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the daisy chain, or aspirations-第174章

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jackdaws; the opposite candidate had never come forward at all;
Tomkins was hiding his diminished head; and the gentlemen had nothing
to report but success; and were in the highest spirits。

By and by Blanche was missing; and Ethel; going in quest of her;
spied a hem of blue merino peeping out under all the cloaks in the
hall cupboard; and found the poor little girl sobbing in such
distress; that it was long before any explanation could be extracted;
but at last it was revealedwhen the door had been shut; and they
stood in the dark; half stifled among the cloaks; that George's
spirits had taken his old facetious style with Blanche; and in the
very hearing of Hector!  The misery of such jokes to a sensitive
child; conscious of not comprehending their scope; is incalculable;
and Blanche having been a baby…coquette; was the more susceptible。
She hid her face again from the very sound of her own confession; and
resisted Ethel's attempts to draw her out of the musty cupboard;
declaring that she could never see either of them again。  Ethel; in
vain; assured her that George was gone to the dinner at the Swan;
nothing was effectual but being told that for her to notice what had
passed was the sure way to call Hector's attention thereto; when she
bridled; emerged; and begged to know whether she looked as if she had
been crying。  Poor child; she could never again be unconscious; but;
at least; she was rendered peculiarly afraid of a style of notice;
that might otherwise have been a temptation。

Ethel privately begged Flora to hint to George to alter his style of
wit; and the suggestion was received better than the blundering
manner deserved; Flora was too exulting to take offence; and her
patronage of all the world was as full…blown as her ladylike nature
allowed。  Ethel; she did not attempt to patronise; but she promised
all the sights in London to the children; and masters to Mary and
Blanche; and she perfectly overwhelmed Miss Bracy with orphan asylums
for her sisters。  She would have liked nothing better than dispersing
cards; with Mrs。 Rivers prominent among the recommenders of the case。

〃A fine coming…out for you; little lady;〃 said she to her baby; when
taking leave that evening。  〃If it was good luck for you to make your
first step in life upwards; what is this?〃

〃Excelsior?〃 said Ethel; and Flora smiled; well pleased; but she had
not caught half the meaning。  〃May it be the right excelsior〃 added
Ethel; in a low voice that no one heard; and she was glad they did
not。  They were all triumphant; and she could not tell why she had a
sense of sadness; and thought of Flora's story long ago; of the girl
who ascended Mont Blanc; and for what?

All she had to do at present was to listen to Miss Bracy; who was
sure that Mrs。 Rivers thought Mary and Blanche were not improved; and
was afraid she was ungrateful for all the intended kindness to her

Ethel had more sympathy here; for she had thought that Flora was
giving herself airs; and she laughed and said her sister was pleased
to be in a position to help her friends; and tried to turn it off;
but ended by stumbling into allowing that prosperity was apt to make
people over…lavish of offers of kindness。

〃Dear Miss Ethel; you understand so perfectly。  There is no one like
you!〃 cried Miss Bracy; attempting to kiss her hand。

If Ethel had not spoken rightly of her sister; she was sufficiently

What she did was to burst into a laugh; and exclaim; 〃Miss Bracy!
Miss Bracy!  I can't have you sentimental。  I am the worst person in
the world for it。〃

〃I have offended。  You cannot feel with me!〃

〃Yes; I can; when it is sense; but please don't treat me like a
heroine。  I am sure there is quite enough in the world that is
worrying; without picking shades of manner to pieces。  It is the sure
way to make an old crab of me; and so I am going off。  Only; one
parting piece of advice; Miss Bracyread 'Frank Fairlegh'; and put
everybody out of your head。〃

And; thinking she had been savage about her hand; Ethel turned back;
and kissed the little governess's forehead; wished her goodnight; and
ran away。

She had learned that; to be rough and merry; was the best way of
doing Miss Bracy good in the end; and so she often gave herself the
present pain of knowing that she was being supposed careless and
hard…hearted; but the violent affection for her proved that the
feeling did not last。

Ethel was glad to sit by the fire at bed…time; and think over the
day; outwardly so gay; inwardly so fretting and perplexing。

It was the first time that she had seen much of her little niece。
She was no great baby…handler; nor had she any of the phrases adapted
to the infant mind; but that pretty little serene blue…eyed girl had
been her chief thought all day; and she was abashed by recollecting
how little she had dwelt on her own duties as her sponsor; in the
agitations excited by the doubts about her coadjutor。

She took out her Prayer…book; and read the Service for Baptism;
recollecting the thoughts that had accompanied her youngest sister's
orphaned christening; 〃The vain pomp and glory of the world; and all
covetous desires of the same。〃  They seemed far enough off then; and
nowpoor little Leonora!

Ethel knew that she judged her sister hardly; yet she could not help
picturing to herself the futurea young lady; trained for
fashionable life; serious teaching not omitted; but right made the
means of rising in the world; taught to strive secretly; but not
openly; for admirationa scheming for her marriagea career like
Flora's own。  Ethel could scarcely feel that it would not be a
mockery to declare; on her behalf; that she renounced the world。
But; alas! where was not the world?  Ethel blushed at having censured
others; when; so lately; she had herself been oblivious of the higher
duty。  She thought of the prayer; including every Christian in holy
and loving intercession〃I pray not that Thou wouldest take them out
of the world; but that Thou wouldest keep them from the evil。〃

〃Keep her from the evilthat shall be my prayer for my poor little
Leonora。  His grace can save her; were the surrounding evil far worse
than ever it is likely to be。  The intermixture with good is the
trial; and is it not so everywhereever since the world and the
Church have seemed fused together?  But she will soon be the child of
a Father who guards His own; and; at least; I can pray for her; and
her dear mother。  May I only live better; that so I may pray better;
and act better; if ever I should have to act。〃

There was a happy family gathering on the New Year's Day; and Flora;
who had kindly felt her way with Meta; finding her not yet ready to
enjoy a public festivity for the village; added a supplement to the
Christmas beef; that a second dinner might be eaten at home; in
honour of Miss Leonora Rivers。

Lady Leonora was highly satisfied with her visit; which impressed her
far more in favour of the Abbotstoke neighbourhood than in the days
of poor old Mr。 Rivers。  Flora knew every one; and gave little select
dinner…parties; which; by her good management; even George; at the
bottom of the table; could
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