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don quixote(堂·吉珂德)-第260章

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governors that come to this island; before entering it have plenty
of money either given to them or lent to them by the people of the
town; and that this is the usual custom not only here but with all who
enter upon governments。
  Last night going the rounds I came upon a fair damsel in man's
clothes; and a brother of hers dressed as a woman; my head…carver
has fallen in love with the girl; and has in his own mind chosen her
for a wife; so he says; and I have chosen youth for a son…in…law;
to…day we are going to explain our intentions to the father of the
pair; who is one Diego de la Llana; a gentleman and an old Christian
as much as you please。
  I have visited the market…places; as your worship advises me; and
yesterday I found a stall…keeper selling new hazel nuts and proved her
to have mixed a bushel of old empty rotten nuts with a bushel of
new; I confiscated the whole for the children of the charity…school;
who will know how to distinguish them well enough; and I sentenced her
not to come into the market…place for a fortnight; they told me I
did bravely。 I can tell your worship it is commonly said in this
town that there are no people worse than the market…women; for they
are all barefaced; unconscionable; and impudent; and I can well
believe it from what I have seen of them in other towns。
  I am very glad my lady the duchess has written to my wife Teresa
Panza and sent her the present your worship speaks of; and I will
strive to show myself grateful when the time comes; kiss her hands for
me; and tell her I say she has not thrown it into a sack with a hole
in it; as she will see in the end。 I should not like your worship to
have any difference with my lord and lady; for if you fall out with
them it is plain it must do me harm; and as you give me advice to be
grateful it will not do for your worship not to be so yourself to
those who have shown you such kindness; and by whom you have been
treated so hospitably in their castle。
  That about the scratching I don't understand; but I suppose it
must be one of the ill…turns the wicked enchanters are always doing
your worship; when we meet I shall know all about it。 I wish I could
send your worship something; but I don't know what to send; unless
it be some very curious clyster pipes; to work with bladders; that
they make in this island; but if the office remains with me I'll
find out something to send; one way or another。 If my wife Teresa
Panza writes to me; pay the postage and send me the letter; for I have
a very great desire to hear how my house and wife and children are
going on。 And so; may God deliver your worship from evil…minded
enchanters; and bring me well and peacefully out of this government;
which I doubt; for I expect to take leave of it and my life
together; from the way Doctor Pedro Recio treats me。
                  Your worship's servant
                               SANCHO PANZA THE GOVERNOR。

  The secretary sealed the letter; and immediately dismissed the
courier; and those who were carrying on the joke against Sancho
putting their heads together arranged how he was to be dismissed
from the government。 Sancho spent the afternoon in drawing up
certain ordinances relating to the good government of what he
fancied the island; and he ordained that there were to be no provision
hucksters in the State; and that men might import wine into it from
any place they pleased; provided they declared the quarter it came
from; so that a price might be put upon it according to its quality;
reputation; and the estimation it was held in; and he that watered his
wine; or changed the name; was to forfeit his life for it。 He
reduced the prices of all manner of shoes; boots; and stockings; but
of shoes in particular; as they seemed to him to run extravagantly
high。 He established a fixed rate for servants' wages; which were
becoming recklessly exorbitant。 He laid extremely heavy penalties upon
those who sang lewd or loose songs either by day or night。 He
decreed that no blind man should sing of any miracle in verse;
unless he could produce authentic evidence that it was true; for it
was his opinion that most of those the blind men sing are trumped
up; to the detriment of the true ones。 He established and created an
alguacil of the poor; not to harass them; but to examine them and
see whether they really were so; for many a sturdy thief or drunkard
goes about under cover of a make…believe crippled limb or a sham sore。
In a word; he made so many good rules that to this day they are
preserved there; and are called The constitutions of the great
governor Sancho Panza。


  CIDE HAMETE relates that Don Quixote being now cured of his
scratches felt that the life he was leading in the castle was entirely
inconsistent with the order of chivalry he professed; so he determined
to ask the duke and duchess to permit him to take his departure for
Saragossa; as the time of the festival was now drawing near; and he
hoped to win there the suit of armour which is the prize at
festivals of the sort。 But one day at table with the duke and duchess;
just as he was about to carry his resolution into effect and ask for
their permission; lo and behold suddenly there came in through the
door of the great hall two women; as they afterwards proved to be;
draped in mourning from head to foot; one of whom approaching Don
Quixote flung herself at full length at his feet; pressing her lips to
them; and uttering moans so sad; so deep; and so doleful that she
put all who heard and saw her into a state of perplexity; and though
the duke and duchess supposed it must be some joke their servants were
playing off upon Don Quixote; still the earnest way the woman sighed
and moaned and wept puzzled them and made them feel uncertain; until
Don Quixote; touched with compassion; raised her up and made her
unveil herself and remove the mantle from her tearful face。 She
complied and disclosed what no one could have ever anticipated; for
she disclosed the countenance of Dona Rodriguez; the duenna of the
house; the other female in mourning being her daughter; who had been
made a fool of by the rich farmer's son。 All who knew her were
filled with astonishment; and the duke and duchess more than any;
for though they thought her a simpleton and a weak creature; they
did not think her capable of crazy pranks。 Dona Rodriguez; at
length; turning to her master and mistress said to them; 〃Will your
excellences be pleased to permit me to speak to this gentleman for a
moment; for it is requisite I should do so in order to get
successfully out of the business in which the boldness of an
evil…minded clown has involved me?〃
  The duke said that for his part he gave her leave; and that she
might speak with Senor Don Quixote as much as she liked。
  She then; turning to Don Quixote and addressing herself to him said;
〃Some days since; valiant knight; I gave you an account of the
injustice and treachery of a wicked farmer to my dearly beloved
daughter; the unhappy damsel here before you; and you promised
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