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don quixote(堂·吉珂德)-第29章

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have their own fixed times for coming to pass; because it seems to
me that after two harvests we shall be no good for the third; unless
God in his infinite mercy helps us。〃
  〃Know; friend Sancho;〃 answered Don Quixote; 〃that the life of
knights…errant is subject to a thousand dangers and reverses; and
neither more nor less is it within immediate possibility for
knights…errant to become kings and emperors; as experience has shown
in the case of many different knights with whose histories I am
thoroughly acquainted; and I could tell thee now; if the pain would
let me; of some who simply by might of arm have risen to the high
stations I have mentioned; and those same; both before and after;
experienced divers misfortunes and miseries; for the valiant Amadis of
Gaul found himself in the power of his mortal enemy Arcalaus the
magician; who; it is positively asserted; holding him captive; gave
him more than two hundred lashes with the reins of his horse while
tied to one of the pillars of a court; and moreover there is a certain
recondite author of no small authority who says that the Knight of
Phoebus; being caught in a certain pitfall; which opened under his
feet in a certain castle; on falling found himself bound hand and foot
in a deep pit underground; where they administered to him one of those
things they call clysters; of sand and snow…water; that well…nigh
finished him; and if he had not been succoured in that sore
extremity by a sage; a great friend of his; it would have gone very
hard with the poor knight; so I may well suffer in company with such
worthy folk; for greater were the indignities which they had to suffer
than those which we suffer。 For I would have thee know; Sancho; that
wounds caused by any instruments which happen by chance to be in
hand inflict no indignity; and this is laid down in the law of the
duel in express words: if; for instance; the cobbler strikes another
with the last which he has in his hand; though it be in fact a piece
of wood; it cannot be said for that reason that he whom he struck with
it has been cudgelled。 I say this lest thou shouldst imagine that
because we have been drubbed in this affray we have therefore suffered
any indignity; for the arms those men carried; with which they pounded
us; were nothing more than their stakes; and not one of them; so far
as I remember; carried rapier; sword; or dagger。〃
  〃They gave me no time to see that much;〃 answered Sancho; 〃for
hardly had I laid hand on my tizona when they signed the cross on my
shoulders with their sticks in such style that they took the sight out
of my eyes and the strength out of my feet; stretching me where I
now lie; and where thinking of whether all those stake…strokes were an
indignity or not gives me no uneasiness; which the pain of the blows
does; for they will remain as deeply impressed on my memory as on my
  〃For all that let me tell thee; brother Panza;〃 said Don Quixote;
〃that there is no recollection which time does not put an end to;
and no pain which death does not remove。〃
  〃And what greater misfortune can there be;〃 replied Panza; 〃than the
one that waits for time to put an end to it and death to remove it? If
our mishap were one of those that are cured with a couple of plasters;
it would not be so bad; but I am beginning to think that all the
plasters in a hospital almost won't be enough to put us right。〃
  〃No more of that: pluck strength out of weakness; Sancho; as I
mean to do;〃 returned Don Quixote; 〃and let us see how Rocinante is;
for it seems to me that not the least share of this mishap has
fallen to the lot of the poor beast。〃
  〃There is nothing wonderful in that;〃 replied Sancho; 〃since he is a
knight…errant too; what I wonder at is that my beast should have
come off scot…free where we come out scotched。〃
  〃Fortune always leaves a door open in adversity in order to bring
relief to it;〃 said Don Quixote; 〃I say so because this little beast
may now supply the want of Rocinante; carrying me hence to some castle
where I may be cured of my wounds。 And moreover I shall not hold it
any dishonour to be so mounted; for I remember having read how the
good old Silenus; the tutor and instructor of the gay god of laughter;
when he entered the city of the hundred gates; went very contentedly
mounted on a handsome ass。〃
  〃It may be true that he went mounted as your worship says;〃 answered
Sancho; 〃but there is a great difference between going mounted and
going slung like a sack of manure。〃
  To which Don Quixote replied; 〃Wounds received in battle confer
honour instead of taking it away; and so; friend Panza; say no more;
but; as I told thee before; get up as well as thou canst and put me on
top of thy beast in whatever fashion pleases thee best; and let us
go hence ere night come on and surprise us in these wilds。〃
  〃And yet I have heard your worship say;〃 observed Panza; 〃that it is
very meet for knights…errant to sleep in wastes and deserts; and
that they esteem it very good fortune。〃
  〃That is;〃 said Don Quixote; 〃when they cannot help it; or when they
are in love; and so true is this that there have been knights who have
remained two years on rocks; in sunshine and shade and all the
inclemencies of heaven; without their ladies knowing anything of it;
and one of these was Amadis; when; under the name of Beltenebros; he
took up his abode on the Pena Pobre for …I know not if it was eight
years or eight months; for I am not very sure of the reckoning; at any
rate he stayed there doing penance for I know not what pique the
Princess Oriana had against him; but no more of this now; Sancho;
and make haste before a mishap like Rocinante's befalls the ass。〃
  〃The very devil would be in it in that case;〃 said Sancho; and
letting off thirty 〃ohs;〃 and sixty sighs; and a hundred and twenty
maledictions and execrations on whomsoever it was that had brought him
there; he raised himself; stopping half…way bent like a Turkish bow
without power to bring himself upright; but with all his pains he
saddled his ass; who too had gone astray somewhat; yielding to the
excessive licence of the day; he next raised up Rocinante; and as
for him; had he possessed a tongue to complain with; most assuredly
neither Sancho nor his master would have been behind him。 To be brief;
Sancho fixed Don Quixote on the ass and secured Rocinante with a
leading rein; and taking the ass by the halter; he proceeded more or
less in the direction in which it seemed to him the high road might
be; and; as chance was conducting their affairs for them from good
to better; he had not gone a short league when the road came in sight;
and on it he perceived an inn; which to his annoyance and to the
delight of Don Quixote must needs be a castle。 Sancho insisted that it
was an inn; and his master that it was not one; but a castle; and
the dispute lasted so long that before the point was settled they
had time to reach it; and into it Sancho entered with all his team
without any further controversy。


  THE innkeeper; seeing Don Quixote slung acro
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