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don quixote(堂·吉珂德)-第180章

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  〃In truth;〃 replied he on the mare; 〃I would not pass you so hastily
but for fear that horse might turn restive in the company of my mare。〃
  〃You may safely hold in your mare; senor;〃 said Sancho in reply to
this; 〃for our horse is the most virtuous and well…behaved horse in
the world; he never does anything wrong on such occasions; and the
only time he misbehaved; my master and I suffered for it sevenfold;
I say again your worship may pull up if you like; for if she was
offered to him between two plates the horse would not hanker after
  The traveller drew rein; amazed at the trim and features of Don
Quixote; who rode without his helmet; which Sancho carried like a
valise in front of Dapple's pack…saddle; and if the man in green
examined Don Quixote closely; still more closely did Don Quixote
examine the man in green; who struck him as being a man of
intelligence。 In appearance he was about fifty years of age; with
but few grey hairs; an aquiline cast of features; and an expression
between grave and gay; and his dress and accoutrements showed him to
be a man of good condition。 What he in green thought of Don Quixote of
La Mancha was that a man of that sort and shape he had never yet seen;
he marvelled at the length of his hair; his lofty stature; the
lankness and sallowness of his countenance; his armour; his bearing
and his gravity… a figure and picture such as had not been seen in
those regions for many a long day。
  Don Quixote saw very plainly the attention with which the
traveller was regarding him; and read his curiosity in his
astonishment; and courteous as he was and ready to please everybody;
before the other could ask him any question he anticipated him by
saying; 〃The appearance I present to your worship being so strange and
so out of the common; I should not be surprised if it filled you
with wonder; but you will cease to wonder when I tell you; as I do;
that I am one of those knights who; as people say; go seeking
adventures。 I have left my home; I have mortgaged my estate; I have
given up my comforts; and committed myself to the arms of Fortune;
to bear me whithersoever she may please。 My desire was to bring to
life again knight…errantry; now dead; and for some time past;
stumbling here; falling there; now coming down headlong; now raising
myself up again; I have carried out a great portion of my design;
succouring widows; protecting maidens; and giving aid to wives;
orphans; and minors; the proper and natural duty of knights…errant;
and; therefore; because of my many valiant and Christian achievements;
I have been already found worthy to make my way in print to
well…nigh all; or most; of the nations of the earth。 Thirty thousand
volumes of my history have been printed; and it is on the high…road to
be printed thirty thousand thousands of times; if heaven does not
put a stop to it。 In short; to sum up all in a few words; or in a
single one; I may tell you I am Don Quixote of La Mancha; otherwise
called 'The Knight of the Rueful Countenance;' for though
self…praise is degrading; I must perforce sound my own sometimes; that
is to say; when there is no one at hand to do it for me。 So that;
gentle sir; neither this horse; nor this lance; nor this shield; nor
this squire; nor all these arms put together; nor the sallowness of my
countenance; nor my gaunt leanness; will henceforth astonish you;
now that you know who I am and what profession I follow。〃
  With these words Don Quixote held his peace; and; from the time he
took to answer; the man in green seemed to be at a loss for a reply;
after a long pause; however; he said to him; 〃You were right when
you saw curiosity in my amazement; sir knight; but you have not
succeeded in removing the astonishment I feel at seeing you; for
although you say; senor; that knowing who you are ought to remove
it; it has not done so; on the contrary; now that I know; I am left
more amazed and astonished than before。 What! is it possible that
there are knights…errant in the world in these days; and histories
of real chivalry printed? I cannot realise the fact that there can
be anyone on earth now…a…days who aids widows; or protects maidens; or
defends wives; or succours orphans; nor should I believe it had I
not seen it in your worship with my own eyes。 Blessed be heaven! for
by means of this history of your noble and genuine chivalrous deeds;
which you say has been printed; the countless stories of fictitious
knights…errant with which the world is filled; so much to the injury
of morality and the prejudice and discredit of good histories; will
have been driven into oblivion。〃
  〃There is a good deal to be said on that point;〃 said Don Quixote;
〃as to whether the histories of the knights…errant are fiction or
  〃Why; is there anyone who doubts that those histories are false?〃
said the man in green。
  〃I doubt it;〃 said Don Quixote; 〃but never mind that just now; if
our journey lasts long enough; I trust in God I shall show your
worship that you do wrong in going with the stream of those who regard
it as a matter of certainty that they are not true。〃
  From this last observation of Don Quixote's; the traveller began
to have a suspicion that he was some crazy being; and was waiting
him to confirm it by something further; but before they could turn
to any new subject Don Quixote begged him to tell him who he was;
since he himself had rendered account of his station and life。 To
this; he in the green gaban replied 〃I; Sir Knight of the Rueful
Countenance; am a gentleman by birth; native of the village where;
please God; we are going to dine today; I am more than fairly well
off; and my name is Don Diego de Miranda。 I pass my life with my wife;
children; and friends; my pursuits are hunting and fishing; but I keep
neither hawks nor greyhounds; nothing but a tame partridge or a bold
ferret or two; I have six dozen or so of books; some in our mother
tongue; some Latin; some of them history; others devotional; those
of chivalry have not as yet crossed the threshold of my door; I am
more given to turning over the profane than the devotional; so long as
they are books of honest entertainment that charm by their style and
attract and interest by the invention they display; though of these
there are very few in Spain。 Sometimes I dine with my neighbours and
friends; and often invite them; my entertainments are neat and well
served without stint of anything。 I have no taste for tattle; nor do I
allow tattling in my presence; I pry not into my neighbours' lives;
nor have I lynx…eyes for what others do。 I hear mass every day; I
share my substance with the poor; making no display of good works;
lest I let hypocrisy and vainglory; those enemies that subtly take
possession of the most watchful heart; find an entrance into mine。 I
strive to make peace between those whom I know to be at variance; I am
the devoted servant of Our Lady; and my trust is ever in the
infinite mercy of God our Lord。〃
  Sancho listened with the greatest attention to the account of the
gentleman's life and occupation; and thinking it a good and a holy
life; and that he who led it ought to work miracles; he threw
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