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the daisy chain, or aspirations-第78章

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strain too great to be always kept up; and he had reason to believe
he was eluded more than once。

At last came a capture; something like that of Tom; one which he
could not have well avoided making。  The victim was George Larkins;
the son of a clergyman in the neighbourhood; a wild; merry varlet;
who got into mischief rather for the sake of the fun than from any
bad disposition。

His look of consternation was exaggerated into a most comical
caricature; in order to hide how much of it was real。

〃So you are at that trick; Larkins。〃

〃There! that bet is lost!〃 exclaimed Larkins。  〃I laid Hill half…a…
crown that you would not see me when you were mooning over your

〃Well; I have seen you。  And now〃

〃Come; you would not thrash a fellow when you have just lost him
half…a…crown!  Single misfortunes never come alone; they say; so
there's my money and my credit gone; to say nothing of Ballhatchet's

The boy made such absurd faces; that Norman could hardly help
laughing; though he wished to make it a serious affair。  〃You know;
Larkins; I have given out that such things are not to be。  It is a
melancholy fact。〃

〃Ay; so you must make an example of me!〃 said Larkins; pretending to
look resigned。  〃Better call all the fellows together; hadn't you;
and make it more effective?  It would be grateful to one's feelings;
you know; and June;〃 added he; with a ridiculous confidential air;
〃if you'll only lay it on soft; I'll take care it makes noise enough。
Great cry; little wool; you know。〃

〃Come with me;〃 said Norman。  〃I'll take care you are example enough。
What did you give for those articles?〃

〃Fifteen…pence halfpenny。   Rascally dear; isn't it? but the old
rogue makes one pay double for the risk!  You are making his fortune;
you have raised his prices fourfold。〃

〃I'll take care of that。〃

〃Why; where are you taking me?  Back to him?〃

〃I am going to gratify your wish to be an example。〃

〃A gibbet! a gibbet〃 cried Larkins。  〃I'm to be turned off on the
spot where the crime took placea warning to all beholders。  Only
let me send home for old Neptune's chain; if you please; sirif you
hang me in the combined watch…chains of the school; I fear they would
give way and defeat the purposes of justice。〃

They were by this time at the bridge。  〃Come in;〃 said Norman to his
follower; as he crossed the entrance of the little shop; the first
time he had ever been there。  A little cringing shrivelled old man
stood up in astonishment。

〃Mr。 May! can I have the pleasure; sir?〃

〃Mr。 Ballhatchet; you know that it is contrary to the rules that
there should be any traffic with the school without special

〃Yes; sirjust nothing; sironly when the young gentlemen come
here; sirI'm an old man; sir; and I don't like not to oblige a
young gentleman; sir;〃 pleaded the old man; in a great fright。

〃Very likely;〃 said Norman; 〃but I am come to give you fair notice。
I am not going to allow the boys here to be continually smuggling
spirits into the school。〃

〃Spirits! bless you; sir; I never thought of no sich a thing!  'Tis
nothing in life but ginger…beervery cooling drink; sir; of my
wife's making she had the receipt from her grandmother up in
Leicestershire。  Won't you taste a bottle; sir?〃 and he hastily made
a cork bounce; and poured it out。

That; of course; was genuine; but Norman was 〃up to him;〃 in
schoolboy phrase。

〃Give me yours; Larkins。〃

No pop ensued。  Larkins; enjoying the detection; put his hands on his
knees and looked wickedly up in the old man's face to see what was

〃Bless me! it is a little flat。  I wonder how that happened?  I'll be
most happy to change it; sir。  Wife! what's the meaning of Mr。
Larkins's ginger…pop being so flat?〃

〃It is very curious ginger…beer indeed; Mr。 Ballhatchet;〃 said
Norman; 〃and since it is liable to have such strange properties; I
cannot allow it to be used any more at the school。〃

〃Very well; sir…as you please; sir。  You are the first gentleman as
has objected; sir。〃

〃And; once for all; I give you warning;〃 added Norman; 〃that if I
have reason to believe you have been obliging the young gentlemen;
the magistrates and the trustees of the road shall certainly hear of

〃You would not hurt a poor man; sir; as is drove to ityou as has
such a name for goodness!〃

〃I have given you warning;〃 said Norman。 〃The next time I find any of
your bottles in the school fields; your licence goes。  Now; there are
your goods。  Give Mr。 Larkins back the fifteen…pence。  I wonder you
are not ashamed of such a charge!〃

Having extracted the money; Norman turned to leave the shop。
Larkins; triumphant; 〃Ha! there's Harrison!〃 as the tutor rode by;
and they touched their caps。  〃How he stared!  My eyes! June; you'll
be had up for dealing with old Ball!〃 and he went into an ecstasy of
laughing。  〃You've settled him; I believe。  Well; is justice

〃It would be no use thrashing you;〃 said Norman; laughing; as he
leaned against the parapet of the bridge; and pinched the boy's ear。
〃There's nothing to be got out of you but chaff。〃

Larkins was charmed with the compliment。

〃But I'll tell you what; Larkins; I can't think how a fellow like you
can go and give in to these sneaking; underhand tricks that make you
ashamed to look one in the face。〃

〃It is only for the fun of it。〃

〃Well; I wish you would find your fun some other way。  Come; Larkins;
recollect yourself a littleyou have a home not so far off。  How do
you think your father and mother would fancy seeing you reading the
book you had yesterday; or coming out of Ballhatchet's with a bottle
of spirits; called by a false name?〃

Larkins pinched his fingers; home was a string that could touch him;
but it seemed beneath him to own it。  At that moment a carriage
approached; the boy's whole face lighted up; and he jumped forward。
〃Our own!〃 he cried。  〃There she is!〃

She was; of course; his mother; and Norman; though turning hastily
away that his presence might prove no restraint; saw the boy fly over
the door of the open carriage; and could have sobbed at the thought
of what that meeting was。

〃Who was that with you?〃 asked Mrs。 Larkins; when she had obtained
leave to have her boy with her; while she did her shopping。

〃That was May senior; our dux。〃

〃Was it?  I am very glad you should be with him; my dear George。
He is very kind to you; I hope?〃

〃He is a jolly good fellow;〃 said Larkins sincerely; though by no
means troubling himself as to the appropriateness of the eulogy; nor
thinking it necessary to explain to his mother the terms of the

It was not fruitless; Larkins did avoid mischief when it was not
extremely inviting; was more amenable to May senior; and having been
put in mind by him of his home; was not ashamed to bring the thought
to the aid of his eyes; when; on Sunday; during a long sermon of Mr。
Ramsden's; he knew that Axworthy was making the grimace which
irresistibly incited him to make a still finer one。

And Ballhatchet was so much convinced of 〃that there young May〃 being
in earnest; that he assured his persuasive customers that it wa
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