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don quixote(堂·吉珂德)-第2章

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experiments with it; he passed it and adopted it as a helmet of the
most perfect construction。
  He next proceeded to inspect his hack; which; with more quartos than
a real and more blemishes than the steed of Gonela; that 〃tantum
pellis et ossa fuit;〃 surpassed in his eyes the Bucephalus of
Alexander or the Babieca of the Cid。 Four days were spent in
thinking what name to give him; because (as he said to himself) it was
not right that a horse belonging to a knight so famous; and one with
such merits of his own; should be without some distinctive name; and
he strove to adapt it so as to indicate what he had been before
belonging to a knight…errant; and what he then was; for it was only
reasonable that; his master taking a new character; he should take a
new name; and that it should be a distinguished and full…sounding one;
befitting the new order and calling he was about to follow。 And so;
after having composed; struck out; rejected; added to; unmade; and
remade a multitude of names out of his memory and fancy; he decided
upon calling him Rocinante; a name; to his thinking; lofty;
sonorous; and significant of his condition as a hack before he
became what he now was; the first and foremost of all the hacks in the
  Having got a name for his horse so much to his taste; he was anxious
to get one for himself; and he was eight days more pondering over this
point; till at last he made up his mind to call himself 〃Don Quixote;〃
whence; as has been already said; the authors of this veracious
history have inferred that his name must have been beyond a doubt
Quixada; and not Quesada as others would have it。 Recollecting;
however; that the valiant Amadis was not content to call himself
curtly Amadis and nothing more; but added the name of his kingdom
and country to make it famous; and called himself Amadis of Gaul;
he; like a good knight; resolved to add on the name of his; and to
style himself Don Quixote of La Mancha; whereby; he considered; he
described accurately his origin and country; and did honour to it in
taking his surname from it。
  So then; his armour being furbished; his morion turned into a
helmet; his hack christened; and he himself confirmed; he came to
the conclusion that nothing more was needed now but to look out for
a lady to be in love with; for a knight…errant without love was like a
tree without leaves or fruit; or a body without a soul。 As he said
to himself; 〃If; for my sins; or by my good fortune; I come across
some giant hereabouts; a common occurrence with knights…errant; and
overthrow him in one onslaught; or cleave him asunder to the waist;
or; in short; vanquish and subdue him; will it not be well to have
some one I may send him to as a present; that he may come in and
fall on his knees before my sweet lady; and in a humble; submissive
voice say; 'I am the giant Caraculiambro; lord of the island of
Malindrania; vanquished in single combat by the never sufficiently
extolled knight Don Quixote of La Mancha; who has commanded me to
present myself before your Grace; that your Highness dispose of me
at your pleasure'?〃 Oh; how our good gentleman enjoyed the delivery of
this speech; especially when he had thought of some one to call his
Lady! There was; so the story goes; in a village near his own a very
good…looking farm…girl with whom he had been at one time in love;
though; so far as is known; she never knew it nor gave a thought to
the matter。 Her name was Aldonza Lorenzo; and upon her he thought
fit to confer the title of Lady of his Thoughts; and after some search
for a name which should not be out of harmony with her own; and should
suggest and indicate that of a princess and great lady; he decided
upon calling her Dulcinea del Toboso …she being of El Toboso… a
name; to his mind; musical; uncommon; and significant; like all
those he had already bestowed upon himself and the things belonging to


  THESE preliminaries settled; he did not care to put off any longer
the execution of his design; urged on to it by the thought of all
the world was losing by his delay; seeing what wrongs he intended to
right; grievances to redress; injustices to repair; abuses to
remove; and duties to discharge。 So; without giving notice of his
intention to anyone; and without anybody seeing him; one morning
before the dawning of the day (which was one of the hottest of the
month of July) he donned his suit of armour; mounted Rocinante with
his patched…up helmet on; braced his buckler; took his lance; and by
the back door of the yard sallied forth upon the plain in the
highest contentment and satisfaction at seeing with what ease he had
made a beginning with his grand purpose。 But scarcely did he find
himself upon the open plain; when a terrible thought struck him; one
all but enough to make him abandon the enterprise at the very
outset。 It occurred to him that he had not been dubbed a knight; and
that according to the law of chivalry he neither could nor ought to
bear arms against any knight; and that even if he had been; still he
ought; as a novice knight; to wear white armour; without a device upon
the shield until by his prowess he had earned one。 These reflections
made him waver in his purpose; but his craze being stronger than any
reasoning; he made up his mind to have himself dubbed a knight by
the first one he came across; following the example of others in the
same case; as he had read in the books that brought him to this
pass。 As for white armour; he resolved; on the first opportunity; to
scour his until it was whiter than an ermine; and so comforting
himself he pursued his way; taking that which his horse chose; for
in this he believed lay the essence of adventures。
  Thus setting out; our new…fledged adventurer paced along; talking to
himself and saying; 〃Who knows but that in time to come; when the
veracious history of my famous deeds is made known; the sage who
writes it; when he has to set forth my first sally in the early
morning; will do it after this fashion? 'Scarce had the rubicund
Apollo spread o'er the face of the broad spacious earth the golden
threads of his bright hair; scarce had the little birds of painted
plumage attuned their notes to hail with dulcet and mellifluous
harmony the coming of the rosy Dawn; that; deserting the soft couch of
her jealous spouse; was appearing to mortals at the gates and
balconies of the Manchegan horizon; when the renowned knight Don
Quixote of La Mancha; quitting the lazy down; mounted his celebrated
steed Rocinante and began to traverse the ancient and famous Campo
de Montiel;'〃 which in fact he was actually traversing。 〃Happy the
age; happy the time;〃 he continued; 〃in which shall be made known my
deeds of fame; worthy to be moulded in brass; carved in marble; limned
in pictures; for a memorial for ever。 And thou; O sage magician;
whoever thou art; to whom it shall fall to be the chronicler of this
wondrous history; forget not; I entreat thee; my good Rocinante; the
constant companion of my ways and wanderings。〃 Presently he broke
out again; as if he were love…stri
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