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the daisy chain, or aspirations-第66章

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lays herself out to be ruled in quite a remarkable way。  I am sure;
though she does love learning; her real love is for goodness and for
you; papa。〃

Ethel would have thought her sacrifice well paid for; had she seen
her father's look of mournful pleasure。


0 ruthful scene! when from a nook obscure;
His little sister doth his peril see;
All playful as she sate; she grows demure;
She finds full soon her wonted spirits flee;
She meditates a prayer to set him free。

The setting sun shone into the great west window of the school at
Stoneborough; on its bare walls; the masters' desks; the forms
polished with use; and the square; inky; hacked and hewed chests;
carved with the names of many generations of boys。

About six or eight little boys were clearing away the books or papers
that they; or those who owned them as fags; had left astray; and a
good deal of talk and laughing was going; on among them。  〃Ha!〃
exclaimed one; 〃here has Harrison left his book behind him that he
was showing us the gladiators in!〃 and; standing by the third
master's desk; he turned over a page or two of Smith's 'Antiquities';
exclaiming; 〃It is full of pictureshere's an old man blowing the

〃Let me see!〃 cried Tom May; precipitating himself across the benches
and over the desk; with so little caution; that there was an outcry;
and; to his horror; he beheld the ink spilled over Mr。 Harrison's
book; while; 〃There; August! you've been and done it!〃  〃You'll catch
it! 〃 resounded on all sides。

〃What good will staring with your mouth open do!〃 exclaimed Edward
Anderson; the eldest present。  〃Here! a bit of blotting…paper this

Tom; dreadfully frightened; handed a sheet torn from an old paper…
case that he had inherited from Harry; saying despairingly; 〃It won't
take it out; will it?〃

〃No; little stupid head; but don't you see; I'm stopping it from
running down the edges; or soaking in。  He won't be the wiser till he
opens it again at that place。〃

〃When he does; he will;〃 said the bewildered Tom。

〃Let him。  It won't tell tales。〃

〃He's coming!〃 cried another boy; 〃he is close at the door。〃

Anderson hastily shut the book over the blotting…paper; which he did
not venture to retain in his hand; dragged Tom down from the desk;
and was apparently entirely occupied with arranging his own box; when
Mr。 Harrison came in。  Tom crouched behind the raised lid; quaking in
every limb; conscious he ought to confess; but destitute of
resolution to do so; and; in a perfect agony as the master went to
his desk; took up the book; and carried it away; so unconscious; that
Larkins; a great wag; only waited till his back was turned; to
exclaim; 〃Ha! old fellow; you don't know what you've got there!〃

〃Hallo!  May junior; will you never leave off staring? you won't see
a bit farther for it;〃 said Edward Anderson; shaking him by the ear;
〃come to your senses; and know your friends。〃

〃He'll open it!〃 gasped Tom。

〃So he will; but I'd bet ninety to one; it is not at that page; or if
he does; it won't tell tales; unless; indeed; he happened to see you
standing there; crouching and shaking。  That's the right way to bring
him upon you。〃

〃But suppose he opens it; and knows who was in school?〃

〃What then?  D'ye think we can't stand by each other; and keep our
own counsel?〃

〃But the blotting…papersuppose he knows that!〃

There was a laugh all round at this; 〃as if Harrison knew everyone's

〃Yes; but Harry used to write his name all over hisseeand draw
Union Jacks on it。〃

〃If he did; the date is not there。  Do you think the ink is going to
say March 2nd?  Why should not July have done it last half?〃

〃July would have told if he had;〃 said Larkins。  〃That's no go。〃

〃Ay!  That's the waythe Mays are all like girlscan't keep a
secretnot one of them。  There; I've done more for you than ever one
of them would have doneown itand he strode up to Tom; and grasped
his wrists; to force the confession from him。〃

〃Butbut he'll ask when he finds it out〃

〃Let him。  We know nothing about it。  Don't be coming the good boy
over me like your brothers。  That won't doI know whose eyes are not
too short…sighted to read upside down。〃

Tom shrank and looked abject; clinging to the hope that Mr。 Harrison
would not open the book for weeks; months; or years。

But the next morning his heart died within him; when he beheld the
unfortunate piece of blotting…paper; displayed by Mr。 Harrison; with
the inquiry whether any one knew to whom it belonged; and what made
it worse was; that his sight would not reach far enough to assure him
whether Harry's name was on it; and he dreaded that Norman or Hector
Ernescliffe should recognise the nautical designs。  However; both let
it pass; and no one through the whole school attempted to identify
it。  One danger was past; but the next minute Mr。 Harrison opened his
Smith's 'Antiquities' at the page where stood the black witness。  Tom
gazed round in despair; he could not see his brother's face; but
Edward Anderson; from the second form; returned him a glance of
contemptuous encouragement。

〃This book;〃 said Mr。 Harrison; 〃was left in school for a quarter of
an hour yesterday。  When I opened it again; it was in this condition。
Do any of you know how it happened?〃  A silence; and he continued;
〃Who was in school at this time?  Anderson junior; can you tell me
anything of it?〃

〃No; sir。〃

〃You know nothing of it?〃

〃No; sir。〃

Cold chills crept over Tom; as Mr。 Harrison looked round to refresh
his memory。  〃Larkins; do you know how this happened?〃

〃No; sir;〃 said Larkins boldly; satisfying his conscience because he
had not seen the manner of the overthrow。

〃Ernescliffe; were you there?〃

〃No; sir。〃

Tom's timid heart fluttered in dim hope that he had been overlooked;
as Mr。 Harrison paused; then said; 〃Remember; it is concealment that
is the evil; not the damage to the book。  I shall have a good opinion
ever after of a boy honest enough to confess; May junior; I saw you;〃
he added; hopefully and kindly。  〃Don't be afraid to speak out if you
did meet with a mischance。〃

Tom coloured and turned pale。  Anderson and Larkins grimaced at him;
to remind him that they had told untruths for his sake; and that he
must not betray them。  It was the justification he wanted; he was
relieved to fancy himself obliged to tell the direct falsehood; for
which a long course of petty acted deceits had paved the way; for he
was in deadly terror of the effects of truth。

〃No; sir。〃  He could hardly believe he had said the words; or that
they would be so readily accepted; for Mr。 Harrison had only the
impression that he knew who the guilty person was; and would not
tell; and; therefore; put no more questions to him; but; after a few
more vain inquiries; was baffled; and gave up the investigation。

Tom thought he should have been very unhappy; he had always heard
that deceit was a heavy burden; and would give continual stings; but
he was surprised to find himself very comfortable on the whole; and
able to dismiss repentance as well a
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