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don quixote(堂·吉珂德)-第47章

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off or in whatever other way it may be; the princess comes to be his
bride; and her father comes to regard it as very good fortune; for
it so happens that this knight is proved to be the son of a valiant
king of some kingdom; I know not what; for I fancy it is not likely to
be on the map。 The father dies; the princess inherits; and in two
words the knight becomes king。 And here comes in at once the
bestowal of rewards upon his squire and all who have aided him in
rising to so exalted a rank。 He marries his squire to a damsel of
the princess's; who will be; no doubt; the one who was confidante in
their amour; and is daughter of a very great duke。〃
  〃That's what I want; and no mistake about it!〃 said Sancho。
〃That's what I'm waiting for; for all this; word for word; is in store
for your worship under the title of the Knight of the Rueful
  〃Thou needst not doubt it; Sancho;〃 replied Don Quixote; 〃for in the
same manner; and by the same steps as I have described here;
knights…errant rise and have risen to be kings and emperors; all we
want now is to find out what king; Christian or pagan; is at war and
has a beautiful daughter; but there will be time enough to think of
that; for; as I have told thee; fame must be won in other quarters
before repairing to the court。 There is another thing; too; that is
wanting; for supposing we find a king who is at war and has a
beautiful daughter; and that I have won incredible fame throughout the
universe; I know not how it can be made out that I am of royal
lineage; or even second cousin to an emperor; for the king will not be
willing to give me his daughter in marriage unless he is first
thoroughly satisfied on this point; however much my famous deeds may
deserve it; so that by this deficiency I fear I shall lose what my arm
has fairly earned。 True it is I am a gentleman of known house; of
estate and property; and entitled to the five hundred sueldos mulct;
and it may be that the sage who shall write my history will so clear
up my ancestry and pedigree that I may find myself fifth or sixth in
descent from a king; for I would have thee know; Sancho; that there
are two kinds of lineages in the world; some there be tracing and
deriving their descent from kings and princes; whom time has reduced
little by little until they end in a point like a pyramid upside down;
and others who spring from the common herd and go on rising step by
step until they come to be great lords; so that the difference is that
the one were what they no longer are; and the others are what they
formerly were not。 And I may be of such that after investigation my
origin may prove great and famous; with which the king; my
father…in…law that is to be; ought to be satisfied; and should he
not be; the princess will so love me that even though she well knew me
to be the son of a water…carrier; she will take me for her lord and
husband in spite of her father; if not; then it comes to seizing her
and carrying her off where I please; for time or death will put an end
to the wrath of her parents。〃
  〃It comes to this; too;〃 said Sancho; 〃what some naughty people say;
'Never ask as a favour what thou canst take by force;' though it would
fit better to say; 'A clear escape is better than good men's prayers。'
I say so because if my lord the king; your worship's father…in…law;
will not condescend to give you my lady the princess; there is nothing
for it but; as your worship says; to seize her and transport her。
But the mischief is that until peace is made and you come into the
peaceful enjoyment of your kingdom; the poor squire is famishing as
far as rewards go; unless it be that the confidante damsel that is
to be his wife comes with the princess; and that with her he tides
over his bad luck until Heaven otherwise orders things; for his
master; I suppose; may as well give her to him at once for a lawful
  〃Nobody can object to that;〃 said Don Quixote。
  〃Then since that may be;〃 said Sancho; 〃there is nothing for it
but to commend ourselves to God; and let fortune take what course it
  〃God guide it according to my wishes and thy wants;〃 said Don
Quixote; 〃and mean be he who thinks himself mean。〃
  〃In God's name let him be so;〃 said Sancho: 〃I am an old
Christian; and to fit me for a count that's enough。〃
  〃And more than enough for thee;〃 said Don Quixote; 〃and even wert
thou not; it would make no difference; because I being the king can
easily give thee nobility without purchase or service rendered by
thee; for when I make thee a count; then thou art at once a gentleman;
and they may say what they will; but by my faith they will have to
call thee 'your lordship;' whether they like it or not。〃
  〃Not a doubt of it; and I'll know how to support the tittle;〃 said
  〃Title thou shouldst say; not tittle;〃 said his master。
  〃So be it;〃 answered Sancho。 〃I say I will know how to behave; for
once in my life I was beadle of a brotherhood; and the beadle's gown
sat so well on me that all said I looked as if I was to be steward
of the same brotherhood。 What will it be; then; when I put a duke's
robe on my back; or dress myself in gold and pearls like a count? I
believe they'll come a hundred leagues to see me。〃
  〃Thou wilt look well;〃 said Don Quixote; 〃but thou must shave thy
beard often; for thou hast it so thick and rough and unkempt; that
if thou dost not shave it every second day at least; they will see
what thou art at the distance of a musket shot。〃
  〃What more will it be;〃 said Sancho; 〃than having a barber; and
keeping him at wages in the house? and even if it be necessary; I will
make him go behind me like a nobleman's equerry。〃
  〃Why; how dost thou know that noblemen have equerries behind
them?〃 asked Don Quixote。
  〃I will tell you;〃 answered Sancho。 〃Years ago I was for a month
at the capital and there I saw taking the air a very small gentleman
who they said was a very great man; and a man following him on
horseback in every turn he took; just as if he was his tail。 I asked
why this man did not join the other man; instead of always going
behind him; they answered me that he was his equerry; and that it
was the custom with nobles to have such persons behind them; and
ever since then I know it; for I have never forgotten it。〃
  〃Thou art right;〃 said Don Quixote; 〃and in the same way thou mayest
carry thy barber with thee; for customs did not come into use all
together; nor were they all invented at once; and thou mayest be the
first count to have a barber to follow him; and; indeed; shaving one's
beard is a greater trust than saddling one's horse。〃
  〃Let the barber business be my look…out;〃 said Sancho; 〃and your
worship's be it to strive to become a king; and make me a count。〃
  〃So it shall be;〃 answered Don Quixote; and raising his eyes he
saw what will be told in the following chapter。


  CIDE Hamete Benengeli; the Arab and Manchegan author; relates in
this most grave; high…sounding; minute; delightful; and original
history that a
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