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the daisy chain, or aspirations-第137章

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sometimes laughed at themselves for their speculations; and so
October began; and Ethel laughed; as she questioned whether the
Grange would feel the Hussar's return to his quarters; as much as
home would the departure of their scholar for Balliol。


So; Lady Flora; take my lay;
  And if you find a meaning there;
Oh! whisper to your glass; and say;
  What wonder; if he thinks me fair。Tennyson。

Flora and Norman were dining with one of their county acquaintance;
and Dr。 May had undertaken to admit them on their return。  The fire
shone red and bright; as it sank calmly away; and the timepiece and
clock on the stairs had begun their nightly duet of ticking; the
crickets chirped in the kitchen; and the doctor sat alone。  His book
lay with unturned pages; as he sat musing; with eyes fixed on the
fire; living over again his own life; the easy bright days of his
youth; when; without much pains on his own part; the tendencies of
his generous affectionate disposition; and the influences of a warm
friendship; and an early attachment; had guarded him from evilthen
the period when he had been perfectly happy; and the sobering power
of his position had been gradually working on him; but though always
religious and highly principled; the very goodness of his natural
character preventing him from perceiving the need of self…control;
until the shock that changed the whole tenor of his life; and left
him; for the first time; sensible of his own responsibility; but with
inveterate habits of heedlessness and hastiness that love alone gave
him force to combat。  He was now a far gentler man。  His younger
children had never seen; his elder had long since forgotten; his
occasional bursts of temper; but he suffered keenly from their
effects; especially as regarded some of his children。  Though
Richard's timidity had been overcome; and Tom's more serious failures
had been remedied; he was not without anxiety; and had a strange
unsatisfactory feeling as regarded Flora。  He could not feel that he
fathomed her!  She reminded him of his old Scottish father…in…law;
Professor Mackenzie; whom he had never understood; nor; if the truth
were known; liked。  Her dealings with the Ladies' Committee were so
like her grandfather's canny ways in a public meeting; that he
laughed over thembut they were not congenial to him。  Flora was a
most valuable person; all that she undertook prospered; and he
depended entirely on her for household affairs; and for the care of
Margaret; but; highly as he esteemed her; he was a little afraid of
her cool prudence; she never seemed to be in any need of him; nor to
place any confidence in him; and seemed altogether so much older and
wiser than he could feel himselfpretty girl as she wasand very
pretty were her fine blue eyes and clear skin; set off by her dark
brown hair。  There arose the vision of eyes as blue; skin as clear;
but of light blonde locks; and shorter; rounder; more dove…like form;
open; simple; loving face; and serene expression; that had gone
straight to his heart; when he first saw Maggie Mackenzie making tea。

He heard the wheels; and went out to unbolt the door。  Those were a
pair for a father to be proud ofNorman; of fine stature and noble
looks; with his high brow; clear thoughtful eye; and grave
intellectual eagle face; lighting into animation with his rare; sweet
smile; and Flora; so tall and graceful; and in her white dress;
picturesquely half concealed by her mantle; with flowers in her hair;
and a deepened colour in her cheek; was a fair vision; as she came in
from the darkness。

〃Well! was it a pleasant party?〃

Norman related the circumstances; while his sister remained silently
leaning against the mantel…piece; looking into the fire; until he
took up his candle; and bade them good…night。  Dr。 May was about to
do the same; when she held out her hand。  〃One moment; if you please;
dear papa;〃 she said; 〃I think you ought to know it。〃 〃

What; my dear?〃

〃Mr。 George Rivers; papa〃

〃Ha!〃 said Dr。 May; beginning to smile。  〃So that is what he is at;
is it?  But what an opportunity to take。〃

〃It was in the conservatory;〃 said Flora; a little hurt; as her
father discovered by her tone。  〃The music was going on; and I don't
know that there could have been〃

〃A better opportunity; eh?〃 said Dr。 May; laughing; 〃well; I should
have thought it awkward; was he very much discomposed?〃

〃I thought;〃 said Flora; looking down and hesitating; 〃that he had
better come to you。〃

〃Indeed! so you shifted the ungracious office to me。  I am very glad
to spare you; my dear; but it was hard on him to raise his hopes。〃

〃I thought;〃 faltered Flora; 〃that you could not disapprove〃

〃Flora〃 and he paused; completely confounded; while his daughter
was no less surprised at the manner in which her news was received。
Each waited for the other to speak; and Flora turned away; resting
her head against the mantel…piece。

〃Surely;〃 said he; laying his hand on her shoulder; 〃you do not mean
that you like this man?〃

〃I did not think that you would be against it;〃 said Flora; in a
choked voice; her face still averted。

〃Heaven knows; I would not be against anything for your happiness; my
dear;〃 he answered; 〃but have you considered what it would be to
spend your life with a man that has not three ideas! not a resource
for occupying himselfa regular prey to ennuione whom you could
never respect!〃  He had grown more and more vehement; and Flora put
her handkerchief to her eyes; for tears of actual disappointment were

〃Come; come;〃 he said; touched; but turning it off by a smile; 〃we
will not talk of it any more to…night。  It is your first offer; and
you are flattered; but we know

             'Colours seen by candle…light;
              Will not bear the light of day。'

There; good…night; Flora; my dearwe will have a…tete…a…tete in the
study before breakfast; when you have had time to look into your own

He kissed her affectionately; and went upstairs with her; stopping at
her door to give her another embrace; and to say 〃Bless you; my dear
child; and help you to come to a right decision〃

Flora was disappointed。  She had been too highly pleased at her
conquest to make any clear estimation of the prize; individually
considered。  Her vanity magnified her achievement; and she had come
home in a flutter of pleasure; at having had such a position in
society offered to her; and expecting that her whole family would
share her triumph。  Gratified by George Rivers's admiration; she
regarded him with favour and complacency; and her habit of
considering herself as the most sensible person in her sphere made
her so regard his appreciation of her; that she was blinded to his
inferiority。  It must be allowed that he was less dull with her than
with most others。

And; in the midst of her glory; when she expected her father to be
delighted and gratefulto be received as a silly girl; ready to
accept any proposal; her lover spoken of with scorn; and the
advantages of the match utterly passed over; was almost beyond
endurance。  A physician; with eleven children dependent on his
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