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the daisy chain, or aspirations-第103章

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grace and sweetness had a peculiar charm for him; and; perhaps; his
having been originally introduced to her as ill; and in sorrow; had
given her manner towards him a sort of kindness which was very

And now he felt as if he was going back to a very dusky dusty world;
the last and blithest day of his holidays was past; and he must
return to the misapprehensions and injustice that had blighted his
school career; be kept beneath boys with half his ability; and
without generous feeling; and find all his attainments useless in
restoring his position。  Dr。 Hoxton's dull scholarship would chill
all pleasure in his studiesthere would be no companionship among
the boyseven his supporters; Ernescliffe and Larkins; were gone;
and Harry would leave him still under a cloud。

Norman felt it more as disgrace than he had done since the first; and
wished he had consented to quit the school when it had been offered
be made a man; instead of suffering these doubly irksome
provocations; which rose before him in renewed force。  〃And what
would that little humming…bird think of me if she knew me disgraced?〃
thought he。  〃But it is of no use to think of it。  I must go through
with it; and as I always am getting vain…glorious; I had better have
no opportunity。  I did not declare I renounced vain pomp and glory
last week; to begin coveting them now again。〃

So Norman repressed the sigh as he looked at the school buildings;
which never could give him the pleasures of memory they afforded to

The brake had set out before the carriage; so that Meta had to come
in and wait for her governess。  Before the vehicle had disgorged half
its contents; Harry had rushed out to meet them。  〃Come in; come in;
Norman!  Only hear。  Margaret shall tell you herself!  Hurrah!〃

Is Mr。 Ernescliffe come? crossed Ethel's mind; but Margaret was
alone; flushed; and holding out her hands。  〃Norman! where is he?
Dear Norman; here is good news!  Papa; Dr。 Hoxton has been here; and
he knows all about itand oh! Norman; he is very sorry for the
injustice; and you are dux again!〃

Norman really trembled so much that he could neither speak nor stand;
but sat down on the window…seat; while a confusion of tongues asked

Dr。 Hoxton and Mr。 Larkins had come to callheard no one was at home
but Miss Mayhad; nevertheless; come inand Margaret had heard that
Mr。 Larkins; who had before intended to remove his son from
Stoneborough; had; in the course of the holidays; made discoveries
from him; which he could not feel justified in concealing from Dr。

The whole of the transactions with Ballhatchet; and Norman's part in
them; had been explained; as well as the true history of the affray
in Randall's Alleyhow Norman had dispersed the boys; how they had
again collected; and; with the full concurrence of Harvey Anderson;
renewed the mischief; how the Andersons had refused to bear witness
in his favour; and how Ballhatchet's ill…will had kept back the
evidence which would have cleared him。

Little Larkins had told all; and his father had no scruple in
repeating it; and causing the investigation to be set on foot。  Nay;
he deemed that Norman's influence had saved his son; and came; as
anxious to thank him; as Dr。 Hoxton; warm…hearted; though
injudicious; was to repair his injustice。  They were much surprised
and struck by finding that Dr。 May had been aware of the truth the
whole time; and had patiently put up with the injustice; and the loss
of the scholarshipa loss which Dr。 Hoxton would have given anything
to repair; so as to have sent up a scholar likely to do him so much
credit; but it was now too late; and he had only been able to tell
Margaret how dismayed he was at finding out that the boy to whom all
the good order in his school was owing had been so ill…used。  Kind
Dr。 May's first feeling really seemed to be pity and sympathy for his
old friend; the head…master; in the shock of such a discovery。  Harry
was vociferously telling his version of the story to Ethel and Mary。
Tom stood transfixed in attention。  Meta; forgotten and bewildered;
was standing near Norman; whose colour rapidly varied; and whose
breath came short and quick as he listened。  A quick half
interrogation passed Meta's lips; heard by no one else。

〃It is only that it is all right;〃 he answered; scarcely audibly;
〃they have found out the truth。〃

〃What?who?you?〃 said Meta; as she heard words that implied the
past suspicion。

〃Yes;〃 said Norman; 〃I was suspected; but never at home。〃

〃And is it over now?〃

〃Yes; yes;〃 he whispered huskily; 〃all is right; and Harry will not
leave me in disgrace。〃

Meta did not speak; but she held out her hand in hearty
congratulation; Norman; scarce knowing what he did; grasped and wrung
it so tight that it was positive pain; as he turned away his head to
the window to struggle with those irrepressible tears。  Meta's colour
flushed into her cheek as she found it still held; almost
unconsciously; perhaps; in his agitation; and she heard Margaret's
words; that both gentlemen had said Norman had acted nobly; and that
every revelation made in the course of their examination had only
more fully established his admirable conduct。

〃Oh; Norman; Norman; I am so glad!〃 cried Mary's voice in the first
pause; and; Margaret asking where he was; he suddenly turned round;
recollected himself; and found it was not the back of the chair that
he had been squeezing; blushed intensely; but made no attempt at
apology; for indeed he could not speakhe only leaned down over
Margaret; to receive her heartfelt embrace; and; as he stood up
again; his father laid his hand on his shoulder; 〃My boy; I am glad;〃
but the words were broken; and; as if neither could bear more; Norman
hastily left the room; Ethel rushing after him。

〃Quite overcome!〃 said the doctor; 〃and no wonder。  He felt it
cruelly; though he bore up gallantly。  Well; July?〃

〃I'll go down to school with him to…morrow; and see him dux again!
I'll have three…times…three!〃 shouted Harry; 〃hip! hip! hurrah!〃 and
Tom and Mary joined in chorus。

〃What is all this?〃 exclaimed Flora; opening the dooris every one
gone mad?〃

Many were the voices that answered。

〃Well; I am glad; and I hope the Andersons will make an apology。  But
where is poor Meta?  Quite forgotten?〃

〃Meta would not wonder if she knew all;〃 said the doctor; turning;
with a sweet smile that had in it something; nevertheless; of

〃Oh; I am so gladso glad!〃 said Meta; her eyes full of tears; as
she came forward。

And there was no helping it; the first kiss between Margaret May and
Margaret Rivers was given in that overflowing sympathy of

The doctor gave her his arm to take her to the carriage; and; on the
way; his quick warm words filled up the sketch of Norman's behaviour;
Meta's eyes responded better than her tongue; but; to her good…bye;
she could not help adding; 〃Now I have seen true glory。〃

His answer was much such a grip as her poor little fingers had
already received; but though they felt hot and crushed all the way
home; the sensation seemed to cause such throbs of joy; that she
would not ha
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