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don quixote(堂·吉珂德)-第78章

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which is little more than a hundred days' journey this side of your
highness's kingdom。〃
  〃Your worship is mistaken; senor;〃 said she; 〃for it is not two
years since I set out from it; and though I never had good weather;
nevertheless I am here to behold what I so longed for; and that is
my lord Don Quixote of La Mancha; whose fame came to my ears as soon
as I set foot in Spain and impelled me to go in search of him; to
commend myself to his courtesy; and entrust the justice of my cause to
the might of his invincible arm。〃
  〃Enough; no more praise;〃 said Don Quixote at this; 〃for I hate
all flattery; and though this may not be so; still language of the
kind is offensive to my chaste ears。 I will only say; senora; that
whether it has might or not; that which it may or may not have shall
be devoted to your service even to death; and now; leaving this to its
proper season; I would ask the senor licentiate to tell me what it
is that has brought him into these parts; alone; unattended; and so
lightly clad that I am filled with amazement。〃
  〃I will answer that briefly;〃 replied the curate; 〃you must know
then; Senor Don Quixote; that Master Nicholas; our friend and
barber; and I were going to Seville to receive some money that a
relative of mine who went to the Indies many years ago had sent me;
and not such a small sum but that it was over sixty thousand pieces of
eight; full weight; which is something; and passing by this place
yesterday we were attacked by four footpads; who stripped us even to
our beards; and them they stripped off so that the barber found it
necessary to put on a false one; and even this young man here〃…
pointing to Cardenio… 〃they completely transformed。 But the best of it
is; the story goes in the neighbourhood that those who attacked us
belong to a number of galley slaves who; they say; were set free
almost on the very same spot by a man of such valour that; in spite of
the commissary and of the guards; he released the whole of them; and
beyond all doubt he must have been out of his senses; or he must be as
great a scoundrel as they; or some man without heart or conscience
to let the wolf loose among the sheep; the fox among the hens; the fly
among the honey。 He has defrauded justice; and opposed his king and
lawful master; for he opposed his just commands; he has; I say; robbed
the galleys of their feet; stirred up the Holy Brotherhood which for
many years past has been quiet; and; lastly; has done a deed by
which his soul may be lost without any gain to his body。〃 Sancho had
told the curate and the barber of the adventure of the galley
slaves; which; so much to his glory; his master had achieved; and
hence the curate in alluding to it made the most of it to see what
would be said or done by Don Quixote; who changed colour at every
word; not daring to say that it was he who had been the liberator of
those worthy people。 〃These; then;〃 said the curate; 〃were they who
robbed us; and God in his mercy pardon him who would not let them go
to the punishment they deserved。〃


  THE curate had hardly ceased speaking; when Sancho said; 〃In
faith; then; senor licentiate; he who did that deed was my master; and
it was not for want of my telling him beforehand and warning him to
mind what he was about; and that it was a sin to set them at
liberty; as they were all on the march there because they were special
  〃Blockhead!〃 said Don Quixote at this; 〃it is no business or concern
of knights…errant to inquire whether any persons in affliction; in
chains; or oppressed that they may meet on the high roads go that
way and suffer as they do because of their faults or because of
their misfortunes。 It only concerns them to aid them as persons in
need of help; having regard to their sufferings and not to their
rascalities。 I encountered a chaplet or string of miserable and
unfortunate people; and did for them what my sense of duty demands
of me; and as for the rest be that as it may; and whoever takes
objection to it; saving the sacred dignity of the senor licentiate and
his honoured person; I say he knows little about chivalry and lies
like a whoreson villain; and this I will give him to know to the
fullest extent with my sword;〃 and so saying he settled himself in his
stirrups and pressed down his morion; for the barber's basin; which
according to him was Mambrino's helmet; he carried hanging at the
saddle…bow until he could repair the damage done to it by the galley
  Dorothea; who was shrewd and sprightly; and by this time
thoroughly understood Don Quixote's crazy turn; and that all except
Sancho Panza were making game of him; not to be behind the rest said
to him; on observing his irritation; 〃Sir Knight; remember the boon
you have promised me; and that in accordance with it you must not
engage in any other adventure; be it ever so pressing; calm
yourself; for if the licentiate had known that the galley slaves had
been set free by that unconquered arm he would have stopped his
mouth thrice over; or even bitten his tongue three times before he
would have said a word that tended towards disrespect of your
  〃That I swear heartily;〃 said the curate; 〃and I would have even
plucked off a moustache。〃
  〃I will hold my peace; senora;〃 said Don Quixote; 〃and I will curb
the natural anger that had arisen in my breast; and will proceed in
peace and quietness until I have fulfilled my promise; but in return
for this consideration I entreat you to tell me; if you have no
objection to do so; what is the nature of your trouble; and how
many; who; and what are the persons of whom I am to require due
satisfaction; and on whom I am to take vengeance on your behalf?〃
  〃That I will do with all my heart;〃 replied Dorothea; 〃if it will
not be wearisome to you to hear of miseries and misfortunes。〃
  〃It will not be wearisome; senora;〃 said Don Quixote; to which
Dorothea replied; 〃Well; if that be so; give me your attention。〃 As
soon as she said this; Cardenio and the barber drew close to her side;
eager to hear what sort of story the quick…witted Dorothea would
invent for herself; and Sancho did the same; for he was as much
taken in by her as his master; and she having settled herself
comfortably in the saddle; and with the help of coughing and other
preliminaries taken time to think; began with great sprightliness of
manner in this fashion。
  〃First of all; I would have you know; sirs; that my name is…〃 and
here she stopped for a moment; for she forgot the name the curate
had given her; but he came to her relief; seeing what her difficulty
was; and said; 〃It is no wonder; senora; that your highness should
be confused and embarrassed in telling the tale of your misfortunes;
for such afflictions often have the effect of depriving the
sufferers of memory; so that they do not even remember their own
names; as is the case now with your ladyship; who has forgotten that
she is called the Princess Micomicona; lawful heiress of the great
kingdom of Micomicon; and with this cue your highness may now r
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