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the daisy chain, or aspirations-第13章

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There was a pause; while Flora looked reproachfully at her sister;
and Ethel became conscious of her imprudence; but in a few moments
Dr。 May spoke again; first to the baby; and then asking; 〃Is Richard

〃Yes; papa。〃

〃Send him up presently。  Where's nurse?〃

Ethel retreated; much alarmed at her rash measure; and when she
related it she saw that Richard and Mr。 Ernescliffe both thought it
had been a great hazard。

〃Papa wants you;〃  was a welcome sound to the ears of Richard; and
brought a pink glow into his face。  He was never one who readily
showed his feelings; and there was no danger of his failing in self…
command; though grievously downcast; not only at the loss of the
tender mother; who had always stood between him and his father's
impatience; but by the dread that he was too dull and insignificant
to afford any help or comfort in his father's dire affliction。

Yet there was something in the gentle sad look that met him; and in
the low tone of the 〃How d'ye do; Ritchie?〃 that drove off a thought
of not being loved; and when Dr。 May further added; You'll see about
it allI am glad you are come;〃 he knew he was of use; and was
encouraged and cheered。  That his father had full confidence and
reliance in him; and that his presence was a satisfaction and relief
he could no longer doubt; and this was a drop of balm beyond all his
hopes; for loving and admiring his father intensely; and with
depressed spirits and a low estimate of himself; he had begun to
fancy himself incapable of being anything but a vexation and burden。

He sat with his father nearly all the evening; and was to remain with
him at night。  The rest were comforted by the assurance that Dr。 May
was still calm; and did not seem to have been injured by what had
passed。  Indeed; it seemed as if the violence and suddenness of the
shock; together with his state of suffering; had deadened his
sensations; for there was far less agitation about him than could
have been thought possible in a man of such strong; warm affections
and sensitive temperament。

Ethel and Norman went up arm…in…arm at bedtime。

〃I am going to ask if I may wish papa good…night;〃 said Ethel。
〃Shall I say anything about your coming?〃

Norman hesitated; but his cheeks blanched; he shuddered; shook his
head without speaking; ran up after Harry; and waved her back when
she would have followed。

Richard told her that she might come in; and; as she slowly advanced;
she thought she had never seen anything so ineffably mournful as the
affectionate look on her father's face。  She held his hand and
venturedfor it was with difficulty she spoketo hope he was not in

〃Better than it was; thank you; my dear;〃 he said; in a soft weak
tone: then; as she bent down to kiss his brow; 〃you must take care of
the little ones。〃

〃Yes; papa;〃 she could hardly answer; and a large drop gathered
slowly in each eye; long in coming; as if the heart ached too much
for them to flow freely。

〃Are they all well?〃

〃Yes; papa。〃

〃And good?〃  He held her hand; as if lengthening the interview。

〃Yes; very good all day。〃

A long deep sigh。  Ethel's two tears stood on her cheeks。

〃My love to them all。  I hope I shall see them to…morrow。  God bless
you; my dear; good…night。〃

Ethel went upstairs; saddened and yet soothed。  The calm silent
sorrow; too deep for outward tokens; was so unlike her father's
usually demonstrative habits; as to impress her all the more; yet
those two tears were followed by no more; there was much strangeness
and confusion in her mind in the newness of grief。

She found poor Flora; spent with exertion; under the reaction of all
she had undergone; lying on her bed; sobbing as if her heart would
break; calling in gasps of irrepressible agony on 〃mamma! mamma!〃 yet
with her face pressed down on the pillow that she might not be heard。
Ethel; terrified and distressed; timidly implored her to be
comforted; but it seemed as if she were not even heard; she would
have fetched some one; but whom?  Alas! alas! it brought back the
sense that no mother would ever soothe themMargaret; papa; both so
ill; nurse engaged with Margaret!  Ethel stood helpless and
despairing; and Flora sobbed on; so that Mary awakened to burst out
in a loud frightened fit of crying; but in a few moments a step was
at the door; a knock; and Richard asked; 〃Is anything the matter?〃

He was in the room in a moment; caressing and saying affectionate
things with gentleness and fondling care; like his mother; and which
recalled the days when he had been proud to be left for a little
while the small nurse and guardian of the lesser ones。  Mary was
hushed in a moment; and Flora's exhausted weeping was gradually
soothed; when she was able to recollect that she was keeping him from
her father; with kind good…nights; he left Ethel to read to her till
she could sleep。  Long did Ethel read; after both her sisters were
slumbering soundly; she went on in a sort of dreamy grief; almost
devoid of pain; as if all this was too terrible to be true: and she
had imagined herself into a story; which would give place at dawn to
her ordinary life。

At last she went to bed; and slept till wakened by the return of
Flora; who had crept down in her dressing…gown to see how matters
were going。  Margaret was in the same state; papa was asleep; after a
restless distressing night; with much pain and some fever; and
whenever Richard had begun to hope from his tranquillity; that he was
falling asleep; he was undeceived by hearing an almost unconsciously
uttered sigh of 〃Maggie; my Maggie!〃 and then the head turned wearily
on the pillow; as if worn out with the misery from which there was no
escape。  Towards morning the pain had lessened; and; as he slept; he
seemed much less feverish than they could have ventured to expect。

Norman looked wan and wretched; and could taste no breakfast; indeed
Harry reported that he had been starting and talking in his sleep
half the night; and had proceeded to groaning and crying out till;
when it could be borne no longer; Harry waked him; and finished his
night's rest in peace。

The children were kept in the drawing…room that morning; and there
were strange steps in the house; but only Richard and Mr。 Ernescliffe
knew the reason。  Happily there had been witnesses enough of the
overturn to spare any reference to Dr。 Maythe violent start of the
horses had been seen; and Adams and Mr。 Ernescliffe agreed; under
their breath; that the new black one was not fit to drive; while the
whole town was so used to Dr。 May's headlong driving; that every one
was recollecting their own predictions of accidents。  There needed
little to account for the disasterthe only wonder was that it had
not happened sooner。

〃I say;〃 announced Harry; soon after they were released again; 〃I've
been in to papa。  His door was open; and he heard me; and called me。
He says he should like any of us to come in and see him。  Hadn't you
better go; Norman?〃

Norman started up; and walked hastily out of the room; but his hand
shook so; that he could hardly open the door; and Ethel; seeing how
it was with him; followed him quickly; as he 
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