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the daisy chain, or aspirations-第135章

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privilege; and Aubrey kept guard over the dogs。

Meta inquired after a huge dollDr。 Hoxton's gift to Daisy; at the

〃She is in Margaret's wardrobe;〃 was the answer; 〃because Aubrey tied
her hands behind her; and was going to offer her up on the nursery

〃Oh; Aubrey; that was too cruel!〃

〃No;〃 returned Aubrey; 〃she was Iphigenia; going to be sacrificed。〃

〃Mary unconsciously acted Diana;〃 said Ethel; 〃and bore the victim

〃Pray; was Daisy a willing Clytemnestra?〃 asked Meta。

〃Oh; yes; she liked it;〃 said Aubrey; while Meta looked discomfited。

〃I never could get proper respect paid to dolls;〃 said Margaret; 〃we
deal too much in their natural enemies。〃

〃Yes;〃 said Ethel; 〃my only doll was like a heraldic lion; couped in
all her parts。〃

〃Harry and Tom once made a general execution;〃 said Flora; 〃there was
a doll hanging to every balusterthe number made up with rag。〃

George Rivers burst out laughinghis first sign of life; and Meta
looked as if she had heard of so many murders。

〃I can't help feeling for a doll!〃 she said。  〃They used to be like
sisters to me。  I feel as if they were wasted on children; that see
no character in them; and only call them Dolly。〃

〃I agree with you;〃 said Margaret。  〃If there had been no live dolls;
Richard and I should have reared our doll family as judiciously as
tenderly。  There are treasures of carpentry still extant; that he
made for them。〃

〃Oh; I am so glad!〃 cried Meta; as if she had found another point of
union。  〃If I were to confessthere is a dear old Rose in the secret
recesses of my wardrobe。  I could as soon throw away my sister〃

〃Ha!〃 cried her brother; laying hold of the child; 〃here; little
Daisy; will you give your doll to Meta?〃

〃My name is Gertrude Margaret May;〃 said the little round mouth。  The
fat arm was drawn back; with all a baby's dignity; and the rosy face
was hidden in Dr。 May's breast; at the sound of George Rivers's broad
laugh and 〃Well done; little one!〃

Dr。 May put his arm round her; turned aside from him; and began
talking to Meta about Mr。 Rivers。

Flora and Norman made conversation for the brother; and he presently
asked Norman to go out shooting with him; but looked so amazed on
hearing that Norman was no sportsman that Flora tried to save the
family credit by mentioning Hector's love of a gun; which caused
their guest to make a general tender of sporting privileges;
〃Though;〃 added he; with a drawl; 〃shooting is rather a nuisance;
especially alone。〃

Meta told Ethel; a little apart; that he was so tired of going out
alone; that he had brought her here; in search of a companion。

〃He comes in at eleven o'clock; poor fellow; quite tired with
solitude;〃 said she; 〃and comes to me to be entertained。〃

〃Indeed;〃 exclaimed Ethel。  〃What can you do?〃

〃What I can;〃 said Meta; laughing。  〃Whatever is not 'a horrid
nuisance' to him。〃

〃It would be a horrid nuisance to me;〃 said Ethel bluntly; 〃if my
brothers wanted me to amuse them all the morning。〃

〃Your brothers; oh!〃 said Meta; as if that were very different;
〃besides; you have so much more to do。  I am only too glad and
grateful when George will come to me at all。  You see I have always
been too young to be his companion; or find out what suited him; and
now he is so very kind and good…natured to me。〃

〃But what becomes of your business?〃

〃I get time; one way or another。  There is the evening; very often;
when I have sung both him and papa to sleep。  I had two hours; all to
myself; yesterday night;〃 said Meta; with a look of congratulation;
〃and I had a famous reading of Thirlwall's 'Greece。'〃

〃I should think that such evenings were as bad as the mornings。〃

〃Come〃; Ethel; don't make me naughty。  Large families; like yours;
may have merry; sociable evenings; but; I do assure you; ours are
very pleasant。  We are so pleased to have George at home; and we
really hope that he is taking a fancy to the dear Grange。  You can't
think how delighted papa is to have him content to stay quietly with
us so long。  I must call him to go back now; though; or papa will be
kept waiting。〃

When Ethel had watched the tall; ponderous brother help the bright
fairy sister to fly airily into her saddle; and her sparkling glance;
and wave of the hand; as she cantered off; contrasting with his slow
bend; and immobility of feature; she could not help saying that
Meta's life certainly was not too charming; with her fanciful;
valetudinarian father; and that stupid; idealess brother。

〃He is very amiable and good…natured;〃 interposed Norman。

〃Ha! Norman; you are quite won by his invitation to shoot!  How he
despised you for refusingas much as you despised

〃Speak for yourself;〃 said Norman。  〃You fancy no sensible man likes
shooting; but you are all wrong。  Some of our best men are capital
sportsmen。  Why; there is Ogilvieyou know what he is。  When I bring
him down here; you will see that there is no sort of sport that he is
not keen after。〃

〃This poor fellow will never be keen after anything;〃 said Dr。 May。
〃I pity him!  Existence seems hard work to him!〃

〃We shall have baby calling him 'the detestable' next;〃 said Ethel。
〃What a famous set down she gave him。〃

〃She is a thorough lady; and allows no liberties;〃 said Dr。 May。

〃Ah!〃 said Margaret; 〃it is a proof of what I want to impression you。
We really must leave off calling her Daisy when strangers are there。〃

〃It is so much nicer;〃 pleaded Mary。

〃The very reason;〃 said Margaret; 〃fondling names should be kept for
our innermost selves; not spread abroad; and made common。  I remember
when I used to be called Peg…topand Flora; Flossywe were never
allowed to use the names when any visitor was near; and we were asked
if we could not be as fond of each other by our proper names。  I
think it was felt that there was a want of reserve in publishing our
pet words to other people。〃

〃Quite true;〃 said Dr。 May; 〃baby…names never ought to go beyond
home。  It is the fashion to use them now; and; besides the folly; it
seems; to me; an absolute injury to a girl; to let her grow up; with
a nickname attached to her。〃

〃Ay!〃 chimed in Norman; 〃I hear men talking of Henny; and Loo; and
the like; and you can't think how glad I have been that my sisters
could not be known by any absurd word!〃

〃It is a case where self…respect would make others behave properly;〃
said Flora。

〃True;〃 said Dr。 May; 〃but if girls won't keep up their own dignity;
their friends' duty is to do it for them。  The mischief is in the
intimate friends; who blazon the words to every one。〃

〃And then they call one formal; for trying to protect the right
name;〃 said Flora。  〃It is; one…half of it; silliness; and; the
other; affectation of intimacy。〃

〃Now; I know;〃 said Mary; 〃why you are so careful to call Meta Miss
Rivers; to all the people here。〃

〃I should hope so!〃 cried Norman indignantly。

〃Why; yes; Mary;〃 said Margaret; 〃I should hope lady…like feelings
would prevent you from calling her Meta before〃

〃The Andersons!〃 cried Ethel; laughing。  〃Margaret was just going to
say it。  We only want Harry; to exact the forfeit!  Poor dear
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