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the daisy chain, or aspirations-第112章

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he did last year; and he the prince of the school!  I could have
found it in my heart to fling the books at his head!〃

〃But you consent; don't you; to his going up for the scholarship?〃

〃I consent to anything; as long as he keeps within due bounds; and
does not work himself to death。  I am glad of knowing it; for now I
can put a moderate check upon it。〃

〃And did he tell you all about it?〃

〃He told me he felt as if he owed it to us to gain something for
himself; since I had given up the Randall to gratify hima pretty
sort of gratification。〃

〃Yes; and he will be glad to get away from school。  He says he knows
it is bad for himas it is uncomfortable to be singled out in the
way Dr。 Hoxton does now。  You know;〃 pleaded Ethel; 〃it is not
ingratitude or elation; but it is; somehow; not nice to be treated as
he is; set apart from the rest。〃

〃True; Dr。 Hoxton never had taste or judgment。  If Norman were not a
lusus naturae;〃 said Dr。 May; hesitating for a word; 〃his head would
have been turned long ago。  And he wants companions toohe has been
forced out of boyhood too soon; poor fellowand Harry gone too。  He
does not get anything like real relaxation; and he will be better
among youths than boys。  Stoneborough will never be what it was in my
time!〃 added the doctor mournfully。  〃I never thought to see the poor
old place come to this; but therewhen all the better class send
their sons to the great public schools; and leave nothing but riff…
raff here; one is forced; for a boy's own sake; to do the same。〃

〃Oh; I am so glad!  Then you have consented to the rest of Norman's
scheme; and will not keep poor little Tom at school here without

〃By what he tells me it would be downright ruin to the boy。  I little
thought to have to take a son of mine away from Stoneborough; but
Norman is the best judge; and he is the only person who seems to have
made any impression on Tom; so I shall let it be。  In fact;〃 he
added; half smiling; 〃I don't know what I could refuse old June。〃

〃That's right!〃 cried Ethel。  〃That is so nice!  Then; if Norman gets
the scholarship; Tom is to go to Mr。 Wilmot first; and then to Eton!〃

〃If Norman gains the scholarship; but that is an if;〃 said Dr。 May;
as though hoping for a loop…hole to escape offending the shade of
Bishop Whichcote。

〃Oh; papa; you cannot doubt of that!〃

〃I cannot tell; Ethel。  He is facile princeps here in his own world;
but we do not know how it may be when he is measured with public
schoolmen; who have had more first…rate tutorship than poor old

〃Ah! he says so; but I thought that was all his humility。〃

〃Better he should be prepared。  If he had had all those advantages
but it may be as well after all。  I always had a hankering to have
sent him to Eton; but your dear mother used to say it was not fair on
the others。  And now; to see him striving in order to give the
advantage of it to his little brother!  I only hope Master Thomas is
worthy of itbut it is a boy I can't understand。〃

〃Nor I;〃 said Ethel; he never seems to say anything he can help; and
goes after Norman without talking to any one else。〃

〃I give him up to Norman's management;〃 said Dr。 May。  〃He says the
boy is very clever; but I have not seen it; and; as to more serious
matters However; I must take it on Norman's word that he is wishing
to learn truth。  We made an utter mistake about him; I don't know who
is to blame for it。〃

〃Have you told Margaret about Norman's plan?〃 asked Ethel。

〃No; he desired me to say nothing。  Indeed; I should not like Tom's
leaving school to be talked of beforehand。〃

〃Norman said he did not want Flora to hear; because she is so much
with the Hoxton's; and he said they would all watch him。〃

〃Ay; ay; and we must keep his secret。  What a boy it is!  But it is
not safe to say conceited things。  We shall have a fall yet; Ethel。
Not seventeen; remember; and brought up at a mere grammar…school。〃

〃But we shall still have the spirit that made him try;〃 said Ethel;
〃and that is the thing。〃

〃And; to tell the truth;〃 said the doctor; lingering; 〃for my own
part; I don't care a rush for it!〃 and he dashed off to his work;
while Ethel stood laughing。

〃Papa was so very kind;〃 said Norman tremulously; when Ethel followed
him to his room; to congratulate him on having gained his father's
assent; of which he had been more in doubt than she。

〃And you see he quite approves of the scheme for Tom; except for
thinking it disrespect to Bishop Whichcote。  He said he only hoped
Tom was worthy of it。〃

〃Tom!〃 cried Norman。  〃Take my word for it; Ethel; Tom will surprise
you all。  He will beat us all to nothing; I know!〃

〃If only he can be cured of〃

〃He will;〃 said Norman; 〃when once he has outgrown his frights; and
that he may do at Mr。 Wilmot's; apart from those fellows。  When I go
up for this scholarship; you must look after his lessons; and see if
you are not surprised at his construing!〃

〃When you go。  It will be in a month!〃

〃He has told no one; I hope。〃

〃No; but I hardly think he will bear not telling Margaret。〃

〃WellI hate a thing being out of one's own keeping。  I should not
so much dislike Margaret's knowing; but I won't have Flora knowmind
that; Ethel;〃 he said; with disproportionate vehemence。

〃I only hope Flora will not be vexed。  But oh; dear! how nice
it will be when you have it; telling Meta Rivers; and all!〃

〃And this is a fine way of getting it; standing talking here。  Not
that I shallyou little know what public schools can do!  But that
is no reason against trying。〃

〃Good…night; then。  Only one thing more。  You mean that; till further
orders; Margaret should not know?〃

〃Of course;〃 said Norman impatiently。  〃She won't take any of Flora's
silly affronts; and; what is more; she would not care half so much as
before Alan Ernescliffe came。〃

〃Oh; Norman; Norman!  I'm sure〃

〃Why; it is what they always say。  Everybody can't be first; and
Ernescliffe has the biggest half of her; I can see。〃

〃I am sure I did not;〃 said Ethel; in a mortified voice。〃

〃Why; of course; it always comes of people having lovers。〃

〃Then I am sure I won't!〃 exclaimed Ethel。

Norman went into a fit of laughing。

〃You may laugh; Norman; but I will never let papa or any of you be
second to any one!〃 she cried vehemently。

A brotherly home…truth followed: 〃Nobody asked you; sir; she said!〃
was muttered by Norman; still laughing heartily。

〃I know;〃 said Ethel; not in the least offended; 〃I am very ugly; and
very awkward; but I don't care。  There never can be anybody in all
the world that I shall like half as well as papa; and I am glad no
one is ever likely to make me care less for him and Cocksmoor。〃

〃Stay till you are tried;〃 said Norman。

Ethel squeezed up her eyes; curled up her nose; showed her teeth in a
horrible grimace; and made a sort of snarl: 〃Yah! That's the face I
shall make at them!〃 and then; with another good…night; ran to her
own room。

Norman was; to a certain extent; right with regard to Margarether
thoughts and interest had been chiefly engrossed by Alan Ernescliffe;
and so far drawn away from her own family; that when 
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