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the daisy chain, or aspirations-第56章

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〃Very well; only two moreaffuit?〃

〃Third person singular; praeter perfect tense of the verb affo;
affis; affui; affere; gabbled off Tom with such confidence; that
though Ethel gave an indignant jump; Richard was almost startled into
letting it pass; and disbelieving himself。  He remonstrated in a
somewhat hesitating voice。  〃Did you find that in the dictionary?〃
said he; 〃I thought affui came from adsum。〃

〃Oh; to be sure; stupid fool of a word; so it does!〃 said Tom
hastily。  〃I had forgotadsum; ades; affui; adesse。〃

Richard said no more; but proposed the word oppositus。


Ethel was surprised; for she remembered that it was; in this passage;
part of a passive verb; which Tom had construed correctly; 〃it was
objected;〃 and she had thought this very creditable to him; whereas
he now evidently took it for opposite; however; on Richard's reading
the line; he corrected himself and called it a participle; but did
not commit himself further; till asked for its derivation。

〃From oppositor。〃

〃Hallo!〃 cried Harry; who hitherto had been abstracted in his book;
but now turned; raised himself on his elbow; and; at the blunder;
shook his thick yellow locks; and showed his teeth like a young lion。

〃No; now; Tom; pay attention;〃 said Richard resignedly。  〃If you
found out its meaning; you must have seen its derivation。〃

〃Oppositus;〃 said Tom; twisting his fingers; and gazing first at
Ethel; then at Harry; in hopes of being prompted; then at the ceiling
and floor; the while he drawled out the word with a whine; 〃why;
oppositus from op…posor。〃

〃A poser! ain't it?〃 said Harry。

〃Don't; Harry; you distract him;〃 said Richard。  〃Come; Tom; say at
once whether you know it or notit is of no use to invent。〃

〃From op…〃 and a mumble。

〃What?  I don't hearop〃

Tom again looked for help to Harry; who made a mischievous movement
of his lips; as if prompting; and; deceived by it; he said boldly;
〃From op…possum。〃

〃That's right! let us hear him decline it!〃 cried Harry; in an
ecstasy。 〃Oppossum; opottis; opposse; or oh…pottery!〃

〃Harry;〃 said Richard; in a gentle reasonable voice; 〃I wish you
would be so kind as not to stay; if you cannot help distracting him。〃

And Harry; who really had a tolerable share of forbearance and
consideration; actually obeyed; contenting himself with tossing his
book into the air and catching it again; while he paused at the door
to give his last unsolicited assistance。 〃Decline oppossum you say。
I'll tell you how: 0…possum re…poses up a gum tree。  0…pot…you…I
will; says the 0…posse of Yankees; come out to ketch him。  Opossum
poses them and declines in 0…pot…esse by any manner of means of o…
potting…di…do…dum; was quite oppositum…oppotitu; in fact; quite

Richard; with the gravity of a victim; heard this sally of schoolboy
wit; which threw Ethel back on the sofa in fits of laughing; and
declaring that the Opossum declined; not that he was declined; but;
in the midst of the disturbance thus created; Tom stepped up to her;
and whispered; 〃Do tell me; Ethel!〃

〃Indeed I shan't;〃 said she。  〃Why don't you say fairly if you don't

He was obliged to confess his ignorance; and Richard made him
conjugate the whole verb opponor from beginning to end; in which he
wanted a good deal of help。

Ethel could not help saying; 〃How did you find out the meaning of
that word; Tom; if you didn't look out the verb?〃

〃Idon't know;〃 drawled Tom; in the voice; half sullen; half
piteous; which he always assumed when out of sorts。

〃It is very odd;〃 she said decidedly; but Richard took no notice; and
proceeded to the other lessons; which went off tolerably well; except
the arithmetic; where there was some great misunderstanding; into
which Ethel did not enter for some time。  When she did attend; she
perceived that Tom had brought a right answer; without understanding
the working of the sum; and that Richard was putting him through it。
She began to be worked into a state of dismay and indignation at
Tom's behaviour; and Richard's calm indifference; which made her
almost forget 'Jane Sparks'; and long to be alone with Richard; but
all the world kept coming into the room; and going out; and she could
not say what was in her mind till after dinner; when; seeing Richard
go up into Margaret's room; she ran after him; and entering it;
surprised Margaret; by not beginning on her books; but saying at
once; 〃Ritchie; I wanted to speak to you about Tom。  I am sure he
shuffled about those lessons。〃

〃I am afraid he does;〃 said Richard; much concerned。

〃What; do you mean that it is often so?〃

〃Much too often;〃 said Richard; 〃but I have never been able to detect
him; he is very sharp; and has some underhand way of preparing his
lessons that I cannot make out。〃

〃Did you know it; Margaret?〃 said Ethel; astonished not to see her
sister looked shocked as well as sorry。

〃Yes;〃 said Margaret; 〃Ritchie and I have often talked it over; and
tried to think what was to be done。〃

〃Dear me! why don't you tell papa?  It is such a terrible thing!〃

〃So it is;〃 said Margaret; 〃but we have nothing positive or tangible
to accuse Tom of; we don't know what he does; and have never caught
him out。〃

〃I am sure he must have found out the meaning of that oppositum in
some wrong wayif he had looked it out; he would only have found
opposite。  Nothing but opponor could have shown him the rendering
which he made。〃

〃That's like what I have said almost every day;〃 said Richard; 〃but
there we areI can't get any further。〃

〃Perhaps he guesses by the context;〃 said Margaret。

〃It would be impossible to do so always;〃 said both the Latin
scholars at once。

〃Well; I can't think how you can take it so quietly;〃 said Ethel。  〃I
would have told papa the first moment; and put a stop to it。  I have
a great mind to do so; if you won't。

〃Ethel; Ethel; that would never do!〃 exclaimed Margaret; 〃pray don't。
Papa would be so dreadfully grieved and angry with poor Tom。〃

〃Well; so he deserves;〃 said Ethel。

〃You don't know what it is to see papa angry;〃 said Richard。

〃Dear me; Richard!〃 cried Ethel; who thought she knew pretty well
what his sharp words were。  〃I'm sure papa never was angry with me;
without making me love him more; and; at least; want to be better。〃

〃You are a girl;〃 said Richard。

〃You are higher spirited; and shake off things faster;〃 said

〃Why; what do you think he would do to Tom?〃

〃I think he would be so very angry; that Tom; who; you know; is timid
and meek; would be dreadfully frightened;〃 said Richard。

〃That's just what he ought to be; frightened out of these tricks。〃

〃I am afraid it would frighten him into them still more;〃 said
Richard; 〃and perhaps give him such a dread of my father as would
prevent him from ever being open with him。〃

〃Besides; it would make papa so very unhappy;〃 added Margaret。  〃Of
course; if poor dear Tom had been found out in any positive deceit;
we ought to mention it at once; and let him be punished; but while it
is all vague suspicion; and of what papa has such a horror of; it
would only grieve him; and make him constantly anxious
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