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the daisy chain, or aspirations-第147章

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exhibition to eyes unaccustomed to such varieties。

Mary could have been still amused by the hour; in studying the
devices and ornaments on the shelves and chiffonieres; and Blanche
had romanced about it to the little ones; till they were erecting it
into a mythical palace。

And Flora; in her simple; well…chosen dress; looked; and moved; as if
she had been born and bred in the like。

There were signs of unpacking about the room…Flora's dressing…case on
the table; and some dresses lying on the sofa and ottoman。

Mary ran up to them eagerly; and exclaimed at the beautiful shot blue
and white silk。

〃Paris fashions?〃 said Ethel carelessly。

〃Yes; but I don't parade my own dresses here;〃 said Flora。

〃Whose are they then?  Your commissions; Meta?〃

〃No!〃 and Meta laughed heartily。

〃Your French maid's then?〃 said Ethel。  I dare say she dresses quite
as well; and the things are too really pretty and simple for an
English maid's taste。〃

〃I am glad you like them;〃 said Flora maliciously。  〃Now; please to
be good。〃

〃Who are they for then?〃 said Ethel; beginning to be

〃For a young lady; whose brother has got the Newdigate prize; and who
is going to Oxford。〃

〃Me!  Those!  But I have not got four backs;〃 as Ethel saw Meta in
fits of laughing; and Flora making affirmative signs。  Mary gave a
ponderous spring of ecstasy。

〃Come!〃 said Flora; 〃you may as well be quiet。  Whatever you may
like; I am not going to have the Newdigate prizeman shown as brother
to a scarecrow。  I knew what you would come to; without me to take
care of you。  Look at yourself in the glass。〃

〃I'm sure I see no harm in myself;〃 said Ethel; turning towards the
pier…glass; and surveying herselfin a white muslin; made high; a
black silk mantle; and a brown hat。  She had felt very respectable
when she set out; but she could not avoid a lurking conviction that;
beside Flora and Meta; it had a scanty; schoolgirl effect。  〃And;〃
she continued quaintly; 〃besides; I have really got a new gown on
purposea good useful silk; that papa chose at Whitfordjust the
colour of a copper tea…kettle; where it turns purple。〃

〃Ethel! you will kill me!〃 said Meta; sinking back on the sofa。

〃And I suppose;〃 continued Flora; 〃that you have sent it to Miss
Broad's; without any directions; and she will trim it with flame…
coloured gimp; and glass buttons; and; unless Margaret catches you;
you will find yourself ready to set the Thames on fire。  No; my dear
tea…kettle; I take you to Oxford on my own terms; and you had better
submit; without a fuss; and be thankful it is no worse。  George
wanted me to buy you a white brocade; with a perfect flower…garden on
it; that you could have examined with a microscope。  I was obliged to
let him buy that lace mantle; to make up to him。  Now then; Meta; the
scene opens; and discovers〃

Meta opened the folding…doors into Flora's bedroom; and thence came
forward Bellairs and a little brisk Frenchwoman; whom Flora had
acquired at Paris。  The former; who was quite used to adorning Miss
Ethel against her will; looked as amused as her mistresses; and;
before Ethel knew what was going on; her muslin was stripped off her
back; and that instrument of torture; a half made body; was being
tried upon her。  She made one of her most wonderful grimaces of
despair; and stood still。  The dresses were not so bad after all;
they were more tasteful than costly; and neither in material nor
ornament were otherwise than suitable to the occasion and the wearer。
It was very kind and thoughtful of Florathat she could not but
feelnothing had been forgotten; but when Ethel saw the mantles; the
ribbons; the collars; the bonnet; all glistening with the French air
of freshness and grace; she began to feel doubts and hesitations;
whether she ought to let her sister go to such an expense on her
account; and privately resolved that the accepting thanks should not
be spoken till she should have consulted her father。

In the meantime; she could only endure; be laughed at by her elders;
and entertained by Mary's extreme pleasure in her array。  Good Mary
it was more than any comedy to her; she had not one moment's thought
of herself; till; when Flora dived into her box; produced a pair of
bracelets; and fastened them on her comfortable plump arms; her eyes
grew wide with wonder; and she felt; at least; two stages nearer

Flora had omitted no one。  There was a Paris present for every
servant at home; and a needle…case even for Cherry Elwood; for which
Ethel thanked her with a fervency wanting in her own case。

She accomplished consulting her father on her scruples; and he set
her mind at rest。  He knew that the outlay was a mere trifle to the
Riverses; and was greatly pleased and touched with the affection that
Flora showed; so he only smiled at Ethel's doubts; and dwelt with
heartfelt delight on the beautiful print that she had brought him;
from Ary Scheffer's picture of the Great Consoler。

Flora was in her glory。  To be able to bestow benefits on those whom
she loved; had been always a favourite vision; and she had the full
pleasure of feeling how much enjoyment she was causing。  They had a
very pleasant evening; she gave interesting accounts of their tour;
and by her appeals to her husband; made him talk also。  He was much
more animated and agreeable than Ethel had ever seen him; and was
actually laughing; and making Mary laugh heartily with his histories
of the inns in the Pyrennees。  Old Mr。 Rivers looked as proud and
happy as possible; and was quite young and gay; having evidently
forgotten all his maladies; in paying elaborate attention to his

Ethel told Margaret; that night; that she was quite satisfied about
Florashe was glad to own that she had done her injustice; and that
Norman was right in saying there was more in George Rivers than met
the eye。

The morning spent at home was equally charming。  Flora came back;
with love strengthened by absence。  She was devoted to Margaret
caressing to all; she sat in her old places; she fulfilled her former
offices; she gratified Miss Bracy by visiting her in the schoolroom;
and talking of French books; and won golden opinions; by taking
Gertrude in her hand; and walking to Minster Street to call on Mrs。
Hoxton; as in old times; and take her the newest foreign device of
working to kill time。

So a few days passed merrily away; and the great journey commenced。
Ethel met the Abbotstoke party at the station; and; with a parting
injunction to her father; that he was to give all his patients a
sleeping potion; that they might not miss him; she was carried away
from Stoneborough。

Meta was in her gayest mood; Ethel full of glee and wonder; for once
beyond Whitford; the whole world was new to her; Flora more quiet;
but greatly enjoying their delight; and George not saying much; but
smiling under his beard; as if well pleased to be so well amused with
so little trouble。

He took exceeding care of them; and fed them with everything he could
make them eat at the Swindon Station; asking for impossible things;
and wishing them so often to change for something better; that; if
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