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the daisy chain, or aspirations-第16章

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She thought it light…minded; though she could not help it; to look
forward to the daily studies where she might lose her sad thoughts
and be as if everything were as usual。  But suppose she should be to
blame; where would now be the gentle discipline?  Poor Ethel's
feelings were not such as to deserve the imputation of levity; when
this thought came over her; but her buoyant mind; always seeking for
consolation; recurred to Margaret's improvement; and she fixed her
hopes on her。

Margaret was more alive to surrounding objects; and; when roused; she
knew them all; answered clearly when addressed; had even; more than
once; spoken of her own accord; and shown solicitude at the sight of
her father's bandaged; helpless arm; but he soon soothed this away。
He was more than ever watchful over her; and could scarcely be
persuaded to leave her for one moment; in his anxiety to be at hand
to answer; when first she should speak of her mother; a moment
apprehended by all the rest; almost as much for his sake as for hers。

So clear had her perceptions been; and so much more awake did she
appear; on this evening; that he expected the inquiry to come every
moment; and lingered in her room; till she asked the hour; and begged
him to go to bed。

As he bent over her; she looked up in his face; and said softly;
〃Dear papa。〃

There was that in her tone which showed she perceived the truth; and
he knelt by her side kissing her; but not daring to relax his
restraint of feeling。

〃Dear papa;〃 she said again; 〃I hope I shall soon be better; and be
some comfort to you。〃

〃My bestmy ownmy comfort;〃 he murmured; all he could say without
giving way。〃

〃Babyis she well?〃

〃Yes; thank Heaven; she has not suffered at all。〃

〃I heard her this morning; I must see her to…morrow。  But don't stay;
dear; dear papa; it is late; and I am sure you are not at all well。
Your armis it very much hurt?〃

〃It is nothing you need think about; my dear。  I am much better than
I could have imagined possible。〃

〃And you have been nursing me all the time!  Papa; you must let me
take care of you now。  Do pray go to bed at once; and get up late。
Nurse will take good care of me。  Good…night; dear papa。〃

When Dr。 May had left her; and tried to tell Richard how it had been;
the tears cut him short; and had their free course; but there was
much of thankfulness; for it might be looked on as the restoration of
his daughter; the worst was over; and the next day he was able to
think of other things; had more attention to spare for the rest; and
when the surgeon came; took some professional interest in the
condition of his own arm; inquired after his patients; and even
talked of visiting them。

In the meantime; Margaret sent for her eldest brother; begging him to
tell her the whole; and it was heard as calmly and firmly as it was
told。  Her bodily state lulled her mind; and besides it was not new;
she had observed much while her faculties were still too much
benumbed for her to understand all; or to express her feelings。  Her
thoughts seemed chiefly occupied with her father。  She made Richard
explain to her the injury he had suffered; and begged to know whether
his constant attendance on her could do him harm。  She was much
rejoiced when her brother assured her that nothing could be better
for him; and she began to say; with a smile; that very likely her
being hurt had been fortunate。  She asked who had taken care of him
before Richard's arrival; and was pleased to hear that it was Mr。
Ernescliffe。  A visit from the little Gertrude Margaret was happily
accomplished; and; on the whole; the day was most satisfactoryshe
herself declaring that she could not see that there was anything the
matter with her; except that she felt lazy; and did not seem able to

Thus the next Sunday morning dawned with more cheerfulness。 Dr。 May
came downstairs for the first time; in order to go to church with his
whole flock; except the two Margarets。  He looked very wan and
shattered; but they clustered gladly round him; when he once more
stood among them; little Blanche securing his hand; and nodding
triumphantly to Mr。 Ernescliffe; as much as to say; 〃Now I have him;
I don't want you。〃

Norman alone was missing; but he was in his place at church among the
boys。  Again; in returning; he slipped out of the party; and was at
home the first; and when this recurred in the afternoon Ethel began
to understand his motive。  The High Street led past the spot where
the accident had taken place; though neither she nor any of the
others knew exactly where it was; except Norman; on whose mind the
scene was branded indelibly; she guessed that it was to avoid it that
he went along what was called Randall's Alley; his usual short cut to

The Sunday brought back to the children that there was no one to hear
their hymns; but Richard was a great comfort; watching over the
little ones more like a sister than a brother。  Ethel was ashamed of
herself when she saw him taking thought for them; tying Blanche's
bonnet; putting Aubrey's gloves on; teaching them to put away their
Sunday toys; as if he meant them to be as neat and precise as

Dr。 May did not encounter the family dinner; nor attempt a second
going to church; but Blanche was very glorious as she led him down to
drink tea; and; before going up again; he had a conversation with
Alan Ernescliffe; who felt himself obliged to leave Stoneborough
early on the morrow。

〃I can endure better to go now;〃 said he; 〃and I shall hear of you
often; Hector will let me know; and Richard has promised to write。〃

〃Ay; you must let us often have a line。  I should guess you were a
letter…writing man。〃

〃I have hitherto had too few friends who cared to hear of me to write
much; but the pleasure of knowing that any interest is taken in me

〃Well;〃 said the doctor; 〃mind that a letter will always be welcome;
and when you are coming southwards; here are your old quarters。  We
cannot lose sight of you anyway; especially〃and his voice quivered…
…〃after the help you gave my poor boys and girls in their distress。〃

〃It would be the utmost satisfaction to think I had been of the
smallest use;〃 said Alan; hiding much under these commonplace words。

〃More than I know;〃 said Dr。 May; 〃too much to speak of。  Well; we
shall see you again; though it is a changed place; and you must come
and see your god…daughterpoor childmay she only be brought up as
her sisters were!  They will do their best; poor things; and so must
I; but it is sad work!〃

Both were too much overcome for words; but the doctor was the first
to continue; as he took off his dimmed spectacles。  He seemed to wish
to excuse himself for giving way; saying; with a look that would fain
have been a smile; 〃The world has run so light and easy with me
hitherto; that you see I don't know how to bear with trouble。  All
thinking and managing fell to my Maggie's share; and I had as little
care on my hands as one of my own boyspoor fellows。  I don't know
how it is to turn out; but of all the men on earth to be left with
eleven children; I should choose myself as the worst。〃

Alan tried to sa
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