leave me alone for that;〃 said Sancho; 〃never fear but I'll hit
upon the place it came from somehow。 What would you say; sir squire;
to my having such a great natural instinct in judging wines that you
have only to let me smell one and I can tell positively its country;
its kind; its flavour and soundness; the changes it will undergo;
and everything that appertains to a wine? But it is
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