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don quixote(堂·吉珂德)-第267章

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however; as it was summer time; did not give him much uneasiness;
and he turned aside out of the road intending to wait for morning; but
his ill luck and hard fate so willed it that as he was searching about
for a place to make himself as comfortable as possible; he and
Dapple fell into a deep dark hole that lay among some very old
buildings。 As he fell he commended himself with all his heart to
God; fancying he was not going to stop until he reached the depths
of the bottomless pit; but it did not turn out so; for at little
more than thrice a man's height Dapple touched bottom; and he found
himself sitting on him without having received any hurt or damage
whatever。 He felt himself all over and held his breath to try
whether he was quite sound or had a hole made in him anywhere; and
finding himself all right and whole and in perfect health he was
profuse in his thanks to God our Lord for the mercy that had been
shown him; for he made sure he had been broken into a thousand pieces。
He also felt along the sides of the pit with his hands to see if it
were possible to get out of it without help; but he found they were
quite smooth and afforded no hold anywhere; at which he was greatly
distressed; especially when he heard how pathetically and dolefully
Dapple was bemoaning himself; and no wonder he complained; nor was
it from ill…temper; for in truth he was not in a very good case。
〃Alas;〃 said Sancho; 〃what unexpected accidents happen at every step
to those who live in this miserable world! Who would have said that
one who saw himself yesterday sitting on a throne; governor of an
island; giving orders to his servants and his vassals; would see
himself to…day buried in a pit without a soul to help him; or
servant or vassal to come to his relief? Here must we perish with
hunger; my ass and myself; if indeed we don't die first; he of his
bruises and injuries; and I of grief and sorrow。 At any rate I'll
not be as lucky as my master Don Quixote of La Mancha; when he went
down into the cave of that enchanted Montesinos; where he found people
to make more of him than if he had been in his own house; for it seems
he came in for a table laid out and a bed ready made。 There he saw
fair and pleasant visions; but here I'll see; I imagine; toads and
adders。 Unlucky wretch that I am; what an end my follies and fancies
have come to! They'll take up my bones out of this; when it is
heaven's will that I'm found; picked clean; white and polished; and my
good Dapple's with them; and by that; perhaps; it will be found out
who we are; at least by such as have heard that Sancho Panza never
separated from his ass; nor his ass from Sancho Panza。 Unlucky
wretches; I say again; that our hard fate should not let us die in our
own country and among our own people; where if there was no help for
our misfortune; at any rate there would be some one to grieve for it
and to close our eyes as we passed away! O comrade and friend; how ill
have I repaid thy faithful services! Forgive me; and entreat
Fortune; as well as thou canst; to deliver us out of this miserable
strait we are both in; and I promise to put a crown of laurel on thy
head; and make thee look like a poet laureate; and give thee double
  In this strain did Sancho bewail himself; and his ass listened to
him; but answered him never a word; such was the distress and
anguish the poor beast found himself in。 At length; after a night
spent in bitter moanings and lamentations; day came; and by its
light Sancho perceived that it was wholly impossible to escape out
of that pit without help; and he fell to bemoaning his fate and
uttering loud shouts to find out if there was anyone within hearing;
but all his shouting was only crying in the wilderness; for there
was not a soul anywhere in the neighbourhood to hear him; and then
at last he gave himself up for dead。 Dapple was lying on his back; and
Sancho helped him to his feet; which he was scarcely able to keep; and
then taking a piece of bread out of his alforjas which had shared
their fortunes in the fall; he gave it to the ass; to whom it was
not unwelcome; saying to him as if he understood him; 〃With bread
all sorrows are less。〃
  And now he perceived on one side of the pit a hole large enough to
admit a person if he stooped and squeezed himself into a small
compass。 Sancho made for it; and entered it by creeping; and found
it wide and spacious on the inside; which he was able to see as a
ray of sunlight that penetrated what might be called the roof showed
it all plainly。 He observed too that it opened and widened out into
another spacious cavity; seeing which he made his way back to where
the ass was; and with a stone began to pick away the clay from the
hole until in a short time he had made room for the beast to pass
easily; and this accomplished; taking him by the halter; he
proceeded to traverse the cavern to see if there was any outlet at the
other end。 He advanced; sometimes in the dark; sometimes without
light; but never without fear; 〃God Almighty help me!〃 said he to
himself; 〃this that is a misadventure to me would make a good
adventure for my master Don Quixote。 He would have been sure to take
these depths and dungeons for flowery gardens or the palaces of
Galiana; and would have counted upon issuing out of this darkness
and imprisonment into some blooming meadow; but I; unlucky that I
am; hopeless and spiritless; expect at every step another pit deeper
than the first to open under my feet and swallow me up for good;
'welcome evil; if thou comest alone。'〃
  In this way and with these reflections he seemed to himself to
have travelled rather more than half a league; when at last he
perceived a dim light that looked like daylight and found its way in
on one side; showing that this road; which appeared to him the road to
the other world; led to some opening。
  Here Cide Hamete leaves him; and returns to Don Quixote; who in high
spirits and satisfaction was looking forward to the day fixed for
the battle he was to fight with him who had robbed Dona Rodriguez's
daughter of her honour; for whom he hoped to obtain satisfaction for
the wrong and injury shamefully done to her。 It came to pass; then;
that having sallied forth one morning to practise and exercise himself
in what he would have to do in the encounter he expected to find
himself engaged in the next day; as he was putting Rocinante through
his paces or pressing him to the charge; he brought his feet so
close to a pit that but for reining him in tightly it would have
been impossible for him to avoid falling into it。 He pulled him up;
however; without a fall; and coming a little closer examined the
hole without dismounting; but as he was looking at it he heard loud
cries proceeding from it; and by listening attentively was able to
make out that he who uttered them was saying; 〃Ho; above there! is
there any Christian that hears me; or any charitable gentleman that
will take pity on a sinner buried alive; on an unfortunate disgoverned
  It struck Don Quixote that it was the voice of Sancho Panza he
heard; whereat he was taken aback and amazed; and raising his own
voice as mu
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