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don quixote(堂·吉珂德)-第247章

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another adventure; pleasanter than the late one; which his
chronicler will not relate just now in order that he may turn his
attention to Sancho Panza; who was proceeding with great diligence and
drollery in his government。


  THE history says that from the justice court they carried Sancho
to a sumptuous palace; where in a spacious chamber there was a table
laid out with royal magnificence。 The clarions sounded as Sancho
entered the room; and four pages came forward to present him with
water for his hands; which Sancho received with great dignity。 The
music ceased; and Sancho seated himself at the head of the table;
for there was only that seat placed; and no more than one cover
laid。 A personage; who it appeared afterwards was a physician;
placed himself standing by his side with a whalebone wand in his hand。
They then lifted up a fine white cloth covering fruit and a great
variety of dishes of different sorts; one who looked like a student
said grace; and a page put a laced bib on Sancho; while another who
played the part of head carver placed a dish of fruit before him。
But hardly had he tasted a morsel when the man with the wand touched
the plate with it; and they took it away from before him with the
utmost celerity。 The carver; however; brought him another dish; and
Sancho proceeded to try it; but before he could get at it; not to
say taste it; already the wand had touched it and a page had carried
it off with the same promptitude as the fruit。 Sancho seeing this
was puzzled; and looking from one to another asked if this dinner
was to be eaten after the fashion of a jugglery trick。
  To this he with the wand replied; 〃It is not to be eaten; senor
governor; except as is usual and customary in other islands where
there are governors。 I; senor; am a physician; and I am paid a
salary in this island to serve its governors as such; and I have a
much greater regard for their health than for my own; studying day and
night and making myself acquainted with the governor's constitution;
in order to be able to cure him when he falls sick。 The chief thing
I have to do is to attend at his dinners and suppers and allow him
to eat what appears to me to be fit for him; and keep from him what
I think will do him harm and be injurious to his stomach; and
therefore I ordered that plate of fruit to be removed as being too
moist; and that other dish I ordered to he removed as being too hot
and containing many spices that stimulate thirst; for he who drinks
much kills and consumes the radical moisture wherein life consists。〃
  〃Well then;〃 said Sancho; 〃that dish of roast partridges there
that seems so savoury will not do me any harm。〃
  To this the physician replied; 〃Of those my lord the governor
shall not eat so long as I live。〃
  〃Why so?〃 said Sancho。
  〃Because;〃 replied the doctor; 〃our master Hippocrates; the polestar
and beacon of medicine; says in one of his aphorisms omnis saturatio
mala; perdicis autem pessima; which means 'all repletion is bad; but
that of partridge is the worst of all。〃
  〃In that case;〃 said Sancho; 〃let senor doctor see among the
dishes that are on the table what will do me most good and least harm;
and let me eat it; without tapping it with his stick; for by the
life of the governor; and so may God suffer me to enjoy it; but I'm
dying of hunger; and in spite of the doctor and all he may say; to
deny me food is the way to take my life instead of prolonging it。〃
  〃Your worship is right; senor governor;〃 said the physician; 〃and
therefore your worship; I consider; should not eat of those stewed
rabbits there; because it is a furry kind of food; if that veal were
not roasted and served with pickles; you might try it; but it is out
of the question。〃
  〃That big dish that is smoking farther off;〃 said Sancho; 〃seems
to me to be an olla podrida; and out of the diversity of things in
such ollas; I can't fail to light upon something tasty and good for
  〃Absit;〃 said the doctor; 〃far from us be any such base thought!
There is nothing in the world less nourishing than an olla podrida; to
canons; or rectors of colleges; or peasants' weddings with your
ollas podridas; but let us have none of them on the tables of
governors; where everything that is present should be delicate and
refined; and the reason is; that always; everywhere and by
everybody; simple medicines are more esteemed than compound ones;
for we cannot go wrong in those that are simple; while in the compound
we may; by merely altering the quantity of the things composing
them。 But what I am of opinion the governor should cat now in order to
preserve and fortify his health is a hundred or so of wafer cakes
and a few thin slices of conserve of quinces; which will settle his
stomach and help his digestion。〃
  Sancho on hearing this threw himself back in his chair and
surveyed the doctor steadily; and in a solemn tone asked him what
his name was and where he had studied。
  He replied; 〃My name; senor governor; is Doctor Pedro Recio de
Aguero I am a native of a place called Tirteafuera which lies
between Caracuel and Almodovar del Campo; on the right…hand side;
and I have the degree of doctor from the university of Osuna。〃
  To which Sancho; glowing all over with rage; returned; 〃Then let
Doctor Pedro Recio de Malaguero; native of Tirteafuera; a place that's
on the right…hand side as we go from Caracuel to Almodovar del
Campo; graduate of Osuna; get out of my presence at once; or I swear
by the sun I'll take a cudgel; and by dint of blows; beginning with
him; I'll not leave a doctor in the whole island; at least of those
I know to be ignorant; for as to learned; wise; sensible physicians;
them I will reverence and honour as divine persons。 Once more I say
let Pedro Recio get out of this or I'll take this chair I am sitting
on and break it over his head。 And if they call me to account for
it; I'll clear myself by saying I served God in killing a bad
doctor… a general executioner。 And now give me something to eat; or
else take your government; for a trade that does not feed its master
is not worth two beans。〃
  The doctor was dismayed when he saw the governor in such a
passion; and he would have made a Tirteafuera out of the room but that
the same instant a post…horn sounded in the street; and the carver
putting his head out of the window turned round and said; 〃It's a
courier from my lord the duke; no doubt with some despatch of
  The courier came in all sweating and flurried; and taking a paper
from his bosom; placed it in the governor's hands。 Sancho handed it to
the majordomo and bade him read the superscription; which ran thus: To
Don Sancho Panza; Governor of the Island of Barataria; into his own
hands or those of his secretary。 Sancho when he heard this said;
〃Which of you is my secretary?〃 〃I am; senor;〃 said one of those
present; 〃for I can read and write; and am a Biscayan。〃 〃With that
addition;〃 said Sancho; 〃you might be secretary to the emperor
himself; open this paper and see what it says。〃 The new…born secretary
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